Duchowni wyświęceni przez biskupa chełmskiego Jerzego Zamoyskiego w latach 1601-1620

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The Diocese of Chełm of the Latin Rite is one of the least recognized ecclesiastical communities in early modern Poland. Its social, spiritual and pastoral characteristics remain almost completely unknown. That is why an analysis of the ordination lists is particularly important. It is a method to learn the significance of the personal factor in the life of the diocese. The ordination lists can be easily found in the Bishop Act Books. This article examines two act books created during Bishop Jerzy Zamoyski’s rule. Zamoyski ordained 490 people, that is 227 diocesan clergymen and 263 monks. The list of them has been arranged in alphabetical order here. It gives information about date, place and the level of the holy orders received as well as the designated prebendary post or office. The whole list has been divided into smaller groups to stress the particularity of different relations between some clergymen and the Diocese of Chełm.
Chełm, XVII wiek, diecezja, 17th century, diocese
"Archiwa Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne", 2011, T. 95, s. 73-107