Spotkanie w literaturze jako sytuacja nieoczywista

The book title reflects a certain idea that accompanied the author from the very beginning to the very end. Not every encounter automatically becomes an Encounter. Then again, not every Encounter starts with an everyday encounter. The Encounter, to follow Buber, Levinas and Tischner, is the Event – a situation that does not die out with the simple exchange of words or glances but which leads to deep mutual communication between the two. As Tischner puts it in An Encounter “the space begins to look like a crossroads.” Literature is a melting pot, containing our fragmented, crumbled experiences. The text itself thus becomes an Encounter – between the author and the reader, between the reader and the protagonists, or between the readers themselves when they discuss the text. Then there are texts that emphasise the event of an encounter to the point in which it loses its transparency and becomes problematic. It raises questions over the seemingly trivial and forgettable. Writing on Barańczak, Herbert, Szymborska, Wencel, Podsiadło, on Dzienniki [Diaries] of Jan Józef Szczepański and Zofia Kossak-Szczucka’s Wspomnienia z Kornwalii [Memories from Cornwall], or texts from the pop culture, an author shows the deep complexity of the event of an encounter. An author shows that these events may not be so obvious, but could well be superficial, with a lining of falsehood. It may appear that when we least expect it, something may happen that will test our humanness. Literature is the lesson in being for the Other. This manifests its special ethical function.
Publikacja współfinansowana przez Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
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