Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne, 2010, T. 94
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- ItemArchiwum Norbertanek w Imbramowicach(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Dębowska, MariaThe Norbertine Sisters Convent in Ibramowice was founded at the beginning of the 13th century. It has survived until the present day; in the 15th century the nuns were transferred to Busko for some time, so it was only once in its history that this nunnery existed outside Ibramowice. The archive of the convent suffered considerable losses over centuries: in 1710 the church and the convent were consumed by fi re, in 1820 the convent was deprived of its manors and, in consequence, it was divested of a large number of the most precious records. At present the archive in Ibramowice consists of several archival collections. The open collection comprises the documentation of the convent office in Imbramowice (“The Norbertine Sisters Convent in Imbramowice”). The rest collections are the ones to which documentation is no longer added. They contain a certain number of archival units, including: 1) the remnants of the office documentation of the nunneries - the Norbertine and Cistercian Sisters - from which the nuns were resettled in Imbramowice in the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th centuries, 2) the legacy of different people who were somehow connected with the convent in Imbramowice (e.g. chaplains). The majority of the archival collection of the Norbertine Sisters in Imbramowice is on microfilm.
- ItemChrystianizacja Prus według Kroniki Jana Długosza(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Bielak, WłodzimierzSince the beginning of its existence, the Polish Church took an active part in the Christianization of the neighbouring pagan peoples. One of its missionary areas was the land inhabited by the Prussians. These missions were conducted in three stages. The first one was the mission undertaken by Saint Wenceslaus under the patronage of duke Boleslaw the Valiant (Polish: Bolesław Chrobry). During this mission St Wenceslaus died a martyr’s death, which was used as a factor promoting the Polish Church while creating metropolitan church organization in 1000. The second stage was the missionary activity at the time of Henryk Kietlicz, the archbishop of Gniezno, at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries, which was interrupted by the appearance of the Teutonic Order in Prussia. The action of the Teutonic Knights in Prussia was the third stage of Christianization. However, this evangelization was the German method of conducting a mission - that is to say, by the sword. The objective of the Teutonic Knights was to create their own state in Prussia rather than convert pagans to Christianity. The description of these processes was based on the Annals of Jan Dlugosz, which shows how the memories of those events were retained.
- ItemDuchowieństwo dekanatu Skała w świetle wizytacji z 1618 roku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Markiewicz, TomaszThe records of the Cracow Archdeanery from 1617 to 1619 contain a wealth of material, which enables the learning of the work, life and habits of the clergy. This applies specifically to the internal inspections, which enables understanding the clergy not just in regard to numbers or structure, but also by means, so for unknown, allows the group to be viewed in the light of ministry and morality. The Skała Deanery compared to other deaneries, lying more to the east, was characterized by the lowest numbers of ministers per statistical parish. In practice, the ministry in the majority of the parishes in the deanery was carried out by only one priest. The information, relating to the ministry and habits of the clergy, received from the inspector and witnesses under oath has allowed the precise determination of the extent of the observed phenomena. The inspection does not indicate any scandalous failings in the religious education of the faithful. A serious obstacle to effective ministry was the fact that nearly 30% of parish priests did not reside in the parishes under their care. This problem dating from the period of the Middle Ages as well as during the time of the implementation of the Tridentine Reforms had remained, as yet, unsolved. The clergy’s morality left much to be desired, they were universally accused of drunkenness and the keeping of non-permitted contacts with women. In the case of the former, as we have shown, the accusations were quite diverse. According to very careful estimates, the behavior, with respect to alcohol, of 15% of the clergy was scandalous. Transgressions of a sexual nature were no less widespread, which according to the testimony of witnesses affected 41% of ministers. A significant majority of the accused (71%) cohabitated with women, while the acts of the rest were more of a short-term character, often quite shocking. It is worth remembering, that the veracity of the testimony of witnesses is borne out by their agreement with each other and the fact that they were made under oath. The emerging picture leads to the conclusion that ministers of the Skała Deanery, raised in the atmosphere of the implementation of the Tridentine Reforms, were far removed from the ideal of ministers carrying out their functions as administrators and as leaders of parishioners, who consciously and purposefully guided the spiritual lives of their parishes.
- Item„Dynamiczna wierność” – Ksiądz Michał Rua. Pierwszy następca zakonodawcy salezjanów(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Żurek, Waldemar Witold
- ItemDziewiętnastowieczne akta wizytacji dziekańskich na przykładzie dekanatu radomszczańskiego(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Wolnicki, PawełLa documentation du XIXe siècle concernant les inspections décanales sur le territoire Royal Polonais permet de trouver des informations précieuses sur la vie religieuse des diverses régions du territoire de Radomsko. Elle refl ète la manière de réaliser les dispositions du pouvoir diocésain - decretum reformationis-et laїc, par le clergé paroissial. Elle montre le rôle du doyen dans le système hiérarchique de ľéglise catholique durant la période ďoccupation et la façon dont il observe les recommandations du pouvoir diocésain. En même temps, elle trace le tableau du doyen non comme un inspecteur mais comme un prêtre parmi les autres pretres dans des communautés fraternelles. Dans la structure de ľEglise catholique, les doyens occupent une place importante exercant une infl uence sur la vie religieuse-morale du clergé et directement aussi des fi dèles. Recevant obediénce du pouvoir diocésain, ils ont exercé un contrôle sur la situation matérielle des sanctuaires paroissiaux, chapelles, presbytères et autres bâtiments ďéglise. Un des moyens utilisés fut ľinspection de toutes les paroisses situées sur le territoire ecclésial de ľadministration territoriale décanale. Le tom de ľacte ďinspection dècanale du doyenné de Radomsko se compose de protocoles ainsi que comptes-rendus du pouvoir ecclésial et laic rapport (relatifs) a la pèriode annuelle. En plus, le doyen a rassemblé des circulaires qui ont informé les prêtres des paroisses au sujet des inspections, de leurs dates ainsi que de ľordre ďinspections des paroisses.
- ItemImiona chrzestne mieszkańców Iskrzyni w XIX wieku na podstawie metryk parafii Krościenko Wyżne z lat 1848-1900(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Rachwał, PiotrThe basic sources for research on the names of Iskrzynia inhabitants in the 19th century were baptismal registers from the years 1848-1900. The author focused on different factors which could affect the choice of a Christian name, that is to say, family tradition, literary influence, changing fashion. It was also pointed out that the relation between the date of baptism and a saint patron played an important role in deciding on a name for a child. Over 47% of boys received the names of patrons whose days were in the month of their baptism, for girls the percentage was almost 26%. The range of Iskrzynia inhabitants’ names given in baptism is wide. In the studied period there were 59 kinds of male names and 59 female ones. The most popular male names were: Jan, Stanisław, Franciszek, Józef and female ones: Marianna, Aniela, Katarzyna and Helena.
- ItemKonferencja Naukowa: „Bogurodzica na ludzkich drogach życia”. Sokołów Małopolski, 20 maja 2010 r.(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Kłeczek-Walicka, Ewa
- ItemKonferencja „Pod opieką Maryi. Ku koronacji Łaskami Słynącego Obrazu Matki Bożej Szkaplerznej z Kościoła św. Krzyża w Rzeszowie”. 12 VI 2010 r. Rzeszów(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Kłeczek-Walicka, Ewa
- ItemMuzeum Klasztoru Ojców Dominikanów w Janowie Lubelskim – nowa placówka muzealna Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Szulc, Dominik
- ItemOrganizacja terytorialna diecezji chełmskiej i lubelskiej do 1805 roku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Kumor-Mielnik, JoannaThe following article focuses on the territorial analysis of the diocese of Chełm and Lublin from 1790 to the foundation of the diocese of Lublin by Pope Pius VII in the papal bull on 23 September 1805. The territorial structure of this diocese was formed from the two bigger and two smaller church administrative units, as in 1790 it encompassed some territory which belonged to the Metropolis of Lvov - the diocese of Chełm (three deaneries), as well as most of the Archdeanery of Lublin, which belonged to the diocese of Kraków, the Metropolis of Gniezno(apart from the deanery of Solec). From the latter diocese and metropolis, the deanery of Stężyca (from the deanery of Kielce) and the deanery of Urzędów (from the archdeanery of Zawichost) were also incorporated to the diocese of Chełm and Lublin. Presenting the particular parts of the diocese of Chełm and Lublin created in 1790, the author also describes the years before its foundation, because the analysis of the territorial structures both the diocese of Chełm - erected in 14 the century- and the archdeanery of Lublin-created in 12th century-covers even the beginnings of the 14th century. In addition, in this article an attempt has been made to explain the diocese name controversy – created in 1790 - and the titles of its first ordinary bishops: Maciej Garnysz and Wojciech Skarszewski. The boundaries of the diocese of Chełm and Lublin underwent some changes over time due to the partitions of Poland. That is why the following article is accompanied by a few maps, which can help to illustrate each and every modification to the boundaries of the diocese of Chełm and Lublin.
- ItemPrzegląd bibliograficzny(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Hamryszczak, Artur; Kiper, Daniel
- ItemPrzyczynek do tematyki pobytu ks. Karola Wojtyły w Kolegium Belgijskim w Rzymie(Wydawnicctwo KUL, 2010) Prokop, Krzysztof R.
- Item[Recenzja]: P. Wiśniewski, ks.: Śpiewy Mandatum w polskich drukach muzycznoliturgicznych XVII wieku. Warszawa 2008, ss. 134(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Rozen, Fryderyk
- Item[Recenzja]: Weronika Pawłowicz, Księgozbiory polskiego duchowieństwa katolickiego na Górnym Śląsku w XIX i XX wieku (do 1939 r.), Katowice 2009, wyd: Księgarnia św. Jacka [...] Studia i Materiały Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Warząchowska, Bogumiła
- ItemSprawozdanie ks. Wilhelma Hoffmanna MSF z 1929 roku o sytuacji wychodźstwa polskiego w Limburgii Holenderskiej(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Szymański, Józef
- ItemStan katolickiego duchowieństwa w Winnicy na Podolu w świetle spisu ludności z 1795 roku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Rosowski, Witalij
- ItemWartość źródłowa akt dziekańskich z XIX wieku na przykładzie akt dziekana brzeźnickiego(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Szkutnik, PiotrBeing in charge of the deanery clergy, deans kept documentation which was stored in the dean’s archive. In the following article the records of the deanery of Brzeziny (in the 19th century this deanery was in the diocese of Kujawy-Kalisz) are presented as an example of usefulness of this kind of documentation for research. The bishop’s and consistory’s documentation suffered some losses in wars so the diocese government orders included in the dean’s records allow to complete these missing parts. The dean’s records contain information on the deanery clergy, the congregation and church property in a deanery; as well as some cartographic and typonymic documentation. The dean’s correspondence includes letters from the local secular and church institutions. Taking all these facts into consideration, it must be stated that the dean’s records are of great importance to the history of a given region.
- ItemWybrane piety w Małopolsce z okresu średniowiecza. Ich proweniencja, dzieje i wizerunek(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010) Gołąb-Kowalska, JolantaThe main purpose of this work is to present the provenance and the history of the chosen, characteristic and famous Pietàs from different works of art, monuments, and other buildings - for instance, churches, hospitals and roadside shrines. The vital issue of this article is to show the outward image of Pietàs. The author also focuses on analogies, similarities and differences in the image of Pietàs from Little Poland, and other regions and places which were outside Poland in the Middle Ages. This work concentrates only on the chosen Pietàs from different places such as Pietà from Limanów, Pietà in the church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin Mary in Czchów, Pietà from Wojnicz, Pietà from Biecz (Mourning II), Pietà from the former Hospital for the Poor in Biecz, Pietà from Witkowice, Pietà from Szczyrzyc, Pietà from Dobczyce. The author chose these Pietàs, which despite coming from different places of Little Poland in the Middle Ages, best illustrate similarities and differences between each other and other sculptures. The paper also compares the analysed Pietàs with various sculptures and Pietàs from other regions of Poland and outside the country. Only certain of Pietàs are presented in this article, especially these which are described in different academic works and source materials. Some academic papers lack detailed information about the provenance, the history and the image of some of the gothic Pietàs from the Middle Ages in Little Poland. Only Pietà from Limanowa is the one about which there is thorough information in academic papers and source materials. So far, there has been no synthetic work or article about the provenance, the history and the overall image of Pietàs from Little Poland in the Middle Ages.