Kryzys w wartościowaniu a religijność

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Stowarzyszenie Psychologia i Architektura, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
In the course of life, everyone is subject to taking the trouble of developing both personality and religious life. Axiological sensitivity and religious sensitivity are interdependent phenomena. Valuing comprises cognitive, emotional and motivational processes as well as behaviours such as: acknowledging, reasoning, accepting, estimating, preferring and feeling of implementing values. Religiousness is understood as a type of a personal relationship with God through which a man meets the most important aims of existence. The research discussed is focused on connections between disintegration in the process of valuing and the relationship between man and God. 126 people, 63 women and 63 men constituted the study group. The Questionnaire of Crisis in Valuing by P. Oleś and the The Scale of Relationship with God by D. Hutsebaut were applied in the research. Empirical research verified the initially formulated research hypotheses, indicating the presence of statistically important connections between the crisis in valuing and the dimensions of religious relationship. In the general group, religiousness correlates to the greatest extent with difficulties in arranging the system of values into hierarchy. A different view of connections arises in the groups differentiated on the basis of sex.
religiousness, sensitivity, values
"Czasopismo Psychologiczne", 2011, T. 17, nr 1, s. 75-86