Dostosowanie lekcji języka angielskiego jako obcego do potrzeb uczniów z dysfunkcją słuchu w nauczaniu wczesnoszkolnym
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Increasingly, deaf and hard-of-hearing students are attending mainstream and integrated schools. It is necessary to provide a number of adaptations, sometimes modifications, of the teacher’s instructional methods and forms for their education to be effective. The purpose of this article is to discuss the issue of adapting English as a Foreign Language classes in early elementary education to the needs of students with hearing impairments. Effective education in this area requires syllabuses, textbooks, and teaching resources that are developed in accordance with the principles of universal design for learning and then necessary adaptations and modifications that are planned on an individual basis following children’s needs and abilities. The author suggests the principles of universal design for learning according to which foreign language instruction for students with hearing impairments should be planned. Due to the internal diversity of this group of students, not only methodological procedures should be individualized but also instructional forms and methods used during English classes as well as the methods of presenting instructional materials by the teacher or other students. In order to optimize the reception and transmission of content, appropriate external conditions that are adapted to individual students’ perceptual and performance abilities need to be provided. Also, the diversity of ways in which students with hearing impairments present their knowledge and thus actively participate in classes is pointed out. Suggesting different adaptations, the author emphasizes the need to take care that instructional materials maintain their full substantive value.
core curriculum, podstawa programowa, deaf education, edukacja, deaf, niesłyszący, słabosłyszący, hard of hearing, rational accomodation, racjonalne dostosowania
Szkoła Specjalna, 2018, nr 1, s. 12-20