The Biblical Annals, 2023, Tom 13 (70), Nr 2

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    Christoph Heilig, The Apostle and the Empire. Paul’s Implicit and Explicit Criticism of Rome (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans 2022)
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Kowalski, Marcin
    Book Review: Christoph Heilig, The Apostle and the Empire. Paul’s Implicit and Explicit Criticism of Rome (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans 2022). Pp. 192 + xxii. ISBN 978-0-8028-8223-3
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    Jan ze Lwowa i Erazm z Rotterdamu. Grecki tekst Nowego Testamentu a pierwodruk (1561) oraz zrewidowana edycja (1575) "Biblii Leopolity"
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Rubik, Tadeusz
    Autor dowodzi, że tłumaczenie Nowego Testamentu z katolickiej Biblii Leopolity (1561) jest w znacznej mierze oparte na tekście greckim Erazma z Rotterdamu oraz jego pracach tekstualno-krytycznych, zawartych w Novum Instrumentum. Autor dowodzi ponadto, że wpływ ten był eliminowany w zrewidowanej edycji Biblii Leopolity z 1575 r. Tezy te wsparte są analizą ośmiu przykladów wpływów prac Erazma na polską translację. Author argues that the translation of the New Testament from the Polish Catholic Leopolita’s Bible (1561) was, to a significant extent, based on Erasmus’ of Rotterdam Greek text, and textual-critical scholarship as in the editions of Novum Instrumentum. Furthermore author argues that this influence was being removed in the revised edition of the Leopolita’s Bible (1575) because it was considered as controversial by some of the Catholics. These theses are supported by discussing eight textual examples of Erasmus’ influence on the Polish translation (out of 18 identified dependencies).
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    The Characterisation of Joseph by Matthew (Matt 1–2; 13:55)
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Mielcarek, Krzysztof Wojciech
    The article presents the figure of Joseph and his place in the narrative by the first evangelist in Matt 1–2. Apart from the arguments for the unifying function of Mary’s spouse in the whole Infancy Narrative, the most important features of Joseph highlighted by Matthew are emphasised. Those include the attitude of the righteous man, the fact of belonging to the royal family of King David, the bond and similarity to the actions of the patriarchs, as well as the silent and ascetic nature of the spouse and parent. Despite many similarities to the Lukan narrative, the first evangelist stresses different aspects in his characterisation of Joseph. Using the tools proposed by Cornelis Bennema, the author of the paper also assesses the degree of characterisation of the person under study, his role in the narrative and his representative value for the modern reader.
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    The Division and Structure of “David’s Compositions” (11Q5)
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Biegas, Marcin
    The 11Q5 scroll is the longest and best-preserved manuscript containing psalms. In col. XXVII, it includes a hitherto unknown work, bearing the title “David’s Compositions.” Beginning with the critical edition, through various works devoted to the analysis of the composition from col. XXVII (2–11), the text is considered the only instance of prose in 11Q5. The main aim of the paper is to analyse the text of David’s Compositions in order to determine its literary form and structure. The paper is divided into several sections. The first section presents the Hebrew text with an English translation and a few remarks focused on the physical description of the text of David’s Compositions. The next one is a brief analysis of the internal context of the end of the Great Psalms Scroll, where the analysed text of David’s Compositions can be found. Finally, and most importantly, the Compositions were divided into verses and their literary form and structure was determined.