Ludwik Bronarski w świetle swoich Dzienników przechowywanych w Archiwum Polskiej Misji Katolickiej w Marly
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Ludwik Bronarski’s Journals (1890-1975) can be found in the Archives of the Polish Catholic Mission in Marly near Fribourg in Switzerland. Their author spent most of his life in Switzerland. After studying Music History in Vienna (1913), Ludwik began to work on a doctoral thesis devoted to the songs of Hildegard of Bingen in Fribourg in Switzerland. He stayed abroad till the end of his life. L. Bronarski undertook various jobs to earn his living, he also promoted Polish culture and literature. He was an editor in encyclopaedia publisher "La Pologne 1919-1939". In addition, he cooperated with Publications encyclopédique sur la Pologne. On the initiative of Ignacy Jan Paderewski he prepared a critical edition of the works of Frederic Chopin (ed. 1949-1961). Due to the outbreak of the war and the family situation, he did not continue further academic work at university. As a scholar Ludwik Bronarski is mostly known thanks to his publications on the works of Fryderyk Chopin (Harmonika Chopina, Études sur Chopin and Chopin en l’Italie). He was a patriot and a pious man. He, together with his brother Alfons, supported the initiative of the foundation of the Polish Catholic Mission, to which they donated the house, family archives and a rich collection of books. The Polish Catholic Mission in Marly, a town located near Fribourg, has existed since 1950. The preserved Ludwik Bronarski’s Journals present the daily life of the family, current events, including the exceptional ones, for example, Henryk Sienkiewicz’s funeral and a meeting with I. J. Paderewski.
Polska Misja Katolicka, Szwajcaria, Marly, Ludwik Bronarski, Fryderyk Chopin, Polish Catholic Mission, Switzerland
„Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne”, 2015, T. 104, s. 93-100