English as a foreign language for deaf and hard of hearing persons - challenges and strategies

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Cambridge Scholars Publishing
When teachers or researchers of deaf and hard-of-hearing language learners come together, one of the issues discussed is always their feeling of isolation and the need for coming together more frequently to share ideas and experiences. This is what happened at the 12th Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE) in Kosice in 2014 as well. The initiative of Ewa Domagala-Zyśk to have a separate section on hearing impaired learners of English within this huge international event received eager support from all contacted colleagues from France to Norway or Serbia. The special seminar entitled English as a Foreign Language for Students with Special Educational Needs – Exceptional English for Exceptional Learners? and convened by Ewa Domagała-Zyśk and Edit H. Kontra was a great success and the enthusiasm of the participants gave birth to the idea of publishing their presented topics as fully-fledged articles in an edited book and making it accessible to the wider community of teachers and researchers working in the field. When teachers tell their stories it soon turns out that the challenges are the same or very similar, and this in itself can give support. Sharing the responses to challenges and the worked-out solutions to the problems leads not only to adding a few new items to each teacher’s individual resource pack, but the process of discussing issues with other professionals may also give birth to further ideas and new initiatives.
język angielski jako obcy, English as a foreign language, niesłyszący, deaf, słabosłyszący, hard of hearing, metodyka nauczania, teaching methodology, strategie nauczania i uczenia się, teaching and learning strategies, kształcenie nauczycieli, teacher training