Bertolt Brechts Idee der politisch-agitatorischen Ästhetik in der Produktion Kuhle Wampe oder Wem gehört die Welt?

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Neisse Verlag & Ofi cyna Wydawnicza ATUT
The article applies to the film production of Bertolt Brecht "Kuhle Wampe oder Wem gehört die Welt?", which was made in years 1931/32 in cooperation with Slatan Dudow, Ernst Ottwalt and Hans Eisler. An author, describing the circumstances of the film production, its content, form and reception (especially problems with censorship), wanted to present the aspect of political and agitational significance of the film, as well as the way of transposition of the theory of epic theatre created and promoted by Brecht, by means of which he was breaking narrative and linear form of classical drama, replacing psychology with sociology, as also inner involvement and viewer empathy with a critical and analyzing glance. Radically anti-illusionistic film, acting with editing technique and documentary material concerning social reality in the environment of Berlinians workers, with the development of their revolutionary attitudes in the time of the world’s crisis in ‘30s is recognized up day as milestone of the political cinema.
Weimarer Republik, Bertolt Brecht, das politische Kino, der kommunistische Film, das epische Theater, Weimar Republic, political cinema, communistic film, epic theatre
"Orbis Linguarum", 2012, Vol. 38, s. 289-298