Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Archiwum Diecezjalnego imienia błogosławionego Wincentego Kadłubka w Kielcach w latach 2012-2015

The Diocesan Archive in Kielce was founded in 1939. Over the years it accumulated the most valuable records of church institutions from the area of the current Diocese of Kielce. The oldest documents date back to the thirteenth century. The most thorough research of the archival records stored in the above-mentioned archive was done by Rev. Prof. dr hab. Daniel Olszewski in the 1960s but it was not until the time of change after 1989 that researchers became more interested in the church records in Kielce. In 2012 the Society of Friends of the Diocesan Archive in Kielce of the Blessed Wincenty Kadłubek was established with a view to supporting the statutory activities of the archive. In 2014 this organization was entered in the National Court Register and thus obtained the legal status of Catholic societies. The society consists of a group of 63 people, including the representatives of the Catholic intelligentsia and academics. It runs a research programme called - “The role of the church as a teacher and guardian of national culture.” The main objective of the programme is to do research on the archival records and the collections of historic libraries of the Church from the area of the Diocese of Kielce. Three nationwide scientific conferences were held. In order to spread knowledge about the Church, the decision was made to organize the Diocese of Kielce History Course. 150 people take advantage of the lectures on the course. In cooperation with the Świętokrzyskie Genealogical Society “Świętogen”, 3719 registers were photographed, 517 656 photos were taken. The society also established the archive website, which was then systematically expanded. Research and promotion of the history of the Church resulted in the organization of study tours and pilgrimages to diocesan churches.
Archiwum Diecezjalne w Kielcach, Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Archiwum Diecezjalnego im. Błogosławionego Wincentego Kadłubka w Kielcach, program naukowy – „Rola Kościoła jako wychowawcy i stróża kultury narodowej, Studium Historii Diecezji Kieleckiej, ks. prof. Daniel Olszewski, archiwistyka, bibliologia, genealogia, zasoby archiwalne diecezji kieleckiej, zbiory bibliotek kościelnych z terenu diecezji kieleckiej, The Diocesan Archive in Kielce, the Society of Friends of the Diocesan Archive in Kielce of the Blessed Wincenty Kadłubek, a research programme – “The role of the church as a teacher and guardian of national culture”, the Diocese of Kielce History Course, Rev. Prof. Daniel Olszewski, archive studies, bibliology, genealogy, archival records of the Diocese of Kielce, the collection of church libraries from the area of the Diocese of Kielce
Nova et vetera. Aktualne problemy archiwów diecezjalnych w Polsce, red. W. Żurek, Lublin 2016, s. 133-172
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