Verbum Vitae, 2021, T. 39, Nr 4: Varia
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- ItemAbraham’s Trials in Ancient and Medieval Jewish Writings(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Kaczorowska, Katarzyna MiriamThe article presents a brief overview of the Jewish rabbinical resources with regard to the Patriarch Abraham and his life, viewed as a series of trials. From the second century BCE, the Jewish authors were recognizing numerous events in Abraham’s life as ordeals, gradually more and more difficult and challenging. Through them God put Abraham and his faith to the test in order to assure that his election of Abraham was right. On the basis of The Book of Jubilees and several rabbinical works, including Pirqe Abot, Pirqe Rabbi Eliezer and Abot de Rabbi Nathan as well as the writings of Jewish medieval commentators (esp. Maimonides and Rashi), the paper in detail analyzes the concept of these trials and the differences that can be identified in the sources concerning their identification and order. Firstly, the reasons of the rabbinical commentators’ particular interest paid to Abraham have been given. Subsequently, the concept of his numerous trials, identified by the rabbis and Jewish scholars, have been discussed, followed by a thorough presentation of selected rabbinic works and discussions whether the experiences of Abraham’s life should and/or should not be regarded as trials.
- ItemDavid J. Shepherd – Jan Joosten – Michaël N. van der Meer (red.), Septuagint, Targum and Beyond. Comparing Aramaic and Greek Versions from Jewish Antiquity (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 193; Leiden – Boston, MA: Brill 2020)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Kuśmirek, AnnaBook review: David J. Shepherd – Jan Joosten – Michaël N. van der Meer (red.), Septuagint, Targum and Beyond. Comparing Aramaic and Greek Versions from Jewish Antiquity (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 193; Leiden – Boston, MA: Brill 2020). Ss. 356. $140.00. ISBN 978-90-04-41671-0 (Hardback), 978-90-04-41672-7 (E-Book).
- ItemAndreas Schüle, Die Urgeschichte (Genesis 1–11), 2. erweiterte und aktualisierte Auflage (Zürcher Bibelkommentare AT 1/1; Zürich: Theologische Verlag Zürich 2020)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Lemański, Janusz AdamReview of the book: Andreas Schüle, Die Urgeschichte (Genesis 1-11). 2. erweiterte und aktualisierte Auflage (Züricher Bibelkommentare 1.1; Zürich: Theologische Verlag Zürich 2020). S. 176. 35 EUR. ISBN 978-3-290-17527-6
- ItemThe Motif of the Angel(s) of Death in Islamic Foundational Sources as an Element of Cultural Diffusion(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Prochwicz-Studnicka, Bożena; Mrozek, AndrzejThe article harks back to the publication entitled “The Motif of the Angel(s) of Death in Islamic Foundational Sources” (VV 38/2 [2020]), which was devoted to the analysis of the eponymous theme in the foundational sources of Islam: the Quran and the sunna of the Prophet Muhammad. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the motif of angel(s) may have been borrowed from two monotheistic traditions that came before. The verification of the thesis that the motif of the angel(s) of death underwent diffusion was carried out in several steps. First, the motif was identified in the textual traditions of Judaism and early Christianity (i.e. sets of texts that were known and, in all likelihood, widespread in the Middle East during the formative period of Islam). As a result of the analysis, most of the themes recognised in the foundational texts of Islam were found. The next step was to identify possible routes of their transmission and percolation into the Islamic tradition, and to determine the “ideological demand” for the motif of the angel(s) of death in the burgeoning Islam. Although Jewish and Christian imagery and beliefs about angels are an important (if not the primary) source of influence on Muslim angelology, there was most likely a two-way interaction between the monotheistic traditions, albeit to a limited extent.
- ItemGerhard Lohfink’s Interpretative Key to the Sermon on the Mount(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Machinek, Marian SzczepanThe purpose of this article is to elicit and analyze the main interpretative key used by the German exegete Gerhard Lohfink in his reading of the Sermon on the Mount. It does not attempt, however, tracing in detail the scholar's interpretation of the individual passages within that biblical text. In Lohfink’s understanding, the Sermon on the Mount is not addressed directly to all people, but only to those who become disciples of Jesus, and who allow themselves to be gathered as the new Israel. By living according to the message of the Sermon on the Mount, communities of disciples become a light to the world, creating a “contrast society” and thereby demonstrating to the world that human relationships can be shaped in new ways. It is only through this mediation of Christian communities that the world at large can discover the message of the Sermon on the Mount which, in the end, is not a set of abstract moral norms, but rather an indication of the way of life appropriate for the social sphere in which God reigns.
- ItemFive Centuries of Bible Translations into Kashubian(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Sikora, Adam RyszardThis paper discusses translations of biblical passages into Kashubian, which originated in the Lutheran circles between the 16th and the 19th centuries, followed by translations made in the Catholic circles in the 20th and the 21st centuries. The history of these translations has been divided into two periods: “old translations” and “contemporary translations.” The former comprise various biblical texts preserved in manuscripts and printed monuments, which came into being between 1586 and the second half of the 19th century. The fundamental texts of this period include the works by Szymon Krofey (1586), Michał Pontanus (1643), and Perykopy smołdzińskie (1699-1701). The old translations were done from German in the Protestant circles in West Pomerania. In turn, the “contemporary translations” of biblical texts into Kashubian embrace translations from the second half of the 20th century, which were produced in the Catholic environment of Gdańsk Pomerania: from Latin (Mk 4:3-20) by A. Nagel (1973), from Latin (four Gospels) by Rev. F. Grucza (1992), from Polish (the New Testament and the Psalms) by E. Gołąbek (1993-2007) and my own translations from Hebrew and Greek (the Four Gospels, the Pentateuch, Ecclesiastes) prepared in 2001-2020.
- ItemThe Concept of Matrimonial Consent in Can. 1057 CIC 1983(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Wąsik, Wojciech StanisławThe article is devoted to matrimonial consent as described in Can. 1057 CIC/83, which has replaced the former Can. 1081 CIC/17. The regulation found in this canon emphasizes the importance of matrimonial consent and constitutes the basis for all reasons for the nullification of marriage. The analyzed norm, describing matrimonial consent in the positive aspect, was formulated in the personalistic spirit and adapted to Vatican II's teachings. Can. 1057 CIC/83 was placed among the norms introducing the De matrimonio of CIC/83 part, which resulted in ordering the vision of marriage in CIC/83. The studies on the normative content of Can. 1057 §1, CIC/83, focus on matrimonial consent, which establishes the matrimonial bond and is the only efficient cause of marriage, being a bilateral consensual contract and a sacrament for those baptized. The article discusses legal requirements assuring that consent will result in contracting a valid marriage. The article explains in detail the norm, according to which a defective matrimonial consent cannot be supplemented or replaced by another legal act. The article analyses the object of matrimonial consent in Can. 1057 §2, CIC/83, which was harmonized with the definition of marriage in Can. 1055 CIC/83. Ius in corpus is no longer such an object (as it narrows marriage to a communion finding fulfillment in the sexual and procreative sphere) but rather the parties to the contract, who give themselves to one another in an analogous sense (material object) and the communion for their entire life, in all its dimensions (formal object).
- ItemJoseph Ratzinger’s Argument for the Epistemological Seriousness of Faith(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Kaucha, KrzysztofChristianity, and the Christian faith, seems to be losing when confronted with scientific reason and scientific certainty. Christianity needs new arguments for the epistemological seriousness of its faith. Those could be found in Joseph Ratzinger’s writings, providing new insights into fundamental theology. The subject of faith as an element that is crucial to him (and to Christianity) pervades all his works. This paper aims at proving that Ratzinger has worked out an original epistemological way of defending the Christian faith. It is an attempt to recreate his argument on the basis of his entire intellectual output. The present research leads to the conclusion that Ratzinger’s way of argumentation is quite unique. In classical fundamental theology, the Christian faith (comprehended mostly as an individual act of faith) is placed at its end point, while in Ratzinger’s fundamental theology, faith (understood mostly as a historical and communal act) is practically a point of departure. From the beginning of his reasoning, Ratzinger (due to his meta-faith perspective) persuades that the Christian faith is epistemologically very serious. Faith may not only manifest its presence alongside other serious attitudes to reality, but also be capable of demonstrating its foundation, rationality, originality, uniqueness, and even absoluteness (definitiveness).
- ItemThe Biblical Dimension of Religious Instruction in Poland(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Zając, MarianThe article concerns the issue of religious instruction in Polish state schools, especially its inspiration from the Bible as the primary source of the transmission of faith. When religious education classes were introduced in schools, a confessional model of their performance was adopted, thus leading to establishing closer ties with churches and religious associations as well as developing personal faith. The methodology of my research was based on analysing the current anchoring of the teaching of religion in the Polish state law and the guidelines of the Catholic Church. Next, the 2018 Core Curriculum for the Catechesis of the Catholic Church in Poland, related to the reform of the Polish education system and the completely new situation resulting from the liquidation of the junior high school stage of education, was used to show biblical guidelines for religious instruction and a set of methodological tools that guarantee its effectiveness. Confessional religion classes are currently organized in all government-run schools in Poland, and according to recent statistical data, they significantly contribute to their better functioning. Consequently, there is a need to appeal for the continuation of religious education in schools and its modification based on multimedia technology, and there is a necessity to overcome the tendency to remove classes of religion from Polish public schools.
- ItemSuffering and Prayer in the Messianic Community of Jas 5:13a(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Naseri, ChristopherJas 5:13a encourages anyone within the community who suffers to pray. The text does not, however, specify whether the prayer is for the elimination of suffering or for the grace to endure it. The aim of this work, therefore, is to identify the purpose of the prayer proposed in v. 13a. The method employed is an analysis of v. 13a in its immediate context of Jas 5:13-18. The study reveals that the phrase “prayer of faith” in v. 15a offers significant clues as to the purpose of the prayer in v. 13a. The prayer of faith is a renewal of one's commitment to God and their trust in God. The invitation to pray in v. 13a is therefore a request to reaffirm that commitment to God in time of trials. The conclusion is that James is calling on Christians who suffer to reiterate their commitment to God despite their trials, and to pray for the grace to courageously endure their challenges.
- ItemSławomir Zatwardnicki, Księgi natchnione i ich interpretacja. Inspirujące przesłanie Josepha Ratzingera – Benedykta XVI (Lublin: Academicon 2021)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Szymik, StefanRecenzja książki: Sławomir Zatwardnicki, Księgi natchnione i ich interpretacja. Inspirujące przesłanie Josepha Ratzingera – Benedykta XVI (Lublin: Academicon 2021). Ss. 240. 36 PLN. ISBN 978-83-62475-56-8 (oprawa miękka), 978-83-62475-59-9 (ebook)
- ItemSpecificity of the Gospel of Mark as Interpreted by Theophylact of Ohrid(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Czarnuch-Sodzawiczny, MonikaWhile Theophylact’s Enarratio in Evangelium Marci [Explanation of the Gospel of Mark] is known as the first commentary on the whole Gospel in Greek, the question remains: how much of Mark’s Gospel is in this Explanation? The main aim of the article is to examine whether Theophylact notices the specificity of Mark’s Gospel, or whether he is harmonizing Mark with Matthew, on which he commented earlier, or other Gospels. The analysis of the Explanation of the Gospel of Mark shows that Theophylact relates to content typical of the Gospel of Mark. He distinguishes Mark’s theology from other Gospels, recognizing at the same time the theological unity of the four Gospels. His attentiveness to the details of the narrative is evidenced by the accurate presentation of divergences and, regarding some pericopes, the lack of harmonization.
- ItemThe Reconciliation of the World Through the Blood of Christ’s Cross as the Completion of the Work of Creation (Col 1:15-20)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Kręcidło, JanuszThe article contains a detailed exegesis of the Christological hymn in Col 1:15-20, highlighting the links between the theology of creation and kerygmatic theology. The first strophe (1:15-18a) emphasizes the author’s intention to show the function of Christ in the creation of the world, whereas the second one (1:18b-20) exposes the fact that Christ’s passion, death and resurrection were key moments in the history of the world, comparable only to the work of its creation. It is shown that both events are closely related in the hymn because reconciling the world to God in the blood of Christ is meant to be the completion of the work of creation, resulting in restoring a harmonious relationship between God and man.
- ItemThe Phenomenon of Rewriting Scripture in Late Second Temple Judaism: Some Methodological Reflections on the So-Called “Rewritten Bible” Category(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Majewski, MarcinThe term “Rewritten Bible” was introduced by Géza Vermes in 1961 to describe works from late Second Temple period that “retell” or “rewrite” Scriptures with characteristic changes. Since then, much has been written about this category of texts. Today, some researchers are tired of discussing this concept, suggesting even a move away from the notion. Others, on the contrary, apply it to an increasing number of texts, including even works lying outside the specific context of late Second Temple Jewish literature. This article discusses the phenomenon of the “Rewritten Bible” (RewB) and takes up a polemic with certain approaches to the category, concerning terminology, scope, and character, as well as indication of the purposes of rewriting activity. The article shows that the category remains useful and important, within certain methodological clarifications.
- ItemWord and Image. Polish Medieval and Renaissance Religious Writings in the European Context(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Kaczor-Scheitler, Katarzyna AgnieszkaThe article presents the Polish religious writing of the Middle Ages and Renaissance as an expression of correspondence between the word and image. It also demonstrates the impact of European graphics, including Albrecht Dürer’s woodcuts, upon Polish religious works of the period (such as the works by Pseudo-Bonaventura in his rendering of Baltazar Opec’s Żywot Pana Jezu Krysta and Jan Sandecki’s Historie biblijne or Rozmyślania dominikańskie. The article also emphasizes that it was Dürer who paved the way for the book illustration, thus turning woodcuts into an art form in their own right. The fifteenth century was a watershed in book culture. As new illustration techniques at the turn of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries encouraged the growth of illustrated printed books, the codex became obsolete.