Społeczne uwarunkowania rozwoju religijnego współczesnej młodzieży

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Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK
The issue of religious education of the young people provokes heated discussion in all social circles. In fact, remarkable transformations are taking place in the family life, education and Church nowadays. The youngsters and their needs, expectations and lifestyle are also going through changes. Thus, social factors affecting the religious development of the young people today should be taken into consideration. This research addresses such important questions as: how should the youngsters be taught to respect their ancestors’ religious and cultural heritage?, how should Christian values be instilled in the young people?, how should we shape the religious spirit of the younger generation?, if teachers should be trustworthy people and examples of Christian values then what qualities should they possess?, etc. When considering the issue of religious development of the young people, one must answer such questions in order to get the right picture of the educational and religious activities when it comes to the religious education of the young generation.
młodzież, dziecko, religia, wychowanie, wychowanie religijne, rodzina, szkoła, Kościół
Edukacyjny potencjał religii, red. J. Bagrowicz, J. Korowski, Toruń 2012, s. 219-240