Review of European and Comparative Law, 2019, Vol. 39, No. 4
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- ItemImplementation of the European Union Requirement to Coordinate Activities of Public Administration Authorities in the Process of the Authorisation, Certification, and Licensing of Renewable Energy Sources Investments(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019-12-31) Sobieraj, KamilaThe aim of this article is analysis of one of the barriers to the functioning of procedures for authorization, certification and licensing of RES investments - lack of coordination in actions of the public administration authorities while conducting those procedures, both in the context of EU law, as much national laws of selected Member States. Why this barrier is still dominant? The article is devoted to analysis of possible and applied models for such coordination in the area of RES investments. Attention has also been drawn to restrictions which should be taken under consideration by Member States while the regulations regarding procedures coordination implementing. Constructing and applying of coordination of public administration authorities activities in such a way as it might contribute to streamlining and accelerating administrative procedures in the area of RES investments and consequently achieve a designated RES energy share in the final gross energy consumption, is not an easy task. Inappropriately constructed and applied mechanisms may lead to an exactly opposite effect
- ItemGovernment Agencies in Poland – an Example of Agencification of Public Administration. Comparative Legal Analysis of Selected Models of Agencies in European Countries(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019-12-31) Bieś-Srokosz, PaulinaTermin „uagencyjnianie” stanowi propozycję na określenie procesu tworzenia agencji rządowych, który przypada na początek lat 90. ubiegłego wieku. Według Autora niniejszego artykułu określenie to powinno zostać przyjęte do siatki pojęć polskiego prawa administracyjnego. Jednym z powodów jest fakt, że przedstawiciele doktryny prawa administracyjnego z innych państw, swobodnie, od kilkunastu lat, posługują się tym pojęciem właśnie w takim rozumieniu, jak zostało to przedstawione w tym opracowaniu. Stąd też, w artykule dokonano odniesień do modeli agencji w państwach europejskich, w których stanowią one przykład ważnych podmiotów w danym systemie prawnym.
- ItemSocial and Living Conditions in Polish Prisons in the Context of International Legal Regulations – Selected Issues(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019-12-31) Skrobotowicz, Grzegorz AdamThe aim of the study is to determine the current position of a Polish prisoner against the international background, with particular emphasis on the description of social and living conditions which are the closest to penitentiary everyday life. The study presents main acts of the international law and analyzes selected case-law of the European Court of Human Rights in determining standards for dealing with persons deprived of freedom, as well as the activities of international and national preventive mechanisms, in particular the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) and the Ombudsman.
- ItemOn some International Regulations in Gaius’s Institutes(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019-12-31) Leraczyk, IzabelaPrzedmiotem artykułu są regulacje międzynarodowe wspomniane przez Gaiusa w jego Instytucjach. Dzieło to, będące podręcznikiem do nauki prawa, w kilku fragmentach odnosi się do instytucji respektowanych na arenie międzynarodowej – statusu Latynów, peregrini dediticii oraz zawierania na arenie międzynarodowej sponsio. Przywołanie przez jurystę powyższych instytucji miało na celu porównanie ich z rozwiązaniami prywatnoprawnymi, co w zamyśle ułatwiało zrozumienie omawianych w dziele norm odnoszących się do jednostek.
- ItemSimple Joint-Stock Company – A New Type of Polish Commercial Company Dedicated (Mostly) to New-Technology Entities(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2019) Zdanikowski, Paweł MarcinThis article presents a new Polish regulation concerning the simple joint-stock company (Polish: prosta spółka akcyjna; SJSC). It is a legal form of commercial company, dedicated mostly (but not exclusively) to new-technology entities. Its main advantage is the possibility to subscribe shares in exchange for a contribution in the form of work or services provided to the company. This will make it possible for SJSC promoters to attract investors in order to run the enterprise, while maintaining control over the company and excluding personal liability for its obligations. Another characteristic is that the SJSC has no share capital. Even so, the degree of actual protection of company's creditors does not seem lower than that provided by companies supplied with a share capital. This is because the creditors’ interests are secured not only by the obligation to conduct the solvency test before paying out funds to a shareholder, but also by restrictive rules of responsibility of management board members for company's liabilities if the enforcement carried out against the company proves ineffective.