Verbum Vitae, 2024, T. 42, Nr 1: The Church’s Response to Secularization

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    Przemiany religijności w społeczeństwie polskim
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Adamczyk, Tomasz; Mąkosa, Paweł
    Przedmiotem analiz w niniejszym artykule są przemiany religijności polskiego społeczeń­stwa w odniesieniu do autodeklaracji wyznaniowych, praktyk religijnych, zasad moralnych ukazanych w kontekście procesu sekularyzacji. Artykuł prezentuje analizy empiryczne oparte na danych pozyska­nych z instytucji badawczych i projektów indywidualnych, ukazując różnice między ogółem społeczeń­stwa a środowiskiem młodzieży. Wyniki badań potwierdzają, że przyspieszona sekularyzacja dotyczy przede wszystkim młodzieży. Przedmiotem refleksji jest również pytanie o możliwość wypracowania adekwatnej odpowiedzi Kościoła na zdiagnozowane wyzwania sekularyzacyjne. Kwestia ta pozostaje jednak otwarta. This article focuses on the transformations of religiosity within Polish society concerning self-declared affiliations, religious practices and moral principles, all framed within the context of Church activities. The study presents empirical analyses based on data obtained from research institutions and individual projects, highlighting differences between the general population and the youth demographic. The research findings confirm that dynamic secularisation predominantly affects the youth. The article also reflects on the possibility of the Church formulating an appropriate response to the identified chal­lenges, although this issue remains open for further discussion.
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    Philosophical Significance of the Way, Experience, and Silence in the Context of Camino de Santiago
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Mizdrak, Inga
    The problem addressed in the article refers to an attempt to present the phenomenon of the way, experience, and silence in the context of pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in modern times. The objective is to present what is popularly referred to as Camino as a dynamic and evolving per­spective on human spirituality in relation to the challenges of modern times. The main thesis of the pro­posed study is that this type of pilgrimage offers an alternative to the phenomenon of increasing secu­larization. The key concepts related to the Camino were discussed and interpreted using the methods of analysis and synthesis in order to present the anthropological vision of the human being developed by Karol Wojtyła and Józef Tischner. An outline of their ideas reveals the deeper meaning of the way and experience. The main conclusion following from the analysis of the issue is that, by embarking on the Camino route, an individual is enabled to take a more in-depth look at his or her own condition, his or her perspective on relationships with others, contemplation, and new opportunities to organize and develop his or her own spirituality.
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    Navigating the Postmodern Landscape: Embracing Interdisciplinary Openness in Pastoral Theology
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Ganc, Damijan
    In the face of rising secularization and the waning influence of the Church, contemporary pastoral theology encounters both a formidable challenge and an enticing opportunity in the postmod­ern era. This article explores how enhanced interdisciplinary engagement of pastoral theology can fos­ter a renewed approach to evangelization aligned with contemporary sensibilities. Through a compre­hensive literature review, we shed light on the experiences of the postmodern individual. By applying the analogy method and anchoring the concepts of “Logos Spermaticos” and “Influence and Vulnerabil­ity” in pastoral theology, we reveal its potential contribution to the interdisciplinary evolution of the con­cept of universal fraternity. The analysis shows that interdisciplinary collaboration in pastoral theology unfolds developmental prospects on two levels – learning from and learning with other disciplines. The “Logos Spermaticos” concept underscores the importance of acquiring new skills, empowering pastoral workers to communicate Christian doctrine more effectively. Simultaneously, the “Influence and Vulner­ability” concept fosters a dialogical approach, positioning pastoral theology as a respected interlocutor in contemporary interdisciplinary dialogues. Collaborative efforts with other disciplines empower pastoral theology to foster dialogue and deepen the idea of universal fraternity, both in academic discourse and practical application. The interdisciplinary and global development of fraternal humanism represents the necessary “loosening of the soil” for the seed of the Word of God to sprout in the future. Therefore, it becomes imperative for pastoral theology to transcend its conventional role, actively engaging in inter­disciplinary dialogue, thereby charting a course toward an elevated societal role and innovative avenues for proclaiming the Gospel.
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    Why More “Exodus” Is Needed in Church and Pastoral Care. Reflections on an Attitude-Forming Paradigm Shift
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Loiero, Salvatore
    The relationship between secularity and religion/religiosity is a main topic of practical theol­ogy and ecclesiastical pastoral care. However, several research papers on religious studies show that the thesis that with disappearing institutionalized religiosity, plural and differentiated forms of religiosity increase is not convincing. In fact, the development shows that where people do not experience religion, it becomes irrelevant to them. This fact is an urgent question for the Church: With and from which basic attitude can and will she be able to encounter religious and secular people in such ways that the Christian gospel of human emancipation and redemption can become a reality in their lives? The Church can real­ize such a fundamental attitude in reference to the biblical Exodus and by generating a pastoral exodus.
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    Preferential Option for the Family A Response of the Church in Poland to the Progressive Process of Secularisation
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Fiałkowski, Marek
    The article asks how the Church can respond to the challenge of secularisation and counter its effects. At the same time, it is assumed that secularisation is not an inevitable phenomenon that one must surrender to by adapting to the current situation. Still, it is possible to develop an appropriate re­sponse to this phenomenon. The most appropriate response is prioritising the pastoral care of marriage and family. To this end, an analysis of the Church’s teaching and theological studies was carried out to show their potential, expressed primarily in the sacrament of marriage and the phenomenon of domestic Church. The Church’s strategy in the face of secularisation processes should be focused on discovering the richness of the sacrament of marriage and supporting families in the complex process of becoming a domestic Church. Other pastoral activities of the Church should be adapted and focused on this strat­egy, because by strengthening the family as the domestic Church, they become more effective.