Książki/rozdziały (Jan Paweł II)

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    Zrównoważony rozwój człowieka w nauczaniu Papieża Jana Pawła II
    (Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów i Przyjaciół Wydziału Prawa Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2023) Lewandowski, Paweł
    Idea zrównoważonego rozwoju , uznawana współcześnie za bardzo aktualną naukowo i światopoglądowo , charakteryzuje się szeroką gamą interpretacji jej celów, zasad i stojących przed nią wyzwań. Chrześcijańska inspiracja rzeczonej zasady odwołuje się do biblijnego opisu stworzenia świata (Rdz 1,1-31), z jednej strony określającego relację człowieka do otaczającej przyrody w charakterze panowania, z drugiej zaś zobowiązującego go do ofiarnej troski o to, co zostało mu powierzone. Pomijając historię kształtowania się koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju w perspektywie chrześcijańskiej, należy uznać ogromny wkład kolejnych papieży, w tym Jana Pawła II (1978-2005), dla poprawnego interpretowania analizowanej idei. Z racji przyjętej koncepcji raportu pokonferencyjnego i związanego z tym ograniczenia dotyczącego objętości publikacji, należy zwrócić uwagę na najważniejsze kwestie związane z nauczaniem Papieża zawężonego do wybranych encyklik w przedmiocie zrównoważonego rozwoju człowieka.
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    Osoba niepełnosprawna, chora, cierpiąca: nauczanie Jana Pawła II
    (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2000) Kornas-Biela, Dorota
    A significant feature of John Paul H’s pontificate is its direction towards man and family that struggle against the problem of suffering, disease and disability. He constantly speaks about them and to them, reminding the world about their dignity, value and rights. He stresses the inborn value of a disabled person, i.e. the fact that lack of health or a handicap, independently of its kind or degree, is not able to infringe his essential personal structure, the human spirit that enlivens him. Even a most disabled person is not different from others as far as the personal plane is concerned. This is why he is entitled to enjoy the inborn and inviolable human rights, and because of his limitations he has special rights and the community has special obligations to him. In the supernatural aspect a disabled man is God's sign, His “image”, he has the stamp of His creative power in himself. It was God who called him into being. Hence each moment of a person who is even most deeply handicapped is worth living as every spark of life is supported and ennobled by God Himself. Each “particle of life” is designed to be resurrected. In the history of salva­tion a disabled person takes the first place, because he is closest to the Cross. United to Christ through suffering he becomes a co-redeemer of the world. His suffering was redeemed and he himself is a tool for redeeming the world. His role in redeeming the world is priceless (“the weight of gold”). Like every person, he was called into being “by the name”; he has his own and unique vocation in his life, including vocation to give and get love, to sainthood and to joy. He is also called to find the meaning of suffering, accepting it and treating it as a gift of love to others and to the Church (e.g. as a mission gesture). The parents of a disabled child face especially important tasks as in the light of faith they have to discover the meaning of the mystery of their suffering and to gain the conviction that God wants their child for Himself and that the child is also for them His gift. In the context of the epoch appraising life through the amount of pleasure, of things one owns, through abilities and prestige, the epoch that resorts to abortion and euthanasia in order to get rid of suffering, a disabled man is a special challenge. He gives testimony to accidental character of the human being, to the weakness of the human condition that is susceptible to disease, suffering and death. His presence reminds one of how fragile and elusive life is; of the fact that it is a value that has to be used competently, that has to be cared for and respected. It teaches others that suffering may be accepted without a loss of dignity and it directs one to higher values and to supernaturality. On the other hand, in people surrounding him he releases solidary and charitable love contributing to his sanctification, as by serving the suffering man they serve Jesus Himself. The Holy Father has based his whole pontificate on the valuable aid from the ones that are weak in the human sense but through their suffering they become like Christ and they are strong by virtue of His strength. This is why he keeps asking them for prayers and for sacrificing their sufferings and in various ways he expresses his gratitude to them for those spiritual gifts.
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    Macierzyństwo w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II
    (Redakcja Wydawnictw KUL, 1999) Kornas-Biela, Dorota
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    The Social Character of Christian Education in John Paul II’s Teaching
    (VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku, 2015) Łuczyński, Andrzej
    John Paul II combined the principles of Christian education with social issues. In his teaching Christian education (integral development of the human person) was associated closely with the formation of social and pro-social attitudes. In this perspective, conscious striving for holiness permeates the mature personality shaping young man - proper use of the gift of personal freedom, the attitude of love for other people and social activity. The concept of Christian education of John Paul II has dynamic character because it links the spiritual development (self-development) and social development (commitment to the common good).
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    Kanonizacja Jana Pawła II w radiu regionalnym na przykładzie Polskiego Radia Lublin
    (Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów Dzieło, 2016) Wójciszyn-Wasil, Aneta
    Artykuł zawiera analizę audycji Polskiego Radia Lublin przygotowanych z okazji kanonizacji Jana Pawła II. Szczególnie uwypuklony jest kontekst regionalny omawianego wydarzenia. Autorka wskazuje na społeczne funkcje radia lokalnego, omawia audialne sposoby modelowania treści przekazu. Podejmuje również próbę opisania radiowych formuł narracyjnych, adekwatnych do przekazu wartości, co wydaje się szczególnym wyzwaniem dla współczesnych mediów.