Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne, 2017, T. 107

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    Urząd dyrektora muzeum diecezjalnego w aspekcie kanonicznym
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Adamczyk, Jerzy
    The following article is devoted to the office of the diocesan museum director in the canonic view. In the first part, the necessity of the diocesan museum director’s job is presented. The second part depicts the qualifications and the formation of the diocesan museum director. The final part is devoted to the duties of the diocesan museum’s leader.
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    Ks. Władysław Wanags MIC i jego posługa na Podolu w latach 1977-2001
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Biletska, Mariia
    The article presents Rev. Władysław Wanags, a Marian priest, and his achievements. He was born in Latvia, but most of his life spent in Soviet Ukraine working among the Catholics in Podolia. As an adult, he experienced inner conversion, which resulted in the choice of the priestly life. After a brief ministry in Latvia, he was directed by the church authorities to work in Ukraine in 1971. He became famous for uncompromising nature and courage that won him the respect from the faithful and the local party apparatus. He worked strenuously and served the congregation at a time when the communist authorities fought with religion and obstructed pastoral work. Rev. Wanags became famous as a great builder. He initiated and often actively participated in building twenty new churches, twenty-nine parish houses, two buildings for the seminary, a house for the poor and the elderly. All these buildings were erected within 10 years. He also managed to restore nine historic churches which had been ruined for decades. Even now the churches erected by him are called "wanagsowe" because of their appearance.
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    Szersznik w Cieszynie i Kluk w Ciechanowcu, czyli o pierwszych muzeach księży, a nie książąt, na ziemiach polskich
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Bogus, Marzena
    The article aims to compare the museums which belonged to two clergymen: L. J. Szersznik of Cieszyn and J. K. Kluk of Ciechanowiec. Their collections were created on the basis of the Enlightenment ideas which they followed in their lives. Establishing these institutions, the founders were guided by similar aims and intentions as well as similar research interests. They strove to propagate knowledge, especially natural science, by collecting exhibits useful for the study based on observation. In spite of the limited financial resources for exhibits, their collections significantly contributed to satisfying intellectual curiosity. The study shows that the actions of individuals, even if they are in an unfavourable material situation, are important for the development of culture. The aforementioned clergymen and scholars created two institutions, the purpose of which was to promote education by means of observation. The museums which they created, though different in size, were expressions of their personal fascination and certain regional representatives of culture and science, which had to be propagated. The aim of these institutions was not only to collect exhibits but also to educate; both priests had similar intentions: raising people’s intellectual level by creating collections (books and exhibits). Szersznik emphasized the social mission more clearly, while Kluk, thanks to his scientific publications, broadened knowledge (especially in agriculture) of many people. They disseminated knowledge not only among educated people but also wanted to show the world to the wider public, including burghers or peasants. Szersznik sought to create an open museum, and Kluk provided in his writings what he had observed and explored.
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    Bractwa religijne w epoce staropolskiej w świetle ich organizacji i struktury wewnętrznej
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Flaga, Jerzy
    The internal structure of the religious fraternities shows that it was, if not exemplary, certainly well thought out and carried out with full awareness. It reflects well on fraternities, even though they were very common organizations and had a large number of people with different social status as well as educational and intellectual levels, because they were open to all those willing to join them. Perhaps that is why, in addition to the devotional and religious reasons given by the Church, they were so commonplace. All of this undoubtedly affected the role that fraternities, or more broadly, religious associations played in the history of the Church, the entire societies and local communities of those times.
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    Informacje bibliograficzne na łamach czasopisma „Fides – Biuletyn Bibliotek Kościelnych” (1995-2015)
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Gołda, Agnieszka
    The article focuses on the issues of the semi-annual "Fides – Biuletyn Bibliotek Kościelnych" of the years 1995-2015, published and made available online by the Federation of Church Libraries FIDES. One of the tasks of the founding body was the promotion of bibliographic activity. The author searched for bibliographic information in the journal in order to present how these objectives were accomplished. The article presents bibliographies concerning church libraries, bibliographies of journal content, biobibliographies and bibliographies of the internet texts. The author attempted to present the methodological assumptions of the lists and their subject matter.