Verbum Vitae, 2020, T. 38, Nr 2: Varia

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    Natural Conditioning of the Spiritual Life: A Contribution to Methodological Reflection
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Matuszewski, Krzysztof Marek
    The spiritual life constitutes an integral experience of any person being led by the Holy Spirit toward full communion with God. It is never something abstract, divorced from Sitz im Leben, in either the psychological aspect or the socio-cultural dimension, thus it always bears certain signs of one’s temperament, environment, and history. The present paper proposes a methodology of research into the natural basis of the spiritual life (psychological and socio-cultural), which influences the way God’s grace is received and experienced. The natural structures of the spiritual life constitute the ground, which is submitted to God’s salvific action and bears fruit in various forms. The description of the spiritual life demands the use of the appropriate methodology, which can be based on the combination of the doctrinal-sapiential (deductive) approach and the existential-anthropological (inductive) approach. An important auxiliary role in the description of the spiritual phenomenon can be played by psychological methods, for instance those that derive from the psycho-biographical approach, which allows us to capture what is unique in human functioning.
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    The Foundations of the Human Person’s Dynamism in Karol Wojtyła’s Anthropology. A Study in Light of “The Acting Person”
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Duma, Tomasz
    In traditional anthropology, the problem of the dynamism of the human being was explained by means of human faculties that were seen as distinct from one another on the basis of the activities of man. Having accepted that the traditional approach is well-known and thoroughly elaborated, Karol Wojtyła proposed a complementary approach, enhancing the classical explanation of human dynamism by following the basic intuition of the person who reveals himself in action. In this article, through several steps, the author presents the framework of the basic thesis of Karol Wojtyła's anthropology, which claims that the action performed by man includes the truth about not only his personal dynamism, but also the very subject of that dynamism itself, that is, the human person. The author shows Wojtyła's stance beginning with the distinction of personal action made against the background of other forms of human dynamism. Then, he describes Wojtyła’s methods of explanation in reference to the Aristotelian theory of act and potency. Continuing, he analyzes the problem of causativeness of action, which will turn out to be crucial for understanding man as a person. Finally, he sketches Wojtyla's conception of the fulfillment of man through his action.
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    Zeugizō: The Language of Marital Infidelity in the Account of Treachery Toward the Ancestral Laws in 1 Macc 1:15
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Nawrot, Janusz
    The present article deals with a linguistic issue well known in the Bible but not usually overtly present in the terminology of Hebrew and Greek Scripture. It concerns the sexual sphere of human life and is expressed by the verb zeugizō (1 Macc 1:15). This term appears only once in the Septuagint and is not featured in any of the other inspired books. However, the discovery of a non-biblical text which includes the term in question, as well as the inclusion of the verb by the Jewish authors of the Greek Bible from the 2nd century AD, shed important light on the sense of the verb in the First Book of the Maccabees. The exegesis carried out reveals just how harsh was the hagiographer’s critique of, and judgment upon, the supporters of the Hellenization of Judea.
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    Jesus’ Intitulation of God as Abba: Its Sources and Impact on the Idea of the Fatherhood of God in the New Testament
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Szymik, Stefan
    In the article, the author discusses Jesus’ intitulation of God as Abba and its impact on the idea of God’s fatherhood in the New Testament writings. Responding to the recent criticism of J. Jeremias’s theses (cf. B. Chilton, M.R. D’Angelo), he tries to show that without the initial source, which was Jesus of Nazareth and his public teaching, the dynamic expansion of the idea of ​​God’s fatherhood in the New Testament would not be possible. After a brief presentation of J. Jeremias’s ground-breaking opinion on Jesus’ filial relation to God as Father, encapsulated in the “Abba, Father” cry (Mk 14:36), a second section analyses the texts of the Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Judaism that explore the theological idea of​ God as Father. The third part focuses on the NT witnesses to God’s fatherhood, i.e. God both as the Father of Jesus Christ and the Father of all believers (υἱοθεσία). In conclusion, the literary evidence preserved in the NT writings and rational arguments point to Jesus of Nazareth as the source and starting point of the NT idea of God’s fatherhood. Jeremias’s study is still valid, and the address “Abba-Father” uttered by the historical Jesus remains the most concise and fullest expression of his filial relation to God.
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    Interdisciplinarity in Pastoral Theology. An Example of Socio-Theological Research
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2020) Szymczak, Wioletta
    The purpose of the article is to analyze the idea of interdisciplinary research involving pastoral theology and sociology. This is one of the methodological proposals for research projects carried out under pastoral theology. Interdisciplinarity is understood as combining research methods for the cooperation of scientists from both disciplines in the process of planning, implementing and interpreting the results of empirical research. It is inspired by a problem identified in pastoral theology that requires exploration. The presentation consists of three parts. The first is devoted to the location of empirical research within pastoral theology. The second concerns the assumptions and significance of interdisciplinary research involving pastoral theologians and sociologists. In the final part, the areas of interdisciplinary cooperation among the research teams are pointed out. The potential of qualitative research as a space for cooperation among representatives of both sciences and as an important source of knowledge from the viewpoint of pastoral theology is shown. The comparative and synthetic method was used. The analysis shows that interdisciplinary research in the field of pastoral theology has great potential related to the acquisition and interpretation of multi-faceted empirical data and the designation of new research fields, which will significantly enrich the theological analysis process as well as the presentation and application of pastoral models.