Duszpasterstwo katechetyczne w parafii w świetle Dyrektorium Katechetycznego Kościoła Katolickiego w Polsce

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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
In 2001 three extremely important documents were published by the Catholic Church in Poland that concern catechesis: Catechetics Directory for the Catholic Church in Poland, Programme Basis of Catechesis of the Catholic Church in Poland and Programme of the Teaching of Religion. The reason for working out a new Catechetics Directory is the changing situation of the world and the Church. Its aim is to present the fundamental theological- pastoral principles following from the doctrine of the Vatican Council II and the post-council Magisterium of the Church that are directions for catechesis in the whole Church. Its aim is also to reflect on catechetical actions of the Church in order to point to at least general practical applications. Analysis of the Directory with respect to catechetical work in the parish shows, on the one hand, how important a place the parish community is for religious education, and on the other, how difficult it has been - after lessons of religion came back to schools - to find proper solutions for their functioning.
Dyrektorium Katechetyczne dla Kościoła Katolickiego w Polsce, katecheza dorosłych, katecheza dzieci i młodzieży, parafia, szkoła, Catechctic Directory for the Catholic Church in Poland, catechesis for adults, catechesis for children and youth, parish, school
"Roczniki Teologiczne", 2004, T. 51, nr 6, s. 141-157