Rodzina w opinii młodego pokolenia Polaków

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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The intensive social-cultural transformation that has been going on in the world in recent years has led to origin of societies called post-industrial, post-modern or post-modernist. The changes threaten maintaining proper structure of family as a community of persons, destroy the foundations of its functioning and challenge its authority and its ability to have an educational influence on the children. On the basis of analysis of nation-wide studies it may be stated that in the nineties of the twentieth century family is the most important value in young Poles' lives; it gives them a meaning; young people’s aspirations and aims are concentrated on it. It is a sort of “broadened personality” and makes various “survival strategies” possible; it plays the role of a nest, an oasis, a sanctuary. It supplies most models for identification, and mother decidedly outdistances youths' idols. Domination of family in the system of values and its connections with other values (e.g. a high appraisal of love, great feelings, friendship) points to family-centrism of young Poles, who at the age of crises and uncertainties connected with the systemic transformation appreciate the small group tied together with strong emotional bonds. They define their relation to their parents as favourable; they include mother to the group of people they trust, respect and on which they may depend if they are in trouble. Unfortunately, they distinctly show a sense of lack of contact with father and his weak position in the family. Mostly they approve of the views of life and upbringing of the children that they derive from their families, although in the families they are going to set up they would like to be more emotionally approachable for their child. So safe support in the family is considered to be the basic aspiration, the condition for accomplishment of the professional, personal and social values, including national ones. However, the mechanisms of transmission of moral values in the family are declining, which is seen in morality that is ever more liberal, situational and independent of religious faith. Considering themselves believers, young people ever more often accept the lay axiological system with respect to the sphere of sexual and marital-family morality. This is a distressing symptom of the changes, as acceptation of subjective and per­ missive moral principles menaces social order and threatens the life of families.
opinie młodzieży o rodzinie, rodzina jako wartość dla młodzieży, relacje młodzieży z rodzicami, rodzice jako autorytet dla młodzieży, wychowawcza rola rodziców, zobowiązania młodzieży wobec rodziców, adolescents' opinions about family, family as a value for adolescents, adolescents' relations with parents, parents as an authority for adolescents, educational role of parents, obligations of adolescents towards parents
Rodzina: źródło życia i szkoła miłości, red. D. Kornas-Biela, Lublin 2000, s. 109-134