Uniwersalna gramatyka moralności i prawa

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Fundacja „Utriusque Iuris”, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
The universal grammar of morals and law is an original scientific proposition which can be the alternative to the relativist views in theory and philosophy of law. The authors of this conception are two scholars, lawyers and philosophers: Matthias Mahlmann – professor of Zurich University and John Mikhail – professor of Georgetown University in Washington. Their scientific fields involve the cognitive science, the research on human brain and the theory of human spirit which they learned in Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge (MIT). The greatest influence on their scientific development had a world-known linguists – Noam Chomsky, the author of the universal grammar and the researcher of a human nature and the functioning of a human spirit. M. Mahlmann and J. Mikhail noticed possibility of applying his results in the field of morals and law. This article tries to show the Polish reader the concept of universal grammar of morals and law. It seems that we are confronted with a new trend in the research of morals and law. This research develops in the field of cognitive science as one of tree branches, namely: 1) evolutional psychology, 2) neuroethical emotivism, 3) universal grammar of morals and law (mentalist ethics and theory of law). Although cognitive sciences are oft reduced to determinist naturalism, in the mind of the authors of the universal grammar of morals and law, it must not be the necessary rule. As the evidence of that can be their theory. According to them, human spirit is functioning as the manifestation of human brain.
"Forum Prawnicze", 2011, nr 4-5 (6-7), s. 30-45