Wychowanie do życia wspólnego w świetle "Ratio formationis marianorum"

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Institute of Marian History and Spirituality of the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary
This work, which looks critically on the logic and language of the Ratio formationis marianorum, presents in a slightly arbitrary vein the matter of communal life. The issue is based on the logic of three elements: perseverance in lived personal intimacy with Christ; incorporation into a fraternal community that has its own daily rhythm and style; and the spirituality of communio marianorum — a mystical element, which, being a gift of the Spirit, ensures unity (mystical and functional). The author suggests that the technical part of a candidate's preparation outstrips theology of vocational formation of the candidate to religious and apostolic life, which he substantiates by a different dogmatically and historically rooted logic found in the Constitutions of the Marian Fathers and Blessed George Matulaitis-Matulewicz's writings concerning the matters of the  Congregation. The modern mentality of the Marians seems to favor the psychological/sociological approach; in other words, the Congregation technically defines the course of the formation process on the base of externally measurable criteria.
Zgromadzenie Księży Marianów, formacja zakonna, wychowanie, życie wspólne, duchowość zakonna, Congregation of Marian Fathers, religious formation, education, communal life, religious spirituality
Ephemerides Marianorum, 2015, nr 4, s. 419-435.