Uwagi o statusie metodologicznym psychologii rewalidacji

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Polskie Towarzystwo Higieny Psychicznej
The author explains the adoption of a term „psychology of revalidation” so as to define the branch of science dealing with psychophysical deviants. The very idea of work with mentally deficient people provides the best explanation of this term, i.e. the sense of treatment, rising of the standard of efficiency, restoring both physical and mental health within the framework of the existing limitations (L. validus — strong, effacacious, convalescent). Subsequently the author presents the branches of psychology of revalidation and problems related to it. Next the author shows the mutual relations of the psychology of revalidation with other branches of psychology especially with clinical psychology, medicine, special education, sociology, law and technics. In the conclusion the author points to the pertinence of integration of all of these branches into one compact system, into single science of an interdisciplinary character which by way of generalizing the findings of constituent sciences would encompass the entire notion of psychophysical deficiencies.
psychologia rewalidacji, działy psychologii rewalidacji, współpraca psychologii rewalidacji z medycyną, współpraca psychologii rewalidacji z pedagogiką, współpraca psychologii rewalidacji z naukami społecznymi, revalidation psychology, divisions of revalidation psychology, cooperation of revalidation psychology with medicine, cooperation of revalidation psychology with pedagogy, cooperation of revalidation psychology with social sciences
"Zagadnienia Wychowawcze a Zdrowie Psychiczne", 1976, R. 12, nr 1, s. 26-39
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