Antropologia personalistyczna w katechezie

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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Antropologia personalistyczna wzmacnia katechezę antropologiczną o personalistyczną umiejętność odczytania problematyki egzystencji człowieka przez pryzmat osoby, jej wielkości, godności. Podpowiada jednocześnie, aby katecheza podjęła pełną odpowiedzialność za człowieka i jego dzieje. Personalism in anthropology includes the being whole of the man as the man – as a human person, in the term “person”; it also moves the meaning of “person” as a being towards the subjective character of the “I”, the self, the whole of the intra-human world and towards personalization of individual and collective life. Personalistic anthropology consolidates anthropological catechesis with a personalistic ability to interpret the issue of man’s existence through the prism of the person, his greatness and dignity. At the same time it prompts that catechesis should accept complete responsibility for man and his history. Catechesis aided by personalistic anthropology emphasizes the miracle of the human person, illuminates the Christian vocation of man, explains his existence as compared to the specific character of the epoch, interprets the history of his life in the light of the Gospel, and first of all it prepares the way to Christ.
Chrystus, antropologia, personalizm, człowiek, osoba, edukacja, kultura, humanizm, dialog, katecheza, metoda, system, Jesus Christ, person, man, personalism, personalistic anthropology, catechesis, edu­cation
"Roczniki Teologiczne", 2008, T. 55, nr 6, s. 235-254