Blahoslavený Edmund Bojanowski - vychovávateľ a zakladateľ Rehole Sestier Služobníčok Božej Rodičky Panny Nepoškvrnené Počatej

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VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku
The way that blessed Edmund Bojanowski followed in his life shows how God works in the world and as large format are the ones who are able to work with Him. Also it points to the life and ministry of the congregation of the Little Servant Sisters, to which as founder he gave rise, and the congregation is still developing as a result of his spiritual fatherhood. In this lush reality, his multiple talents are reflected, thanks to which he constantly pursued for holiness, was also able to read the "signs of the times" and in inspired way responded to ever-new needs and social problems. Not only he did this in the social or cultural dimension, but also in spiritual dimension, he drew the proper motivation for unselfish service from both religion and faith. He saw the life of man, society and all mankind as full participation in the temporal and eternal reality integrated in nature, history, culture and religion. In this context, he read out the objectives of human life and actions motivated by values which have its beginning and fulfillment in God.
ORCID: - s. dr. hab. Maria Opiela, prof. KUL
educator, upbringing, service, charisma, founder, congregation
"Disputationes Scientificae", 2013, R. 13, nr 2, s. 145-153