The Archangel Gabriel in Qumran Texts

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The article presents the figure of the angel Gabriel in the context of the seven Qumran manu­scripts in which it appears, namely in three Hebrew manuscripts (1QM, 4Q285, 1Q19) and four Aramaic texts (4Q201, 4Q202, 4Q529, 4Q557). The undertaken analyzes are an overview of the texts with elements of exegesis, i.e. a historical and literary characterization and a study of the source text and the Polish trans­lation of the mentioned manuscripts. On the one hand, it is possible to note the different ways in which the archangel is depicted – he plays different roles, appears in relation to other supernatural figures or as an individual character. On the other hand, this study shows the similarities between the texts under dis­cussion in terms of vocabulary and expressions concerning angels, as well as the guiding theme of the texts.
angel Gabriel, Qumran, 1QM, 4Q285, 1Q19, 4Q201, 4Q202, 4Q529, 4Q557, biblical angelology, archangel, role of angels, Book of Enoch, Rule of War, Book of Noah, Words of Michael, Aramaic Visions, anioł Gabriel, angelologia biblijna, archanioł, rola aniołów, Księga Henocha, Reguła Wojny, Księga Noego, Słowa Michała, Wizje Aramejskie
"The Biblical Annals", 2024, T. 14, nr 1, s. 77-91