Verbum Vitae, 2024, T. 42, Nr 4: Varia

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    The Ontology of Sponsality in Karol Wojtyła’s Thought The Relationship to Which We Are Called
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Formenton, Giovani Domiciano; Solano Durán, José Rafael; Fernandes, Marcio Luiz
    This article presents a teleological perspective on spousal love, exploring Wojtyła’s thoughts on sponsality as the divine plan for human love. The investigation is important because spousal love is presented in the Bible and in Christian mysticism as an analogy for God’s love and for the eschatological mystery. It is also necessary considering the social impact of family experiences on issues such as mental health, parenthood, criminality, and antisocial behavior. This bibliographical research is based on Wojtyła’s Love and Responsibility and The Catecheses on Human Love in the Divine Plan. It is divided into four sections: the human person as a relational being, biblical texts about spousal love, Wojtyła’s teaching on this category, and the teleological aspects observed in this teaching. Our findings indicate that for Wojtyła, spousal love is the teleological reality of the human person, supported by three main aspects. (1) According to Wojtyła’s personalistic thought, God must be understandable when inviting a person to a definitive relationship. The Bible uses spousal relationship to indicate God’s definitive alliance. (2) Wojtyła understands spousal love as the original sacrament of trinitarian relation. He states that the human person is the image and likeness of God because it was created as man and woman. (3) Spousal love is a total gift of self that leads the person to blessedness and fulfillment. It is the only way to imitate Christ in his kenosis.
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    "Interpretation" in RIBLA: A Multifaceted Meaning
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Cardona Ramírez, Hernán
    This article analyses the evolution and meaning of “Interpretation” in the journal Revista de Interpretación Bíblica Latinoamericana (RIBLA [Latin American Journal of Biblical Interpretation]) from its inception in 1988 up to 2023, with a focus on the period 2012–2023. Launched in Costa Rica in 1988, RIBLA reflects the faith experiences and struggles of Latin American communities and churches from the popular Reading of the Bible in Latin America and the hermeneutics of liberation. In its early days, RIBLA focused on biblical hermeneutics as the interpretation of the text in its historic context in relation to the life of the Ecclesial Base Communities (BECs) of the continent. In the years 1988–2011, it emphasized a liberationist interpretation of the Bible, with a focus on Indigenous communities. The dialogue between Revelation in indigenous religions and Revelation in traditional religions is important, as is the figure of Paul in the theology of liberation. Between 2012 and 2023, RIBLA restates the importance of biblical narratives in collaborative interpretations. In short, “interpretation” in RIBLA is seen as fundamental to confront the challenges of Latin America and the world. With a constant commitment to the Word of God, contextualised liberation and a dialogue between hermeneutics and hermeneutics of liberation, the journal offers an “unfinished” interpretation that is “open” to new considerations, as a beacon of critical reflection in the midst of historic crises.
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    The Synodal Method in Building Marital and Family Community
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Borowski, Łukasz; Lipiec, Dariusz
    The aim of the article is to present the use of synodal method in building the family community. The method was developed for the use of the Synod about the synodality, initiated in 2021 in the Catholic Church. Documents of the church indicate the need for using the method within the universal Church as well as the local Churches. However, due to the fact that a Christian family is also a domestic Church, the method can also be used in building the marital-family community. The research conducted for the use of this article was based mainly on the documents of the Catholic Church devoted to the synod on synodality. They became the source of the undertaken analyses. The authors also used the elaborations regarding the research problem and the marriage and family issues. The aim of the article and the nature of the source materials suggest the use of the adapted research methods. The leading method was the monographic method in some of its dimensions. Moreover, the other research methods include: descriptive method, the method of the analysis of documents and the analysis of the contents. The article consists of three parts. The first part presents the novelty and characteristics of the synodal method. The second part was devoted to the applicability of the method in building the community of marriage and the third part was devoted to the applicability of the method in deepening the bond between parents and their children.
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    Inclusion of People with Disability in the Church Community Life in the Perspective of Disabled Individuals: The Role of the Priest
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Zielińska-Król, Katarzyna; Szot, Katarzyna
    The physical presence of people with disability in the extent of the parish community is based on two main components: (I) activities undertaken by a priest to organize religious life, including those for people with disability, and (II) activities undertaken by people with disability within the parish community. The aim of the article is to answer the question: What is the importance of a priest in the context of the presence of people with disability in the church community? The empirical article is based on results of the nationwide qualitative research that was conducted among people with disabilities (using the FGI group interview; targeted group selection; the participants of the study were people with physical disabilities, deaf and hearing impaired, blind and visually impaired, and people with intellectual disabilities). The analysis of the data obtained allows us to put forward the thesis that the inclusion of people with disability in parish life is a consequence of a close, personal relationship with a priest who has at least basic knowledge of the physical, mental, and sometimes also intellectual capabilities of a faithful person with disability. The results obtained may constitute a contribution to pastoral discernment regarding the factors influencing the presence of people with disability in the Church community.
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    "The Apostle of the Apostles," Prostitute or Penitent? A Typology of Mary Magdalene in the Homilies of Gregory the Great
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Jóźwiak, Magdalena
    Mary Magdalene, who is mentioned on the pages of the Gospels twelve times, is regarded as one of the most famous and stirring strong emotions women of the New Testament. In some religious circles to this day, one can still hear claims that Mary of Magdala was a prostitute. Others argue that Magdalene is the “Apostle of the Apostles” (Apostola Apostolorum) because she was the first person to bear witness to the risen Lord (e.g. Hippolytus of Rome, Jerome of Stridon). Pope Gregory the Great, on the other hand, combined three evangelical women into one figure in his two homilies: the nameless sinful woman (cf. Luke 7:37), Mary Magdalene (cf. Luke 8:2), and Mary mentioned in John 20:11 – into a single figure. Thus, Mary of Magdala was regarded as a prostitute. Gregory the Great’s theory became prevalent in Western Christianity over the next fifteen centuries. This paper aims to analyse homilies XXV and XXXIII by Gregory the Great and attempt to address the question of whether, for the popecommentator, Mary Magdalene is exclusively and mainly a symbol of the “convert prostitute?” This paper adopted the philological method. It concludes that perhaps the pope himself would have been astonished that for so many centuries, the most enduring legacy of his two aforementioned homilies is the image of Magdalene as a “convert prostitute” rather than the moral teaching he wanted to convey. After all, the commentator also juxtaposed Magdalene with the Shulamite from the Song of Songs, Eve, Simon the Pharisee, Peter, Zacchaeus and Dismas, and saw in her a “type” of a Christian of every era.