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    Association between gaming disorder, action videogames, working memory capacity and cognitive control
    (2024) Cudo, Andrzej; Kopiś-Posiej, Natalia
    Dane pochodzą z próby obejmującej 527 dorosłych graczy w gry elektroniczne narodowości polskiej, uzyskane podczas badania w warunkach laboratoryjnych. Dobór osób do badań był doborem celowym. Wykorzystano następujące narzędzia badawcze: ankieta oraz kwestionariusze: Krótka Skala Zaburzenia Korzystania z Gier oraz Kwestionariusz Korzystania z Gier. Ponadto przeprowadzono procedury eksperymentalne w paradygmacie Testu Ciągłego Wykonania (AX-CPT) oraz oceniające sprawność pamięci roboczej. Badania prowadzono w latach 2020 i 2021 w ramach projektu naukowego "Wpływ problematycznego korzystania z gier komputerowych, grania w komputerowe gry akcji i kontekstu związanego z grą na kontrole poznawczą" finansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki. Objaśnienie zmiennych: zobacz plik ReadMe.txt The data came from a sample of 527 adult gamers of Polish nationality, obtained during a study in a laboratory setting. The selection of participants for the study was a targeted selection. The following research tools were used: a survey and questionnaires: Internet Gaming Disorder Scale Short-Form and Video Game Questionnaire. In addition, experimental procedures were carried out in the paradigm of the Continuous Performance Test (AX-CPT) and assessing working memory capacity. The research was conducted in 2020 and 2021 within the framework of the scientific project "The impact of problematic gaming, action computer games and game context on cognitive control." funded by the National Science Center. Explanation of variables: see ReadMe.txt file
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    The development of the Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire (HCTQ) – study 2.
    (2024) Błachnio, Agata; Przepiórka, Aneta; Kot, Paweł; Cudo, Andrzej; Sobol, Małgorzata
    The study 2 was conducted to verify the previous results and to test the usefulness of the questionnaire in distinguishing individuals with different patterns of helping by clicking. The study included sample of n = 1,006 participants took part in the study. The Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire was used in the study.
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    The development of the Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire (HCTQ) – study 1.
    (2024) Błachnio, Agata; Przepiórka, Aneta; Kot, Paweł; Cudo, Andrzej; Sobol, Małgorzata
    The main aim of the data is to present a new measure: the Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire (HCTQ), assessing the patterns of helping by clicking. The study included data from sample of n = 349 participants took part in the study. The study 1 was conducted to determine the psychometric properties of the questionnaire. All factors of the HCTQ have good Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients. The Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire consists of 19 items making up three subscales: People, Environment, and Animals.
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    Personal aspects of religiosity and civic engagement: the mediating role of prayer
    (2024) Tatala, Małgorzata; Klamut, Ryszard; Timoszyk-Tomczak, Celina
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    Theodicy perspective as an effect of the interpenetration of mental and religious issues during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland
    (2023-12-28) Adamczyk, Grzegorz; Jabłoński, Arkadiusz; Nowakowski, Piotr T.; Ptaszek, Robert T.
    The authors of the article wanted to answer the question regarding to what extent the different types of experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic, understood as codes from the medical subsystem, differentiate the level of intensity of religious attitudes of Poles. For this purpose, the validity of the hypothesis derived from Niklas Luhmann’s theory was verified. According to this theory, the interpenetration of mental and religious systems in times of a pandemic causes the emergence of meanings that reorder communication with other social systems. The obtained research results indicate that the COVID-19 experience is such a dominant variable in determining religious behaviour that demographic variables in pandemic conditions turn out to be statistically insignificant. The interpenetration of mental and social systems goes beyond these differences, since it concerns the basics of communication and confronting the existing ways of encoding events with the environment that introduces serious disturbances in the flow of information.