Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne, 2017, T. 107
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- ItemFinansowanie akcji charytatywnej w diecezji katowickiej w czasie wielkiego kryzysu(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Hadrych, ZbigniewThe great economic crisis caused disastrous social consequences, which resulted in significant deterioration of the financial situation of the inhabitants in the Diocese of Katowice. The most important negative consequences of the economic crisis included unemployment rate at about 40%, vast areas of poverty and the threat of demoralization (alcoholism, vagrancy, prostitution, street children). The Catholic Church took some measures to reduce the negative effects of the crisis. It took care of financing some activities, obtaining the support from the faithful (offerings, special donations, contributions from the members of charitable organizations), local government and central institutions, and organizing various charity events (evenings, dances, stage plays). Particular emphasis should be given to dedication of the clergy and the faithful involved in the work of charities. Their contribution greatly surpassed the donations of other inhabitants of the Province of Silesia. Those of the faithful who were the most aware of the situation - the clergy and parishioners - rose to the challenge and assisted people who were in need. Thanks to their work and generosity, the Church could successfully organize large-scale charity events.
- ItemUrząd dyrektora muzeum diecezjalnego w aspekcie kanonicznym(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Adamczyk, JerzyThe following article is devoted to the office of the diocesan museum director in the canonic view. In the first part, the necessity of the diocesan museum director’s job is presented. The second part depicts the qualifications and the formation of the diocesan museum director. The final part is devoted to the duties of the diocesan museum’s leader.
- ItemDwa nieznane średniowieczne dokumenty do dziejów lwowskiego kościoła Św. Ducha(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Trawka, RenataIn the W. Stefanyk Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv, under the reference number: Fond 5, op. 1, spr. 2155, there is a 16th-century manuscript, which contains, among others, the copies of several documents of the 14th and 15th centuries. The documents were prepared on the initiative of Adam Mniszkowski, a provost of the Holy Spirit Hospital and a prebendary of St. Catherine’s Chapel at the Lviv Low Castle. Among them are two unpublished documents concerning the endowment of the Holy Spirit Church in Lviv. The first of them-produced by the Archbishop of Halicz Jakub Strepa in 1399- confirms that the nobleman Michał of Malechów gave the rector of the mentioned church an annual rent from the income of the inn in Malechów. The other document was prepared in 1405 by Jakub, a rector of the Holy Spirit Church in Lviv and a judicial vicar of Halicz. He gave Stanisław Żelko, a village leader assistant, the meadow in Sroki together with the forest and the oak tree area with the aim of making it arable land in exchange for the annual rent paid to each rector of the hospital church after the period of wolnizna (the period during which a settler was exempt from paying duties). An analysis of the form indicates that this latter document was also produced in the office of the Archbishop of Halicz. The list of the witnesses to the document includes representatives of the nobility of Lviv and Przemyśl and the townspeople of Lviv. In addition to the characteristics of the content of the both documents, the article also presents their critical editing.
- ItemSzersznik w Cieszynie i Kluk w Ciechanowcu, czyli o pierwszych muzeach księży, a nie książąt, na ziemiach polskich(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Bogus, MarzenaThe article aims to compare the museums which belonged to two clergymen: L. J. Szersznik of Cieszyn and J. K. Kluk of Ciechanowiec. Their collections were created on the basis of the Enlightenment ideas which they followed in their lives. Establishing these institutions, the founders were guided by similar aims and intentions as well as similar research interests. They strove to propagate knowledge, especially natural science, by collecting exhibits useful for the study based on observation. In spite of the limited financial resources for exhibits, their collections significantly contributed to satisfying intellectual curiosity. The study shows that the actions of individuals, even if they are in an unfavourable material situation, are important for the development of culture. The aforementioned clergymen and scholars created two institutions, the purpose of which was to promote education by means of observation. The museums which they created, though different in size, were expressions of their personal fascination and certain regional representatives of culture and science, which had to be propagated. The aim of these institutions was not only to collect exhibits but also to educate; both priests had similar intentions: raising people’s intellectual level by creating collections (books and exhibits). Szersznik emphasized the social mission more clearly, while Kluk, thanks to his scientific publications, broadened knowledge (especially in agriculture) of many people. They disseminated knowledge not only among educated people but also wanted to show the world to the wider public, including burghers or peasants. Szersznik sought to create an open museum, and Kluk provided in his writings what he had observed and explored.
- ItemInformacje bibliograficzne na łamach czasopisma „Fides – Biuletyn Bibliotek Kościelnych” (1995-2015)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Gołda, AgnieszkaThe article focuses on the issues of the semi-annual "Fides – Biuletyn Bibliotek Kościelnych" of the years 1995-2015, published and made available online by the Federation of Church Libraries FIDES. One of the tasks of the founding body was the promotion of bibliographic activity. The author searched for bibliographic information in the journal in order to present how these objectives were accomplished. The article presents bibliographies concerning church libraries, bibliographies of journal content, biobibliographies and bibliographies of the internet texts. The author attempted to present the methodological assumptions of the lists and their subject matter.
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- ItemTestament świątobliwej Ofki Piastówny OP, przeoryszy raciborskich dominikanek z 1358 roku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Stefaniak, PiotrOn 8 December 1258, an almost sixty-year-old prioress of the Racibórz Dominican Nuns, Ofka Piastówna, made a will before a notary public, Piotr Gotfridi, a presbyter of Wrocław. It is one of the two known legal documents of this type from the Middle Ages, which were produced by a nun coming from a noble family living on Polish soil. On this occasion the Dominican monastery in Racibórz hosted the notables from the local duke's court, including Mikołaj II Przemyślida, representatives of the knighthood, the burghers and the authorities of the Polish Dominican Province. In her will, Ofka secured the economic prosperity of the monastery, which was headed by her, and founded by her father, Duke Przemyslaw Piastowicz. The will which was prepared in Latin in two similar versions was held by the Racibórz Dominican Nuns in the archives to the moment of the dissolution of their monastery ordered by Frederick William III on 30 October 1810. Then, together with other documents, it was finally stored in the State Archives in Wrocław, where it was destroyed or stolen at the end of the war in 1945. Now we know this document from the Codexdiplomaticus Silesiae edition.
- ItemMuzeum Jana Pawła II w Stalowej Woli – kościelna placówka muzealna przy parafii pw. Matki Bożej Królowej Polski(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Gurba, Stanisław
- ItemStatut Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Archiwum Diecezjalnego imienia błogosławionego Wincentego Kadłubka w Kielcach(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Kwaśniewski, Andrzej
- ItemOprawy woluminów z księgozbioru kanonika gnieźnieńskiego Leonarda Walkonowskiego w zasobach Archiwum Archidiecezjalnego w Gnieźnie(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Franczak, RadosławThe article presents additional volumes found in the collections of the former Cathedral Library, formerly owned by the Canon of Gniezno Leonard Walkonowski, (around 1550-1617). The author pays special attention to the bindings of the volumes, trying to determine when and where they were made. On the other hand, thanks to a thorough analysis of the supralibros, it was possible to determine Walkonowski's affiliation with the Poraj family.
- ItemZnaki pamięci. O komemoratywnym charakterze obrazka religijnego(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Jarkiewicz, KatarzynaShaped in the fifteenth century religious images in Baroque took commemorative figure corresponding to the specifics of Catholic funeral rites. It became a symbol of mourning leaflets imparting basic knowledge of deceased persons and inspiring prayers and memorial services. Mourners in the sense of religious obligation hid the souvenirs in the prayer books and drawers, pinned to the memory array or presented in other places. This process strengthened the experience of world wars that shaped the need to honor the soldiers' images. Secular heroes thus replaced Christ and the saints. Culture memory strengthened and included on the pictures secular content. Disappears need to care for the salvation of the living dead for mentioning them as relevant to our identity as people. This process intensifies the penetration of virtual reality memorabilia and development of the funeral culture.
- ItemStalinowska konstytucja z 1936 r. i nadzieje wierzących na Sowieckiej Ukrainie na zmianę antyreligijnej polityki bolszewików(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Kuśnierz, RobertThis article discusses Ukrainians’ hope for a change of the anti-religious Bolshevik policy after the adoption of the Stalin Constitution in 1936. Article 124 of the constitution encouraged the faithful to ask for reactivating closed churches, releasing arrested priests and allowing priests to conduct their duties. However, the constitution did not lead to any improvement in the life of the faithful. The Bolsheviks adopted "the most democratic constitution in the world", but they interpreted liberties it contained in their own way.
- ItemDziedzictwo kulturowe świętej Kingi. Ze zbiorów Biblioteki Sióstr Klarysek w Starym Sączu(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Mirek, MałgorzataFrom 14 June to 25 August 2013, the “Dawna Synagoga” Gallery, one of the branches of the District Museum in Nowy Sącz, hosted the exhibition "St Kinga’s Cultural Heritage". The purpose of this exhibition was to show a wider audience the artistic heritage of the Poor Clares Monastery in Stary Sącz. Most of the exhibits were presented outside the monastery walls for the first time. Among them were items belonging to St Kinga, valuable works of handicraft, the oldest written texts, as well as sculptures and paintings of high artistic value from the 15th to the 18th centuries.
- ItemMisja jako element zarządzania strategicznego muzeum(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Szostak, Agnieszka
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- ItemŚwięcenia duchowne Łukasza Watzenrode (1447-1512). Przyczynek do biografii biskupa warmińskiego(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Kaczmarek, KrzysztofHistorians have been interested in the Bishop of Warmia Łukasz Watzenrode for many years, mainly because of his close affinity with Nicolas Copernicus and the complicated history of the Diocese of Warmia during this bishop's reign. The part of Łukasz's life which preceded his bishop's election has not aroused such interest. And therefore this article is about this less known fragment of his biography. It deals with the issues related to Watzenrode taking lesser vows and being ordained a priest. The information about bishop Watzenrode having all ordines, including the priesthood, at the end of the 1470s was questioned. The research showed that it was not until the spring of 1487 that he received all higher ordinations. This fact should be connected with the plans of appointing him to the Episcopal capital of Lidzbark Warmiński as a successor of Mikołaj Tungen.
- ItemDuszpasterskie i naukowe związki Kardynała Karola Wojtyły - Ojca Świętego Jana Pawła II z Kościołem na Górnym Śląsku. Rekonesans badawczy(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Warząchowska, BogumiłaKardynał Karol Wojtyła wywarł znaczny wpływ na rozwój Kościoła powszechnego i lokalnego umacniając więź między Kościołami metropolii krakowskiej. Pontyfikat Jana Pawła II nadał nowy kierunek papiestwu, otwierając Kościół na problemy etyczne, moralne, filozoficzne i społeczne. Encykliki, adhortacje, orędzia, listy pasterskie i cały dorobek duszpasterski i teologiczny Ojca Świętego był i jest zachętą do podejmowania kolejnych badań przez pracowników naukowych i studentów Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach. Wyniki tych badań znajdują odzwierciedlenie na łamach „Śląskich Studiów Historyczno-Teologicznych” oraz w dysertacjach Wydziału Teologicznego UŚ. Problemy poruszane przez papieża inspirowały i nadal inspirują lokalne środowisko akademickie do refleksji nad papieskim nauczaniem. Cardinal Karol Wojtyła had a considerable impact on the development of the universal and local Church, strengthening the bond between the Churches of the Metropolis of Krakow. The pontificate of John Paul II gave a new direction of the papacy by opening the Church to ethical, moral, philosophical and social problems. Encyclicals, exhortations, addresses, pastoral letters and the whole pastoral and theological heritage of the Holy Father have been an incentive to undertake further research by academics and students of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Silesia in Katowice. The results of these studies are reflected in the pages of “Śląskie Studia Historyczno-Teologiczne” and the dissertations of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Silesia. The problems addressed by the Pope have inspired the local academic community to reflect on the papal teaching.
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