Verbum Vitae, 2023, T. 41, Nr 2: Varia

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    Hebrew as a Subject of Research and Teaching in Poland from the Early 16th Century to the 20th Century. A Contribution to Further Reflections
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Marcinkowski, Roman
    The paper explores the history of Hebrew studies in Poland from the early 16th century to the 20th century. The beginnings of academic studies and thorough research into biblical Hebrew can be traced back to the 16th century as the first lecturers of classical languages appeared at the Kraków University. They were also the first to write textbooks for learning this language, and some of tchem translated biblical books from their original languages. Jewish printing houses had a significant impact on the growing interest in Hebrew studies, both in the Jewish and Christian communities. Passion for Hebrew was still observed in Poland in the 17th and 18th centuries. In turn, the late 18th century and the 19th century were the times of the Jewish Enlightenment (Haskalah) and disputes about the shape of Hebrew. At universities theological studies included biblical Hebrew courses. The 20th century saw the emergence of numerous centres for Hebrew studies at leading Polish universities, offering full-time Bachelor and Master’s programmes, conducting interdisciplinary research, developing scholarly publications in the field and establishing organizations aiming to promote research on Jewish history, culture and language.
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    Andrzej Draguła, Syn marnotrawny. Biografia ocalenia (Biblioteka „Więzi” 388; Warszawa: Towarzystwo „Więź” 2022)
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Mielcarek, Krzysztof Wojciech
    Recenzja książki: Andrzej Draguła, Syn marnotrawny. Biografia ocalenia (Biblioteka „Więzi” 388; Warszawa: Towarzystwo „Więź” 2022). Ss. 273. 39,20 PLN. ISBN: 978-83-66769-47-2. Book Review: Andrzej Draguła, Syn marnotrawny. Biografia ocalenia (Biblioteka „Więzi” 388; Warszawa: Towarzystwo „Więź” 2022). Ss. 273. 39,20 PLN. ISBN: 978-83-66769-47-2.
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    The Bibliography of Józef Tadeusz Milik (1922–2006)
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Klukowski, Michał
    The bibliography is divided into five parts. The first part includes monographs and collective works authored by J. T. Milik and his contributions to various studies. The second one contains articles, chapters or entries in collective works; the third one contains his articles (both scientific and popular science) published in various periodicals or newspapers, while the fourth one includes Milik’s reviews. The last part of the bibliography is a supplement, which includes publications concerning the person and scientific activity of this eminent figure.
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    Sławomir Zatwardnicki, Biblia „po katolicku”, czyli dlaczego nie sola Scriptura? (Pszenica i Kąkol; Warszawa – Poznań: W drodze 2023)
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Szymik, Stefan
    Recenzja książki: Sławomir Zatwardnicki, Biblia „po katolicku”, czyli dlaczego nie sola Scriptura? (Pszenica i Kąkol; Warszawa – Poznań: W drodze, 2023), ss. 144, ISBN: 9788379066407. Book review: Sławomir Zatwardnicki, Biblia „po katolicku”, czyli dlaczego nie sola Scriptura? (Pszenica i Kąkol; Warszawa – Poznań: W drodze 2023). Ss. 144, ISBN 9788379066407.
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    The Credibility of the Church Based on Benevolence in the Light of the Works of Marian Rusecki
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Mastej, Jacenty
    The problem addressed in the article is the question of the credibility of the Church based on benevolence in the light of the work of Marian Rusecki. The present issue was addressed and resolved in three stages. In the first stage – invoking the Ecclesia-forming activity of Jesus – the benevolence-based aspects related to the genesis of the Church were pointed out. In the second stage, the benevolent identity of the Ecclesia was presented, for which well-being is an essential part of its life and mission. At the final stage, the matter of recognizing the benevolence-based credibility of the Church was addressed, taking into account Rusecki’s personalistic and sign-based concept of the Church and the signs of its credibility. Elements that are helpful in recognizing the benevolence-based credibility of the Church were also identified. The Church’s benevolence – which is rooted in the life and work of Jesus – is clear in its connection to the entirety of human life. Goodness is the overriding value that man needs in life, especially in illness, suffering or misfortune. The Ecclesia is a clear and credible sign of God’s goodness when, aware of the salvific goods which it has received from Christ, it bestows them on human beings, remaining particularly sensitive to human injustice and evil, and takes the side of the disadvantaged and the suffering, providing them with concrete help, both spiritual and material.