Sprawozdanie z Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej XXIII Zjazd Katedr Teorii i Filozofii Prawa „Państwo - Społeczeństwo - Kultura: formalne i nieformalne źródła prawa”, Lublin, 23-26 września 2018 r.

The report refers to the All-Poland Scientific Conference held on 23-26 September 2018, organized by the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law at the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin - the 23rd Meeting of the Departments of Theory of Philosophy of Law “State - Society - Culture: Formal and Informal Sources of Law”. The conference dealt with the problems of the sources of law and lawmaking, significant due to the scale of activity of lawmaking, the scope of juridization of social life and dynamic sociocultural transformations.
źródła prawa, tworzenie prawa, teoria i filozofia prawa, konferencja, sources of law, lawmaking, theory and philosophy of law, conference
"Przegląd Sejmowy", 2019, nr 2 (151), s. 215-217