Family Ecology and Environmental Protection in the Teachings of the Catholic Church

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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Within a lifetime, man creates a natural family environment and must care to protect it. A manifestation of this ecological activity in the family is the ability to experience love, to learn respect and live together with other people. The quality of these community relationships and the lifestyle that people experience in the family shape pro-ecological attitudes. Cooperating with the Creator, man cares for the protection of human life. Therefore, he undertakes actions aimed at eliminating degrading and destructive processes, and strives to live in harmony with the natural environment. In fact, man is an inseparable element of the environment, and therefore caring for his survival is most essential. Man is also called to rule the earth through work and development, while at the same time becoming spiritually mature and more responsible, especially towards the weak and needy.
family, environment, family ecology, environmental ecology
"Roczniki Teologiczne", 2018, T. 65, z. 10: English online version, s. 5-16