Modlitwy w celu osiągnięcia uzdrowienia pochodzącego od Boga w prawodawstwie Kościoła

A prayer which expresses a plea to regain health is a practice present in the Church since its beginning. Every believer has the right to call to God during prayers to receive healing. The healing is conducted mainly through the sacraments of penance and reconciliation, anointment of the sick and Eucharist. The Church allows other prayers for healing – liturgical prayers and non-liturgical prayers. The topic of prayers for healing and the relationship between hierarchical and charismatic gifts are undertaken by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (instruction Ardens felicitatis desiderium and letter Iuvenescit Ecclesia) and Guidelines on Prayers for Healing of the Doctrinal Commission of International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services. The following article presents the current legislature of the Church concerning prayers, which expresses a plea to regain health.
Duch Święty, Holy Spirit, charyzmaty, charisms, uzdrowienie, healing, biskup diecezjalny, Diocesan Bishop, Kongregacja Nauki Wiary, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Duch Święty [Scripturae Lumen 8], red. G.M. Baran, J. Królikowski, P. Łabuda, Wydawnictwo Biblos, Tarnów 2016, s. 449-463