Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne, 2012, T. 98

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    Księga Bractwa Trójcy Przenajświętszej w parafii Dywin 1763-1800
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Bielak, Włodzimierz
    The Roman Catholic parish in Dywin came into existence about 1700. The parish initially belonged to the Lutsk-Brest diocese. Today, Dywin is a village on the terrain of Belorussia.The Fraternity of The Holy Trinity was established in 1763. It was functioning there at least until the end of 18th century. The register of this fraternity has been published in this article. The book contains: — the list of church fetes for members of the fraternity; — brothers duty; — ceremonies connected with enroling new members; — enrolment of the members of the fraternity 1763-1800.
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    Organizacja dekanalna w diecezji kieleckiej w latach 1925-1939
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Bujak, Grzegorz
    The article discusses the changes which took place in the organisation of deaneries in the Diocese of Kielce in the years 1925-1939. These changes were caused by the necessity of adaptation to the new boundaries of the diocese which were introduced after the concordat of 1925 and the dynamic development of the city of Kielce. With regard to the creation of the deanery of Wiślica, the author presented the decision making process done by the administration of the diocese.
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    Romańskie zabytki architektury sakralnej Inowrocławia i Strzelna w świetle fotografii Meydenlendera z 1887 roku
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Danielewski, Marcin
    The article concerns a collection of the nineteenth-century photography, which is located in the Iconographic Studio of the Special Collections Department in University Library of Poznań. These unique photos of 1887 were taken by Meydenlender. In addition, some of Meydenlender’s photo prints are in the collections of the Museum of the City of Poznań. The primary objective of the text was to present the collection of photographs depicting Romanesque architecture of Strzelno and Inowrocław. The photographs show the condition of the Church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Inowrocław, the Saint Cross’s Rotunda of Strzelno and the Church dedicated to St. Trinity and the Blessed Virgin Mary. They are also a valuable source in terms of conservation. In order to introduce a little-known collection of photographic material, the author examined a number of issues directly connected with them. The text touches upon the person of Meydenlender, as well as the is-sue of when and in what order the photographs of monuments in Strzelno and Inowrocław were taken. There is also information about what happened to the photographic material gathered in two collections. It was possible to determine that after being taken, the two sets of photographs were in different institutions and repeatedly changed their locations. One of the collections was in Berlin in 1906. However, it was impossible to determine what happened to the photographs right after they were taken. Both collections of photographic material were compared with each other. As a result the photographs were counted, and the photos whose authorship cannot be attributed to Meyden-lender were selected from the collection of the Museum of the City of Poznań. The basis for further considerations are fi fteen photos. Six of them showed the Church devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Inowrocław and the other nine the Saint Cross’s Rotunda of Strzelno, the Church dedicated to St. Trinity and the Blessed Virgin Mary, and other monastic buildings in Strzelno. Only some of the discussed photographs have been published so far, mainly those related to the church in Inowrocław. At the same time it was noted that usually when Meydenlender’s photos were pub-lished, the name of the author was not given as he was unknown, and the date of the photos was not given correctly. Photographs are not homogeneous, it is possible that two of them were taken at a different time than the others. The article also indicates the high conservation value of the photos which depict the monuments of Strzelno and Inowrocław before the renovation (respectively in 1892 and the years 1900 to 1902). It is worth mentioning that the two photographs of the Saint Cross’s Rotunda show the foundation tympanum destroyed in 1945, which was set in the outer wall of one of the buildings in 1887. The photos show the terrible condition of the monuments of Strzelno, as well as how their nineteenth-century appearance differed from Romanesque mass of the both buildings. It is also worth noting that a detailed analysis of two photographs of the rotunda made it possible to determine the exact time at which they were taken. The photos of the Church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Inowrocław allowed to point out extensive damage in the walls of the church. At the same time photographic material was a good source to indicate the changes made in the course of reconstruction in the years 1900-1902. The detailed analysis of the photos allowed to notice the fact that during renovation of the Church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary the original traces of scaffold fasteners were bricked up. This study presented the photographic materials of high value in terms of sources, which had been previously largely unknown.
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    Katolickie stowarzyszenia młodzieży w diecezji włocławskiej w latach 1918-1939
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Dębiński, Józef
    The article discusses the changes which took place in the organisation of deaneries in the Diocese of Kielce in the years 1925-1939. These changes were caused by the necessity of adaptation to the new boundaries of the diocese which were introduced after the concordat of 1925 and the dynamic development of the city of Kielce. With regard to the creation of the deanery of Wiślica, the author presented the decision making process done by the administration of the diocese.
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    Kapituła katedralna w Łucku w dokumentach z przełomu XVIII i XIX wieku
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2012) Dębowska, Maria
    The documents currently published come from fragmentary archive of the cathedral chapter of Lutsk, which is part of the Diocese Archive of Lutsk (the deposit in the Centre for Museums Libraries and Church Archives - ABMK in Polish). They show the cathedral chapter in Lutsk in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century - personnel (including biographical data of some people), the obligations of its members, salary of both prelates and canons, as well as the common property of the chapter. The fi rst and most detailed document (from 1797) also includes other cathedral clergymen connected with the cathedral (and the cathedral parish), that is the members of the collegiates: vicars, „mansjonarze”, „angeliści” (the priests of lower rank in the church hierarchy), and the names of lecturers and students of the cathedral seminary. The documents were produced during the territorial reorganization of the Catholic Church in Russia, made in 1798 by the nuncio L. Litt on behalf of Pope Pius VI. The Diocese of Lutsk (with the cathedral chapter in Lutsk) was connected by personal union (Aequana principaliter) with the Diocese of Zhytomyr, whose cathedral chapter was in Zhytomyr.