Społeczno-religijne wychowanie młodzieży w systemie prewencyjnym św. Jana Bosko

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VERBUM – vydavateľstvo Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku
Challenges that are faced by today's educational system relate to searching for effective ways of educating the young people of today who are often confused and lost in the world of moral and religious relativism. Father John Bosco, an Italian educator of the 19th century created a still applicable and effective system of preventive education which poses a great model of social and religious education of the youth. So as to prevent the youth from a moral decline father Bosco decided to prepare them for an independent life in a fast changing community. Qualifications (profession) as well as some religious grounds were offered to the young person. The article presents st. John Bosco's preventive system as an effective tool in the process of shaping mature social and religious attitudes of the youth. The text demonstrates the originality of the preventive system where the fundaments are the intellect, religion and loving-kindness (a special quality of friendliness on the part of the educator).
preventive system, the youth, education, loving-kindness, intellect, religion
"Studia Scientifica Facultatis Paedagogicae", 2012, R. 11, nr 4, s. 147-157