Teaching vocabulary strategies in EFL classes for deaf and hard of hearing students

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Cambridge Scholars Publishing
The aim of this chapter is to present D/HH studentsʼ achievements and difficulties in learning foreign language vocabulary and a set of valuable teaching and learning strategies that might be used during foreign language classes with this group. The source for the description of the difficulties and the strategies enlisted is the authorʼs 14-year participatory research in a group of 40 D/HH university students who had been learning English as their foreign language in the years 2000-2014. The program English for the deaf and hard-of-hearing was conducted by the author at John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. All of its participants had a hearing loss of 70 or more decibels, came both from hearing or deaf families and were educated either in mainstream schools or in special institutions for the deaf. None of these demographical characteristics differentiated the groups. Their advances in foreign language learning depended mostly on their personal characteristics: the level of motivation, educational expectations and the ability to structure their learning so as to achieve success. All of them successfully passed their university foreign language exams and reported achieving their personal goals as far as learning a foreign language is concerned.
niesłyszący, deaf, słabosłyszący, hard of hearing, kształcenie nauczycieli, teacher training, język angielski jako obcy, English as a foreign language, strategie uczenia się i nauczania, teaching and learning strategies
English as a foreign language for deaf and hard of hearing persons - challenges and strategies, red. E. Domagała-Zyśk, E. Kontra, Newcastle 2016, s. 135-152