Motywacja moralna młodzieży. Psychologiczne badania studentów

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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
The essential aim of the present studies was to answer the question: ’’What is the opinion of senior students about moral duties, considering a particular type of motivation?”. The testee w as placed in a hypothetical m oral situation and ordered to determine the degree of preference of three triads of norms taking into consideration personological, deontological and utilitarian motivation. The ratings w ere presented on the scale of the degree of acceptance of the behaviour norms, ranging from 0 to 100. In order to determine the degree of preference for each of the motivations, the testee had to compare pairs of norms: n1 with n2; n1 with n3; n2 with n3. The comparison resulted in three global proportional indices of preferences completing to a hundred, since the testee was to give them for all these situations in which he considered accomplishment of the particular activity necessary. The analysis of the experimental data concerns 150 senior students from five higher schools in Lublin (30 students from each school). A general survey of the medial values of the degree of the motive preference indicates that in the main young people give priority to personological and deontological motivation over utilitarian one. As far as personological motivation is concerned the testees seem to value most the norm: ”to help a person being in danger of losing his life”. The norm also achieved the highest degree of acceptance in the deontological version. In the group of norms of utilitarian motivation the students pronounced themselves in favour of ”to act justly as then one has a clear conscience”. When considering the problem of interdependence between the motivation ratings and the type of higher school it was found out that students of all higher schools equally preferred norms of deontological motivation. It means that preference of this motivation is independent of the character of the higher school in which the young people are intellectually formed. The type of higher school proved however a significant determinant of the norm preference in respect of personological and utilitarian motivation. The highest degree of preference of utilitarian motivation could be observed in students from agricultural school, while medical students revealed lower degree in the ratings of personological motivation than university students. Besides the analyses of the results proved that the sex variable is not a significant determinant of the ratings of the norm preference in respect of the motivation type.
psychologia moralności, moralność młodzieży, motywacja moralna, preferencja norm moralnych, preferencje moralne studentów, postawy życiowe studentów, psychology of morality, morality of adolescents, moral motivation, preference for moral norms, moral preferences of students, life attitudes of students
"Roczniki Filozoficzne", 1974, Vol. 22, nr 4, s. 25-40