Mowy o poście Bazylego Wielkiego w łacińskiej wersji Rufina z Akwilei
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Posty znane były od wieków, zarówno w świecie grecko-rzymskim, jak i na Wschodzie. Ojcowie Kościoła podkreślali wartość wewnętrzną postów, krytykując pomijanie elementu duchowo-moralnego. Ich traktaty o poście wykazują wzajemną zależność pisarzy, czytali oni bowiem swoich poprzedników, powtarzali ich idee, ale także po swojemu przedstawiali temat postu. Bardzo wyraźnie widać takie działanie w przypadku analizy mów Bazylego Wielkiego i Rufina z Akwilei. Rufin swoje mowy pisał pod wyraźnym wpływem homilii Bazylego. Rufin nie tylko przetłumaczył dwie homilie Bazylego o poście, ale je zinterpretował. Łaciński tekst często bowiem pokazuje, że Rufin pewne wątki z greckiego tekstu znacząco rozwija, a niektóre pomija. Zarówno Bazyli, jak i Rufin zwracają uwagę na moralno-duchowe nastawienie osoby poszczącej oraz podkreślają duchowo-cielesne dobro i pożytek płynący z postu dla samego poszczącego i jego otoczenia. Wzywają do wstrzemięźliwości w piciu alkoholu i do czystości seksualnej.
Fast has been known for centuries, both in the Greco-Roman world and in the ancient Orient. The Church Fathers emphasized the intrinsic value of fasting, criticizing the omission of the spiritual and moral element of this practice. Their treatises on fasting show the reliance of authors on one another, because they read their predecessors, repeated their ideas, but also presented the topic of fasting in their own way. This is very clear when we analyze the speeches of Basil the Great and Rufinus of Aquileia. Rufinus wrote his speeches under the clear influence of Basil’s homilies. The former not only translated Basil’s two homilies on fasting, but also interpreted them. The Latin text often shows that Rufinus develops some threads from Basil’s Greek texts significantly while omitting some. Both Basil and Rufinus focus on the moral and spiritual attitude of the fasting person and emphasize the spiritual and bodily benefits of fasting for the person involved and the surroundings. They call for abstinence from alcohol and for sexual purity.
Fast has been known for centuries, both in the Greco-Roman world and in the ancient Orient. The Church Fathers emphasized the intrinsic value of fasting, criticizing the omission of the spiritual and moral element of this practice. Their treatises on fasting show the reliance of authors on one another, because they read their predecessors, repeated their ideas, but also presented the topic of fasting in their own way. This is very clear when we analyze the speeches of Basil the Great and Rufinus of Aquileia. Rufinus wrote his speeches under the clear influence of Basil’s homilies. The former not only translated Basil’s two homilies on fasting, but also interpreted them. The Latin text often shows that Rufinus develops some threads from Basil’s Greek texts significantly while omitting some. Both Basil and Rufinus focus on the moral and spiritual attitude of the fasting person and emphasize the spiritual and bodily benefits of fasting for the person involved and the surroundings. They call for abstinence from alcohol and for sexual purity.
Bazyli z Cezarei, Rufin z Akwilei, homilia, post, mowa, tłumaczenie, Basil of Caesarea, Rufin of Aquileia, homily, fasting, translation
"Vox Patrum", 74 (2020), s. 67-92