XVIII-wieczny, „nowy” system notacji monodii liturgicznej. Démotz de la Salle i jego Methode de plain-chant selon un nouveau système (1728)

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Wydawnictwo Muzyczne Polihymnia, Instytut Muzykologii KUL
Démotz de la Salle (†1741) was a French monk and music theorist. His name doesn’t appear in any modern music history handbook, perhaps because he was not a composer. We can suppose that he was interested in the monody only for liturgical and pastoral reasons. In 1728 he published „Methode de plain-chant selon un nouveau systeme”, a treatise which contains a description of a new liturgical monody notation. In the same year he published his second treatise, „Methode de musique selon un nouveau systheme”, which refers to the music in general context. The most interesting matter in his theoretical thought is a new conception of the liturgical monody notation, which had been approved by scholars of the Paris Academy of Sciences (Académie des Sciences) in 1726. There were no lines used in the traditional music notation. He introduced simple graphic signs which were inserted between each syllable of liturgical text. His new system was to be a more concise, simpler and more convenient to print, learn and practice.
"Annales Lublinenses pro Musica Sacra", 2011, nr 2, s. 11-20