Kiedy osoba konsekrowana modli się źle?

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Wydawnictwo KUL
Persons bored with their lite and disappointed with themselves are usually those who ceased to pray or, practising some prayer, do it in a wrong way St. Paul pointed to the fact that not all prayer is good and is not always undertaken in a correct way, emphasizing that in the situation when we “cannot pray as we ought to” (Rom 8,26), ot human ineptitude, the “Spirit comes to help us”, giving our prayer the form and content exceeding the measure ot human words (cf. ibid.) It can be easily imagined that not all consecrated persons, or not always, pray “as they ought to” (Rom 8,26). A consecrated persons prays improperly when he or she: - communes with a God who is too remote; - does not set aside enough time to the “exclusive” communication with God; - does not achieve a State ot authentic internal silence; - considers a situation ot anguish (physical, mental or spiritual) as circumstance excusing him or her from prayer; - is not involved in the prayer with his or her fuli being; - following a particular form or technique does not care about the content ot faith; - or when the prayer does not cause the extension ot ones heart. Man is never a perfect being who sets out to encounter God, but the very act ot approaching God - in the weakness and sinfulness - expresses good will to be trans-formed and sanctified by the merciful love ot God. In such situation God experiences joy, accepting the returning person and the man who receives mercy does not feel humiliated, but found and appreciated.
modlitwa, osoba konsekrowana, prayer, consecrated person
Wyzwolenie i modlitwa, red. J. K. Miczyński, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2016, s. 199-212.