Resocjalizacyjna funkcja rodzinnych form opieki zastępczej

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Zakład Profilaktyki Społecznej i Resocjalizacji Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
The subject of the analyses undertaken in the present article is the problem of resocialization of abandoned and neglected children in the family-type forms of foster care. It is the family as the natural environments of a child’s life and upbringing which now frequently suffers from educational incapability. Children who are brought-up in dysfunctional and pathological families reach for violence and get into conflict with the law. The parents’ educational incapability and demoralization of the educational environment are sometimes the basis to limit parental rights or to deprive parents of them and send the child to one of the family-type forms of foster care. Children who are under the care of “foster parents” are often burdened with traumatic experiences and they show certain disturbances both in the emotional, moral, educational spheres and in their behaviour. Therefore, foster guardians must undertake multidimensional resocialization activities in relation to those children in order to bring back the proper direction of their development and education. The studies and statistics from recent years confirm that the family-type forms of foster care-besides securing the optimum conditions of the orphans’ development - create a chance for them for effective resocialization and a possibility of normal functioning in the society.
resocjalizacja, rodzina, piecza zastępcza, opieka zastępcza, dziecko, rodzice
Zagrożenia współczesnej rodziny, red. E. Lisowska, Kielce 2008, s. 227-234