Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne, 2014, T. 102

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    Archiwum parafii rzymskokatolickiej w Klimontowie
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Dywan, Tomasz
    The parish in Klimontów (Diocese of Sandomierz) has an archive, which stores various documents concerning the history of this institution. The materials from this archive were rarely used by historians. Only the ones who dealt with regional history were interested in the above mentioned materials. A parish priest from Klimontów Wawrzyniec Kukliński (1828-1912) published the content of the most important documents in the years 1909-1911. This content was the basis for writing an amateur treatise on the history of the town, where in 1626 the parish was erected. From the beginning of the twentieth century, the documentation stored at the parish church was damaged, some materials were lost. The author therefore undertook the effort to professionally organize the archival materials that are stored in the parish of Klimontów. Two fonds: Documents of the Roman Catholic Parish in Klimontów (documents since 1626) and Parish registers of Klimontów (since 1667) are connected with the parish office. These two fonds were divided into individual archival units, mainly based on chronological criteria. Apart from the materials closely related to the activities of the parish, the archive includes an incomplete collection of the documents which belonged to the monastery of the Dominicans in Klimontów. That collection was brought to the parish archive in unclear circumstances, possibly just after the dissolution of the monastery in 1901. It is a closed fond, which includes diverse documents from the years 1418-1863. It should be noted that this fold also contains a signifi cant number of documents relating to the salaries of the parish in Olbierzowice, the patronage of which was granted to the monastery of the Dominicans under Jan Zbigniew Ossoliński’s foundation privilege of 1613. The parish archive also includes the books which are the remnants of the once prosperous parish library.
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    Charakterystyka zbioru druków z XVI wieku Biblioteki Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego Metropolii Warmińskiej „Hosianum” w Olsztynie
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Garwoliński, Tomasz
    The collection of antique books of the sixteenth century of the Library of Hosianum, the Seminary of the Archdiocese of Warmia in Olsztyn includes 1559 publications. This is not a homogeneous collection, as the library collected vintage books from all over the Diocese of Warmia after World War II. Most publications come from Braniewo, Dobre Miasto, Barczewo and Frombork. They were released in 89 print centers, by 497 publishers. Most were written in Latin. Among the works in the Polish language, there are two copies of the Leopolite Bible, postils, sermons, religious literature and state publications. In the sixteenth-century book collection of the Library „Hosianum” 25 publications are works of ancient writers. An essential part of the literature of that period was represented by religious works. A Patristic period is represented by works of: Tertullian, Origen, St. Cyprian, St. Athanasius, St. Gregory of Nazianzus, St. Gregory of Nyssa, St. Ambrose, St. Jerome, St. John Chrysostom, St. Augustine, St Cyril of Alexandria, Theodoret of Cyrus, Cassiodorus, St. Gregory the Great, St. Isidore of Seville, St. Leo I the Great. The theology of the Middle Ages is represented by works of: St. Anselm of Canterbury, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Peter Lombard, St. Albert the Great, St. Bonaventure, St. Thomas Aquinas, Nicholas of Lyra, St. Antoninus of Florence. There are the work of reformers: Erasmus of Rotterdam, Martin Luther, Philipp Melanchthon, John Calvin, John Bugenhagen, and counter reformers: St. John Fisher, John Eck, Peter Soto, Melchior Cano, St. Robert Bellarmine and Johannes Cochlaeusa. Martin Luther is the most often represented author in the sixteenth-century book collection in the Library „Hosianum”(41 works). There are also plenty of books by the authors from the Society of Jesus: St. Peter Canisius, St. Francis Suarez and many others - more or less known. Sixteen works are written by Louis of Granada – a very popular Dominican mystic. In addition, there are works of eminent bishops of Warmia who held important church and state positions: John Dantiscus, Stanislaus Hosius, Marcin Kromer. The collection includes the works of native authors – priests of Warmia, canons and Jesuits working in Braniewo: John Benedict Solfa, Anthony Possevino, Thomas Treter, Fabian Kwadrantyn (Quadrantinus), Frederic Bartsch. There are also the poems of the first humanist poet, born in Warmia, Eustace Knobelsdorf. In the collection we can also fi nd the works of other famous Polish authors, such as: Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski, Mikołaj Rej, Jakub Górski, Rev. Piotr Skarga, Stanisław Reszka. The sixteenth-century book collection of the Library „Hosianum” contains many editions of the Bible (26), liturgical books (among them Missals and agendas of Warmia and the agenda of Cracow of 1517), martyrologies, sermons, codes of civil and canon law. There are the works of the poet Francis Petrarch, works on philosophy, rhetoric, history, literature, astronomy, biology, medicine, economics, geography, and among them the works of the eminent cartographer at a Spanish court – Abraham Ortelius. Some volumes are bound in elaborate sixteenth-century bindings, others have a beautiful decoration in the form of woodcut and copperplate illustrations. The atlas Theatrum orbis terrarum by Abraham Ortelius of 1592 is a masterpiece of decorative art. The analysis of the collection of the Library „Hosianum” in Olsztyn reflects the high intellectual culture of historical Warmia. The value of this library is increased thanks to publications belonging to the representatives of the social and religious life, including bishops of Warmia, who held important public positions in Poland and abroad, as well as the Canons of Warmia, who through studies and travels in Europe, became the owners of valuable and interesting books.
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    Filadelfia duchowieństwa pięciu dekanatów: gnieźnieńskiego (śś. Piotra i Pawła), żnińskiego, łekneńskiego, kcyńskiego i rogowskiego z 1801 r.
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Krucki, Łukasz
    In 1801 on the initiative of Andrzej Pesaliński, a parish priest in Juncewo, clergy philadelphia was organized in five deaneries: Gniezno (Sts. Peter and Paul), Żnin, Łekno, Kcynia and Rogów. It was the successor of the earlier confraternities, established in 1743 and including three deaneries: Gniezno (Sts. Peter and Paul), Żnin and Łekno. The basic objectives of the renewed association was to encourage confreres in systematic religious practices, mutual concern and care during illness, and after the death of each of the brothers to celebrate as many Masses as specified by the statute. In addition, each member received a copy of a philadelphia book titled: The inseparable association of five deaneries: Sts. Apostles Peter and Paul Gniezno, Żnin, Łekno, Kcynia and Rogów or close philadelphia of these deaneries(…). Apart from the devotional texts, the book included the list of all members – clergy and laity who resided in the deaneries mentioned in the title. This publication constitutes an important source of information about families of Greater Poland and Pałuki (not only the noble ones), their social position and religious commitment.
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    Zarys problematyki budownictwa i strat wojennych w kościołach parafialnych diecezji lubelskiej po I wojnie światowej
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Kumor-Mielnik, Joanna
    The content of this article is an introduction to a wider spectrum of the issues related to losses of life and material things the Diocese of Lublin suffered after the First World War. The article focuses on two major issues related firstly to the reconstruction of destroyed parish churches in the Diocese of Lublin in the postwar period and using for this purpose state subsidies and funds from the contributions of the parishioners; and secondly, related to the dynamics and intensity of the construction of new parish churches at that time. The rebuilding of churches and buildings connected with them was a priority in the field of renovation and construction projects after World War I. The matter of less importance was to initiate the construction of new churches, erected mainly at the expense of parishioners, rarely with the use of state subsidies. In the 1930s the movement of building parish churches intensified. It was, however, a short-lived process, interrupted by the outbreak of another war. The dynamic growth in the number of new churches, observed in a relatively short period of time was caused, among other things, by the use of cheaper and more readily available wood, which resulted in the increase in wooden churches in the interwar period. The concise characterization of building regulations in the context of the construction of parish churches in the postwar period, the same as in the case of other issues, requires further research and in-depth analysis.
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    Tablica upamiętniająca zamordowanych organistów diecezji lubelskiej
    (Wydawnictwo KUL, 2014) Misiura, Grzegorz
    The article presents a plaque commemorating organists of the Diocese of Lublin who were murdered by the Nazis in different places and circumstances. The plaque is located in the vestibule of the Church of the Holy Spirit in Lublin. Before the war this church was the place where there was the office of the Board of the College of the Organists in the Diocese of Lublin. The article focuses on the circumstances of putting up and blessing the plaque. That was possible thanks to the efforts of the members of the Commission of Organists Affairs, attached to the Episcopal Curia in Lublin. Then the author quotes the detailed biographies of the people whose names are inscribed on the plaque, primarily taking account of their war experiences, as well as the places and dates of their service in positions of organists in individual parishes. Some biographies include discovered camp photographs and the scans of signatures from the registers. These photos complement and illustrate the written text. Doing the research for the article, the author established contact with the archives of the former Nazi concentration camps, some state archives in Poland and selected Registry Offices, where he received the appropriate materials. The article is supplemented with the information from the literature, the press and the Internet. The next part of the article presents, in a table, war experiences of the organists listed on the plaque and the analysis of this material, which results in the statistical information given by the author. The last part makes reference to the post-war organists’ memories of their murdered colleagues, which was reflected in the documentation produced by them.