Verbum Vitae, 2023, T. 41, Nr 4: Varia
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- ItemCritical Edition and Philological Analysis of the Isa 53 Text Based on the Coptic Manuscript of sa 52 (M 568) and Other Coptic Manuscripts of the Sahidic Dialect and the Greek Text of the Septuagint(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Bąk, Tomasz BartłomiejThe article is a critical edition, translation, and philological analysis of the Isa 53 text, prepared on the basis of the Coptic manuscript of sa 52 and other available manuscripts, written in the Sahidic dialect. Its first part outlines general information about the section of codex sa 52 (M 568) that contains the analyzed text. This is followed by a list and brief description of other manuscripts that contain at least some verses from sa 53. The most important part of the article is the presentation of the Sahidic text and its translation into English. The differences identified between the Coptic translation and the Greek Septuagint were presented in a table. It includes, for example, additions and omissions in the Sahidic translation, lexical changes, and semantic differences. The final part of the article aims to clarify more challenging philological issues observed either in the Coptic text itself or in its relation to the Greek text of the LXX.
- ItemEcclesio-Mariological Interpretation of Rev 12:1–6 in Early Christian Writings(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Czyżewski, Bogdan StanisławEarly Christian literature contains numerous commentaries on the books of the Holy Scripture, including the Revelation of St. John. Among the many symbols it contains, we can find an intriguing theme related to the sign of a Woman clothed with the sun (cf. Rev 12:1–6). Nowadays, the above-mentioned passage is most often interpreted in the Mariological spirit. An ecclesiological explanation is provided frequently too. It turns out that in the writings of the early Church authors, the reference to the Church was decidedly the dominant one, while the interpretation favoring Mary was almost marginal. A mixed interpretation was formulated too, for example, by Quodvultdeus. It features three images: ecclesial, Christological, and Mariological. This paper will present the statements made by early Christian authors, representing both the Eastern and the Western Church, on the meaning of the sign of the Woman in the Revelation, and on the ways they interpreted it in commentaries on this book of the Bible.
- ItemElements of Apophatic Theology in the Writings of Elizabeth of the Trinity(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Miczyński, JanThe article is a theological and spiritual reflection on the spiritual doctrine of the French mystic St. Elizabeth of the Trinity OCD (Élisabeth Catez), who lived from 1880 to 1906. The present study seeks to explain the reason why apart from cataphatic (positive) expressions, characteristic of nuptial Carmelite mysticism, which Elizabeth represents, her writings sometimes contain apophatic (negative) expressions, emphasizing the unknowability of God. The historical and literary, hermeneutical, philological and comparative analyses of her work lead to the following conclusions; as a Carmelite she consciously referred to the teaching of the Areopagite (Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite) and to the later continuator of his thought, Bl. John Ruusbroec (Ruysbroeck); however, to apophatic expressions – e.g. infinite, unchanging, inaccessible, indescribable, immovable, inexhaustible, unknown, invisible, incomprehensible, incomparable, elusive – she gave a nuptial tone, for the sake of emphasizing the beauty and poetic nature of the bridal love of God and man. For this reason, Elizabeth does not represent the apophatic trend, but uses its language to emphasize the beauty of God and the poetic character of his relationship with man.
- ItemElisa Chiorrini, Corso di greco biblico. Fonetica, morfologia enote di sintassi (Analecta 93; Milano, Terra Santa Edizioni 2022)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Piwowar, AndrzejRecenzja książki: Elisa Chiorrini, Corso di greco biblico. Fonetica, morfologia e note di sintassi (Analecta 93; Milano: Terra Santa 2022). Ss. 543. 39 EUR. ISBN 979-12-5471-133. Book review: Elisa Chiorrini, Corso di greco biblico. Fonetica, morfologia e note di sintassi (Analecta 93; Milano: Terra Santa 2022). Pp. 543. 39 EUR. ISBN 979-12-5471-133.
- ItemHistory and Development of Clergy Training in Poland(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Pawlina, KrzysztofAmong the many issues related to priesthood, questions often arise about how the Church prepares pupils/students for priestly service, what this formation involves and who is responsible for it. The article attempts to answer these questions from a historical perspective. It begins by presenting the idea of seminary life and the beginnings of the institution of theological seminaries. Then it discusses the decision of the Council of Trent, which obliged the Church to establish theological seminaries in all dioceses. The next stage in the education of the clergy was introduced by the document of the Second Vatican Council, Optatam Totius, which defines the nature and mission of a priest. It obliged local churches to develop their own Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis. The Polish Ratio Fundamentalis drew its inspiration from this document. The analysis of the new Ratio for Polish seminaries developed in 2021 concludes the latest stage in the history of clergy formation.
- ItemImplementing the Principle of the Common Good in Classical and Social Enterprises(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Marek, Agnieszka; Kostrzewa, Sylwia; Zadroga, AdamThis publication aims to identify similarities and differences in the ways of implementing the principle of the common good in classical (commercial) and social enterprises. Given the differences between social and classical enterprises in terms of their objectives and modes of action, it has to be stressed that the nature of the contribution they make to the common good differs in terms of subject and object. The research is embedded in Catholic social teaching (CST) because this approach presents one of the theoretically and practically richest theories of the common good, and secondly, it allows to discover modern ways of building the common good while respecting centuries of tradition and referring to philosophical classics. The common good principle in the light of CST lets us focus not only on the material but also the transcendental aims of human work and life which lead to more sustainable management. Commercial enterprises strengthen intellectual capital and expand technological and business knowledge. The profit earned by these companies essentially contributes to the good of society (taxes, investment, charity), including employees (bonuses, training). Social enterprises, on the other hand, have the advantage of investing in social capital and thus building a civil society based on mutual trust and support, especially at a local and institutional level. The profit generated by these organisations is a means to achieve social goals and not an end in itself. The results of our research show that both commercial and social enterprises contribute to common good on their own ways but the best results can be achieved when they cooperate and use all of their strengths for building the better future.
- ItemLending and Borrowing in the Teaching of Sirach (Sir 29:1–7)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Piwowar, AndrzejAmong the various topics and issues that Ben Sira discusses in his book is the issue of borrowing. The sage covers it in detail and at length in Sir 29:1–7, presenting it not from a financial and economic perspective, but from a sapiential viewpoint, appropriate to the nature of his work. The purpose of this article is to explore Sirach’s teaching on the subject of borrowing and lending of material goods. As a preliminary matter, the issue of borrowing in the setting of the ancient Near East and in biblical Israel is presented in a highly synthetic manner. Next, the boundaries of the literary unit that is the subject of the presented analyses and its structure are defined. In the remainder of the article, the Greek text of Sir 29:1–7 (the Hebrew version of this pericope is not known) is exegetically analyzed drawing on the historical-critical method. The examined literary unit is divided into two main parts. The first is a discussion of the general rules concerning lending and borrowing, i.e. based on the texts of the Torah, the obligation to grant a loan also reminds one of the obligation to return the debt according to the terms agreed upon. The second part of the pericope depicts the difficulties associated with not returning borrowed goods on the part of dishonest borrowers (delay in returning the loan, making excuses, even aggression towards the creditor). Fundamental to the sage’s teaching on the subject of borrowing are the texts of the Pentateuch saying that one should give loans. However, the author is a realist and therefore devotes much of his reflection on the issue to the difficulties involved in returning borrowed goods, with a view to encouraging his disciples to adopt an attitude of prudence and caution lest they suffer the loss of some of their possessions. Yet, despite these risks, he encourages them to support those in need with loans.
- ItemMarek Parchem, Interpretacja Biblii w Qumran i inne studia (Biblica et Judaica 8; Pelplin: Bernardinum 2020)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Napiwodzki, DawidRecenzja książki: Marek Parchem, Interpretacja Biblii w Qumran i inne studia (Biblica et Judaica 8; Pelplin: Bernardinum 2020). Ss. 478. ISBN 978-83-8127-429-6. Book review: Marek Parchem, Interpretacja Biblii w Qumran i inne studia (Biblica et Judaica 8; Pelplin: Bernardinum 2020). Pp. 478. ISBN 978–83–8127–429–6.
- ItemPaul Copan – Ronald K. Tacelli (red.), Zmartwychwstanie Jezusa: fakt czy fikcja? Debata Williama Lane’a Craiga i Gerda Lüdemanna (Warszawa: Fundacja Prodoteo 2023)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Walczak, MarcinRecenzja książki: Paul Copan – Ronald K. Tacelli (red.), Zmartwychwstanie Jezusa: fakt czy fikcja? Debata Williama Lane’a Craiga i Gerda Lüdemanna (tł. A. Czwojdrak; Warszawa: Fundacja Prodoteo 2023). Ss. 240. 49,90 PLN. ISBN: 978-83-67634-08-3. Book review: Paul Copan – Ronald K. Tacelli (ed.), Zmartwychwstanie Jezusa: fakt czy fikcja? Debata Williama Lane’a Craiga i Gerda Lüdemanna (Warszawa: Fundacja Prodoteo 2023). Pp. 240. 49,90 PLN. ISBN: 978-83-67634-08-3.
- ItemProtestant Church Strategy in Building Spiritual Identity for Generation Alpha(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Gultom, Joni Manumpak ParulianThis research aims to explain Protestant Church strategy in building Christian identity for Generation Alpha (Gen Alpha) amidst the adverse effects of globalization. Currently, the generation is navigating the complex terrain of a postmodern era characterized by the pervasive dissemination of concepts such as skepticism, subjectivism, and relativism. Gen Alpha has experienced a profound shift in cultural values, with a marked transition from religiosity to secularity. Consequently, Church must direct its attention towards the ideological and spiritual well-being of the generation. The influence of distortionary forces on the perception of reality is a matter of concern, stemming from various sources such as peers in the community, the educational system, social media, and the vast expanse of the Internet. The result show that Gen Alpha has been raised in the context of post-Christian and post-Church cultural environments. In this research, a qualitative research approach is used, predominantly through an extensive review of pertinent literature. The examination commences with an in-depth exploration of Gen Alpha and the formation of spiritual identity. Subsequently, the strategic initiatives conducted by Protestant Church are examined and the initiatives include worship services, fatherly mentorship, and cultivating a strong Christian identity. The conclusion shows the collaborative efforts of Church with the pastoral team, in the construction of its ministry. This is characterized by the implementation of transpersonal actions, the guiding of healing initiatives for the needs of families, and the cultivation of personalized spiritual practices. An important component of the comprehensive strategy includes the training and education of fathers to assume a central role in building the spiritual development of children. Furthermore, Church values the spiritual building of children aged between 4 and 14 years to fortify Christian identity.
- ItemReception of the Pentateuch in the Medieval Polish Apocrypha of the New Testament(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Rojszczak-Robińska, DorotaThe purpose of this article is to analyze the translation and reception of the Pentateuch in medieval Poland by examining the Old Polish (vernacular) apocrypha of the New Testament. It analyses, for example, passages in which a verse from the Pentateuch is quoted or paraphrased, in which a quotation from the Books of Moses is omitted by an evangelist, as well as all passages in which the names of various figures and heroes of the Old Testament Pentateuch, are invoked. It turned out that in medieval Polish-language biblical apocryphal narratives the Pentateuch functions differently from other biblical and patristic sources. It is not used as freely as the Gospels or the Psalms. It is used to characterize the Jewish world and the precepts of the Law. Quotes from the books of Moses rarely function as prophecies. The Pentateuch in Old Polish apocrypha functions as a reservoir of stories, a collection of catchphrases to be evoked. This is because while the heroes of the Old Testament were prominent in preaching, art, and language, the text of the Torah was not frequently translated into the Polish language.
- ItemSociocultural Power of Biblical Translation in Early Modern Europe: The Cases of the Ostroh Bible (1581) and the King James Bible (1611)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Shmiher, Taras; Dzera, OksanaThis paper presents sociocultural profiles of the Ostroh Bible (1581) and the King James Version of the Bible (1611) in terms of their agency, authoritative status and regulative functions. Despite scholarly and popular attention given to both texts, no attempts have been made so far to compare them. This paper intends to break the mold and focuses on the causes and results of the collective agency of the two versions at the textual, paratextual and extratextual levels as well as on the gatekeeping role of these translations and the ways they affected the development of their respective cultures. It is also demonstrated that the OB and the KJV performed the function of “the second originals.” Also subject to analysis are the prefaces to the two editions, which disclose information about important translation figures and deal with issues of universal and sacred history.
- ItemThe Prophetic Character of Christian-Oriented Sexual Freedom in the Conjugal Relationship in the Thinking of Moral Theologians. A Brief Theological and Ethical Look Back at Pope Paul VI’s Encyclical Letter Humanae Vitae of 1968(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Szaniszló, Inocent-Mária VladimírIn 2023, people on the European continent find themselves recovering after several social upheavals caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as several military conflicts, especially the war in Ukraine. At the same time, however, there is a significant wave of migration to the so-called safe (socially secure) countries of Western Europe. Despite the significant problems that this migration causes for a politically polarized Europe, Western European, but also other countries are experiencing an astoundingly strong demand for labor (e.g. Germany openly talks about the economic need for up to 400,000 jobs per year). This year marks the 55th anniversary of the publication of the long-awaited encyclical of Pope Paul VI, Humanae Vitae, which rejected all methods of artificial contraception. In this contribution, the author attempts to look at the problems of the culture of life in European space through the lens of several ethical and philosophical thoughts. This contribution, therefore, seeks to reflect both upon the rejection of Humanae vitae by modern Western society, as well as consider the propositions of future steps that will help stabilize European society, including the concepts of economics, family, and values according to the said encyclical.
- ItemUnderstanding the Catholic Notion of Redemptive Suffering in a Contemporary Context(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Yuen, Hiu-TungAlthough the Catholic Church nowadays still officially values the ideas of self-sacrifice and the redemptive nature of suffering, academically, there exists a tendency to adapt these ideas to modern values. With the advancement of medical technology, the pursuit of health predominates the mindset of modern people and the practice of redemptive suffering turns out to be an outdated or even ridiculous idea. At the societal level, it is a problem concerning the incompatibility between Catholic dogmas and secular values. At the individual level, it is a question of believing these “empirically unbelievable” religious doctrines without being in a curious form of schizophrenia and insincerity. This paper attempts to examine the difficulties in understanding the Catholic notion of redemptive suffering in the twenty-first century. We attempt to demonstrate that the unintelligibility of this notion lies not in the idea of the willing sacrifice of a person for another human being; rather, it is more concerned with the content and way of suffering, as well as the explanation offered for it. We then suggest that taking the “supernatural Catholic worldview” seriously is an important condition to attain a deeper understanding of the notion of redemptive suffering. Lastly, we will examine whether the notion lacks contemporary significance by looking into some cases in the Catholic communities nowadays.
- ItemWit Chlondowski, Objawienia prywatne. Praktyczny przewodnik (Pszenica i Kąkol; Warszawa – Poznań: Dominikańskie Centrum Informacji o Nowych Ruchach Religijnych i Sektach – Wydawnictwo W Drodze 2022)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Zatwardnicki, SławomirRecenzja książki: Wit Chlondowski, Objawienia prywatne. Praktyczny przewodnik (Pszenica i Kąkol; Warszawa – Poznań: Dominikańskie Centrum Informacji o Nowych Ruchach Religijnych i Sektach – Wydawnictwo W Drodze 2022). Ss. 149. 24,90 PLN. ISBN: 978-83-7906-599-8. Book review: Wit Chlondowski, Objawienia prywatne. Praktyczny przewodnik (Pszenica i Kąkol; Warszawa – Poznań: Dominikańskie Centrum Informacji o Nowych Ruchach Religijnych i Sektach – Wydawnictwo W Drodze 2022). Pp. 149. 24,90 PLN. ISBN: 978-83-7906-599-8.