Verbum Vitae, 2021, T. 39, Nr 2: Varia
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- ItemProfessional Ethics of Social Entrepreneurs: The Perspective of Christian Personalist Ethics(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Zadroga, AdamThe aim of the article is to indicate and describe the normative assumptions of the professional ethics of social entrepreneurs. The innovative nature of the proposed concept consists in taking into consideration the perspective of Christian personalist ethics. It is a theory of morality which includes considerations for the biblical and theological view of man, emphasizing above all their personal dignity. Referring to the principal axioms of this ethical doctrine allows for a presentation of a proposal of ethical principles and moral virtues – adequate to the mission, tasks, and vocation of social entrepreneurs. The article discusses the following issues: the essence of Christian personalist ethics, the mission and tasks of social entrepreneurs, the motivation and vocation of social entrepreneurs, ethical aspects of leadership in social enterprises, as well as the ethical principles and moral virtues of social entrepreneurs. A methodology characteristic of normative philosophical ethics and moral theology was applied. The results of the analysis of the methodically selected literature on the subject were processed by means of conceptual work, which allowed us to describe the professional ethics of social entrepreneurs from the point of view of Christian personalist ethics. Christian personalist ethics makes a valuable and original contribution to the description of the normative determinants of social entrepreneurship. The analysis of the mission and tasks of social entrepreneurs shows that they create social structures and processes that affirm the dignity of marginalized people and restore their capacity to participate in social and economic life.
- ItemThe Metaphysics of the Incarnation in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy of Religion(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Dobrzeniecki, MarekThe paper presents the latest achievements of analytic philosophers of religion in Christology. My goal is to defend the literal/metaphysical reading of the Chalcedonian dogma of the hypostatic union. Some of the contemporary Christian thinkers claim that the doctrine of Jesus Christ as both perfectly divine and perfectly human is self-contradictory (I present this point of view on the example of John Hick) and, therefore, it should be understood metaphorically. In order to defend the consistency of the conciliar theology, I refer to the work of, among others, Eleonore Stump, William Hasker, Peter Geach and Kevin Sharpe. As a result, I conclude that recent findings in analytic metaphysics provide an ontological scaffolding that explains away the objection of the incompatibility of the doctrine of the hypostatic union. In order to confirm this conclusion such metaphysical topics as properties attribution (what it means for an object to have a property), relation of identity (what it means for an object x to be identical with object y), and essentialism and kind membership (what it means for an object to belong necessarily to a kind) are scrutinized in detail.
- ItemReligious Pluralism from the Catholic Point of View(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Kubacki, Zbigniew JózefThe question about how religious pluralism should properly be understood from the Catholic point of view has been asked since the outset of Christianity. It was also formulated in the context of A Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmad Al-Tayyeb. The present article gives a theological interpretation of the sentence included in the Abu Dhabi document: “The pluralism and the diversity of religions, color, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings.” It argues that this passage should be understood correctly within the inclusivist paradigm that recognizes and confers to non-Christian religions and to religious pluralism a status de iure without jeopardizing the foundations of Catholic faith: the unicity and salvific universality of Jesus Christ and the Church. In conclusion, the question concerning the application of the assertion to the case of Islam has been explored.
- ItemRecent Developments in Understanding Spirituality as Exemplified by the Concept of Self-Transcendence(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Jastrzębski, AndrzejThe recent history of science has witnessed many shifts of paradigms. One of the major changes has been observed in the shift of spirituality, transforming from a traditional faith-based notion to a more secular or postmodern one. These changes are confusing for many modern people, as they are not able to follow these rapid developments. This article is an attempt at providing a conceptual framework to understand the changes that the notion of spirituality has undergone using the concept of self-transcendence and its two major dimensions: vertical and horizontal. This model will serve to evaluate different ways of defining spirituality in both theology and the social sciences, and to indicate the provenience of their roots in both disciplines. In conclusion, self-transcendence will be compared with the concept of self-actualization.
- ItemChristian Faith in Dialogue with Contemporary Culture in the Personalist Thought of John Paul II and Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Ficek, RyszardThis article presents the intellectual legacy of both John Paul II and Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński as advocates of a personalist view of culture. Their teaching emphasizes the person and human dignity in striving for human self-fulfillment in a community seeking God’s transcendence. In this regard, their personalist vision of culture was defined in the context of the Second Vatican Council’s teaching. Therefore, the theological anthropology of both John Paul II and Cardinal Wyszyński is based on personalism, communion, dialogue, and freedom. Nevertheless, when God is marginalized by human activity, especially by the ideology of secularism and religious indifferentism, a severe cultural crisis arises. As a result, the dialogical character of the teaching of John Paul II and Cardinal Wyszyński in the dimension of Christian culture emphasizes inculturation and evangelization of human activity. On the other hand, the Christocentric and personalist context of their concepts reflects the theocentric and anthropocentric vision of culture, which, rooted in praxeological pastoral thought, displays their views on culture not only in the dimension of philosophical and theological doctrine but above all as a pastoral vision presenting Christian culture integrated with contemporary existential experience and focused on the perspective of “a new heaven and a new earth” (cf. 2 Cor 12:4; Rev 4:2–8; 21:2–10).
- ItemOracle of Doom or Oracle of Salvation? A New Interpretation of Animal Metaphors in Isa 31:4-5 in the Light of Rhetorical Analysis(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Sobierajski, Bartłomiej PawełThis article seeks to clarify the meaning of animal metaphors contained in Isa 31:4-5. Difficulties in interpreting these metaphors are associated with the Hebrew syntax, as well as the proper reading of the symbolism of the characters and animals found within these verses. These issues also raise the question of the message of the whole prophecy: is it an oracle of doom or of salvation? The article provides an overview of previous attempts to explicate the metaphors and proposes a new interpretation of them. It turns out that Isaiah consciously and intentionally uses some ambiguous images and formulas in order to make a specific impression on the addresser. Such literary devices are characteristic of his statements from the last period of his activity (705–701 BC). The new interpretation of animal metaphors presented in this study also results from the structure of the oracle, which has emerged through the use of Hebrew rhetoric methods.
- ItemNuptial Motifs in Composition: A Key to the Interpretation of the Song of Songs(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Jasnos, RenataThe purpose of this paper is to explore the references to nuptial customs found in the Song of Songs, as well as their place in relation to the structure of the text. The first stage of analysis consists of identifying various types of these references, while the second stage involved analysing and evaluating their positioning within the composition of the Song of Songs as an expression of the editorial intent of the biblical writers. The study has used elements of form analysis and lexical analysis, as well as a comparative analysis of biblical and non-biblical/sub-biblical texts. The analysis revealed that the most important places in the structure of the Song of Songs are allocated to the so-called “poetic episodes,” which have been distinguished earlier, concerning the different stages of nuptials – engagement negotiations, wedding procession, wedding feast and consummation of the marriage. Therefore, they constitute a point of reference for the interpretation of the remaining songs and at the same time the teachings of the sages in the Song of Songs.
- ItemFulfilling the Call to Holiness in the Views of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński. An Outline of the Problem in the Light of the Ascetic Teachings of the Servant of God(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Hadryś, JacekThe article outlines the issue of fulfilling the call to holiness based on the hitherto little-known ascetic teachings of Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński. All the research work was carried out by analyzing Wyszyński’s statements about the universal call to holiness and its four dimensions: theological, moral, ecclesial and psychological. The results of the analysis of the source texts were assessed in the light of the exhortation Gaudete et exsultate by Pope Francis. It was found that Wyszyński’s teachings on the realization of the call to holiness lost nothing of its topicality and is fully rooted in the tradition of the Church.
- ItemCandidates for the Priesthood in Poland A.D. 2020: A Research Report(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Pawlina, KrzysztofThe article essentially aims at answering who were the Polish young men wishing to become priests in 2020 as compared with the candidates who entered Polish seminaries in 2000. The answer was based on quantitative and qualitative surveys conducted in 2000 and 2019 among seminarians at the very beginning of their priestly formation. The questionnaires, though exposing great cognitive possibilities, cannot measure what concerns the mystery of vocation or faith. Despite these limitations, the obtained results have allowed us to find out, for example, where the seminarians came from and what their backgrounds were. They also show their interests, the level of their general and religious knowledge as well as their values. Of importance was to get to know their visions of the priesthood and the Church. The present paper, as a synthesis of the study published in book form, gives a profile of the contemporary candidate for the priesthood. The results of the research can be used by formators and all those who make arrangements for the introduction of the new Ratio Institutionis in Poland.
- ItemBokus Barbara – Kosowska Ewa (eds.), Truth and Falsehood in Science and the Arts (Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 2020)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Rabiej, Stanisław JanRecenzja książki: Bokus Barbara – Kosowska Ewa (eds.), Truth and Falsehood in Science and the Arts (Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 2020). Pp. 299. ISBN 978-83-235-4220-9
- ItemKrzysztof Siwek, Powstał prorok jak ogień. Droga Eliasza (Biblijni Bohaterowie Wiary 1; Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Collegium Bobolanum 2020)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Karnawalski, MichałRecenzja książki: Krzysztof Siwek, Powstał prorok jak ogień. Droga Eliasza (Biblijni bohaterowie wiary 1; Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Collegium Bobolanum 2020). Ss. 384. PLN 45. ISBN 978-83-952410-8-6
- ItemKevin Symonds, On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima (St. Louis, MO: En Route Books and Media 2017)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Mielnik, DawidRecenzja książki: Kevin Symonds, On the Third Part of the Secret of Fatima (St. Louis, MO: En Route Books and Media 2017), s. 582, ISBN: 978-1-950108-23-7.
- ItemKalina Wojciechowska – Mariusz Rosik, Oczekując miłosierdzia. Komentarz strukturalny do Listu św. Judy (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej 2020)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2021) Tomczyk, Dominik TomaszRecenzja książki: Kalina Wojciechowska – Mariusz Rosik, Oczekując miłosierdzia. Komentarz strukturalny do Listu św. Judy (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej 2020). Ss. 458. PLN 92,40. ISBN 978-83-60273-53-1.