Kompetencje biskupa diecezjalnego dotyczące środków społecznego przekazu w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r.

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Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II
In the 1983 Code of Canon Law the ecclesiastical legislator directly devotes eleven canons (822-832) to the instruments of social communication. In an indirect way it refers to them in canon: 666, 747, 761, 772, 779, 804, 1063, 1369. The legislator of the Code grants to the diocesan bishop broad jurisdiction regarding the instruments of social communication. These concern the following capacities: the use of the instruments of social communication and the instruction concerning the obligation of cooperation in their usage, ensuring the purity of faith and morals, issuing permissions for the participation of the clergy and the religious in radio and television programs and publishing in journals, preparation of standards for the presence of the clergy and monks in radio and television broadcasting and the transmission of Christian doctrine through these instruments, as well as the administration of sanctions against those who harm true faith or good morals. The instructions of the legislator of the Code correspond with the ecclesiastical documents on the instruments of social communication or the episcopal ministry: the decrees of the II Vatican Council Inter mirifica and Christus Dominus, the instruction of the Pontifical Commission for Social Communications Communio et progressio, the directory of the Congregation for Bishops Ecclesiae imago, the instruction of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications Aetatis novae, as well as the directory of the Congregation for Bishops Apostolorum successores. The Code norms are also complemented by the Guide to the Training of Future Priests Concerning the Instruments of Social Communication issued by the Congregation for Catholic Education, the Instruction on Some Aspects of the Use of the Instruments of Social Communication in Promoting the Doctrine of the Faith issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the document of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications Ethics in Communications.
prawo kanoniczne, canon law, Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r., 1983 Code of Canon Law, biskup diecezjalny, diocesan bishop, imprimatur, imprimatur, nihil obstat, nihil obstat, środki społecznego przekazu, instruments of social communication, zezwolenie, permission, aprobata, approval
Kodeks Prawa Kanonicznego w badaniach młodych naukowców, t. II, red. M. Sitarz, Lublin 2015, s. 107-126