Convivium, fractio panis, or maybe coena coelestis?

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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Instytut Filologii Klasycznej
The aim of the article is to show the complex character of banquets held by Christians in the first centuries after Christ and features which characterize them when compared to the feasts celebrated in the late ancient world. In the introduction the author presents fragments of biblical and patristic sources chosen to illustrate the subject. The main part of the presentation is dedicated to different iconographical types of banquets shown in catacombs and on Christian sarcophags. The images are considered in the context of the ancient representational tradition. In the last part there is an attempt to critically elaborate various interpretations of banquet scenes which appear in older and newer literature on the subject. Iconographical continuity between ancient and early Christian representations are shown as an example of the connection between pagan spirituality and a new era influenced by Christian religion.
banquet, feast, ancient, classical, early Christian, iconography, literature, theology, bankiet, uczta, antyczny, klasyczny, wczesnochrześcijański, ikonografia, literatura, teologia
"Littera Antiqua", 2012, nr 4, s. 4-42
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