Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne, 2013, T. 99
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- ItemArchiwum Główne Ruchu Światło-Życie(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013) Derewenda, Robert; Nowicki, TomaszThe Central Archive of the Light-Life Movement is the central unit of the Light-Life Movement. Organizationally, it is one of the two branches of Rev. Franciszek Blachnicki Institute. Like any historical archive, its aim is to gather, organise, protect, store and provide access to archival materials. The records stored in the fonds of the archive in question are primarily linked with Rev. Blachnicki, who established the Oasis Movement and initiated many other pastoral and social actions. A number of initiatives started by Blachnicki, along with the Light-Life Movement contributed to the production of materials which are now stored in the Central Archive of the Light-Life Movement. The article presents not only the stages of the creation of the above mentioned fonds but also its current legal status and contemporary tasks and functions. The paper shows the general outline of the fonds of the Archive which comprises numerous records divided into separate units. The Archive also contains a collection of leaflets-still unprocessed, posters and boards, as well as a collection of various serial, compact and brochure publications. The total fonds consists of approximately 120 linear meters of the records. The documentation in the form of mechanical sound recordings constitutes a significant part of the archival fonds (about five thousand hours), photographs (mostly positives of various formats - about 11 thousand photographs), slides (about 1000 frames) and films. The article also focuses on the archival equipment, housing conditions, the rules of providing access to the materials and the most important tools used for storing records. In addition, the authors mentioned issues related to the forms of popularization of the archival materials stored in the fonds of the Archive in question.
- ItemInwentarz kościoła parafialnego w Kiwatyczach z 1853 roku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013) Żurek, Waldemar WitoldPrużana (now the Republic of Belarus) dates back to the early sixteenth century. For over four centuries the parish was part of several dioceses. First it was in the Diocese of Lutsk. In 1798, as a result of the Tsarist Russian legislation it was moved to the Diocese of Vilnius. When in 1925 the Diocese of Pinsk came into existence under the edict of Pope Pius XI Vixdum Poloniae unitas , the parish Kiwatycze became part of it. The inventory of the church in Kiwatycze, made due to the fact that the parish was taken over by Rev. Tomasz Lenczewski, after the death of Rev. Mikołaj Bogdanowicz, illustrates the history of the parish church, its interior décor, sacred vessels and vestments, registry books, the state of the parish library, parish presbytery and farm buildings, a landed estate and the population residing in the parish. The facts included in the inventory were consistent with the actual state of the parish, which was confirmed by the signature and stamp of Rev. Witalis Gąsiewski – the Dean of Prużana.
- ItemInwentarz zespołu akt Gidle. Klasztor ojców dominikanów z lat (1479) 1615-1998(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013) Litewka, Aleksander
- ItemIwo Rohweder jako budowniczy kościoła i duszpasterz parafii w Łęgowie(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013) Kropidłowski, ZdzisławIwo Rohweder was a Cistercian monk in Oliwa. He was the Prior in the monastery. Together with Jacek Rybiński, the abbot, he took an active part in major religious and political events in the Pomeranian region. He contributed greatly to raising the splendour of the monastery in its religious, cultural and economic aspect. Between 1741-1765 he devoted himself to pastoral work in St. Nicholas church in Łęgowo. Besides his parish church he also renovated the branch church in Różyny; he built new utility buildings. Rich interior decorations were to serve pastoral purposes and conversion into Roman Catholic faith. As the parish priest he called rosary and charity fraternities to life and , caring for the poor, he funded and equipped the parish poorhouse. He was so involved with the parish that it was his wish to be buried in the church, not in the monastery.
- ItemKonferencja z okazji wizyty Komisji Kultury Sejmiku Województwa Małopolskiego w klasztorze Norbertanek w Imbramowicach(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013) Skrzydlewska, Beata
- Item„Kościelne zbiory muzyczne w bibliotekach polskich”. Gniezno, 26-28 września 2012 roku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013) Bias, Hanna
- ItemKsięgozbiór Kapituły Kieleckiej w świetle inwentarza z 1598 roku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013) Kwaśniewski, AndrzejThe article was based on the archival inventory of the Chapter Library of 1598 and on the surviving manuscripts and historical printed documents of the library of the Kielce Chapter. The paper consists of an analytical part and an annex, which includes the edition of the archival source – the inventory. Thanks to the fact that a large part of the manuscripts and printed documents from a historical book collection survived, appropriate titles can be found in the footnotes of the annex. In addition, surviving documents allowed to perform calculations with regard to publishing centres. Most out of the 28 incunabula came from the land of the German language. Only 4 out of the 35 sixteenth-century printed documents came from domestic production (Cracow). The dominance of German printed documents was still maintained. The analysis of the manuscripts revealed links with the area of Czech and national culture. The invention of printing led to the influx of Western authors. In 1598 the chapter library contained liturgical books: missals, breviaries, agenda, antiphonaries, graduals. The liturgical books came from the tradition of the Diocese of Cracow and show the character of the Divine Office before introducing the books of the reformed Roman liturgy. In addition to liturgical books, the Chapter library contained typical branches of theology of the time: the Bible and biblical commentaries, texts of the Fathers of the Church, law, theology, pastoral manuals and others. Comparison of manuscripts and printed documents indicates that with the invention of printing the texts of the Fathers of the Church are more numerous, which is also a hallmark of the Renaissance and modern theology. The library of the Kielce Chapter presents interests and changes in theology at the turn of the Middle Ages and modern times.
- ItemMiędzynarodowa konferencja naukowa: „Klasztor w gospodarce średniowiecznej i nowożytnej”, Wrocław 18-21 X 2012 r.(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013) Skoczyński, Michał
- ItemPoczątki parafii pw. Matki Bożej Królowej Polski w Wólce Niedźwiedzkiej(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013) Walicki, BartoszDiocese of Przemysl, and now the Diocese of Rzeszów. For centuries, this village was part of the parish of Sokołów. The decision to create a branch in Wólka was made at the Synod in Chyrów in 1914. During World War I, Rev. Ignacy Kania settled in Wólka Niedźwiedzka as a deficjent. The first step on the road to erect the branch, and consequently the parish, was the creation of a separate vicariate in Sokołów ad personam. Bishop’s Ordinariate of Przemyśl appointed Rev. Ignacy Kania for this vicariate. In 1920 Wólka Niedźwiedzka was transformed into an independent branch and in 1927 into a parish with Ludwik Grabowski as its administrator. The branch, and later parish in Wolka Niedźwiedzka was situated at the junction of two poviats, Łańcut and Kolbuszowa. It also included Wólka Sokołowska, Dołęga and Budy Łańcuckie. Initially, the branch was part of the Deanery of Leżajsk, and from 1921 the newly created Deanery of Sokołów. The successive parish priests were Rev. Ignacy Kania, Rev. Antoni Kuziara and Rev. Stanislaw Fróg. The parish church was made of wood. It was transported from Wola Zarczycka in 1912. In 1913 the church was re-consecrated and dedicated to Our Lady Queen of the Polish Crown.
- ItemPolskie publikacje o św. Janie Bosko(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013) Pietrzykowski, JanThe author of this article showed the positive role of the religious book and press informing the Polish society of the life and activity of the founder of the Society of Saint Francis de Sales. Even in the lifespan of St. John Bosco, his biographies were translated into Polish and printed in Cracow, Lvov, Poznan and Warsaw. Since 1898, the Polish edition of the Salesian Bulletin entitled „Wiadomości Salezjańskie”, which soon became „Pokłosie Salezjańskie” (in 1916). Between the two world wars, the most publications about St. John Bosco came out owing to his beatification and canonization (1929, 1934). After the War II „Pokłosie Salezjańskie” was being edited until the close-down of the publishing office (1949). The Salesians revived Salesian Publications during the time of the communist censorship (1976), they managed to publish several biographies of St. John Bosco, and two books dedicated to him bring from abroad ( Italy, the UK). Articles on the subject of the Great Educator of the young were published in the internal periodical – „Nostra”, and in the annual „Seminare” which was not coming out on a regular basis in 1975-1988. After having initiated cooperation with the publication Elle Di Ci in Turin, the Polish reader has access to a wide spectrum of books edited in the Salesian Society worldwide.
- ItemPolskie publikacje religijne w opinii krytyki (1918-1939)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013) Wnęk, JanThe article shows how reviewers assessed religious books during the Second Polish Republic. Reviews were placed in a number of professional journals such as „Ateneum Kapłańskie” (“Sacerdotal Athenaeum”), „Kwartalnik Teologiczny Wileński” (“Vilnius Theological Quarterly”), „Miesięcznik Katechetyczny i Wychowawczy”(“Catechetical and Educational Magazine”), „Mysterium Chrysti”, „Polski Przegląd Tomistyczny”(“Polish Thomist Review”), „Przegląd Biblijny”(“Bible Review”), „Przegląd Homiletyczny” (“Homiletic Review”), „Przegląd Teologiczny” (“Theological Review”). A lot of these reviews were written by experts on religious issues. The majority of reviews were laudatory ones, praising Polish religious literature and encouraging to further work and theological studies.
- ItemPrace Ośrodka Archiwów Bibliotek i Muzeów Kościelnych w zakresie dokumentowania zbiorów bibliotek klasztornych(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013) Hamryszczak, Artur PawełOne of the statutory tasks of the Centre for Church Archives Libraries and Museums is to gather and organise materials of Church provenance. The most valuable materials are microfilmed and digitized in the documentary studio. So far, the most important materials from the below mentioned libraries have been microfilmed in the Centre for Church Archives Libraries and Museums: the Pauline Fathers’ library in Jasna Góra, the Cistercians’ library in Mogilno, the Carmelite Nuns’ library in Crakow, the Poor Clares’ library in Stary Sącz and Crakow, the Visitandines’ library in Crakow, the Benedictine monks’ library in Tyniec and the Benedictine nuns’ library in Przemyśl and Staniątki, the library of Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem in Miechów and the Norbertine Sisters’ library in Imbramowice. The Centre for Church Archives Libraries and Museums also organizes symposia on book collections of the Church. Reports and papers delivered in symposia are printed in a semi-annual magazine „Church Archives Libraries and Museums.” The magazine also contains the catalogues of monastic libraries and monographs on individual libraries.
- ItemPrzegląd bibliograficzny(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013) Hamryszczak, Artur Paweł; Kiper, Daniel
- ItemPrzywrócenie niepodległości Litwy i odrodzenie Kościoła katolickiego(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013) Zajankowska, AlinaThe article entitled Events restoring the independence of Lithuania and the rebirth of the Catholic Church shows the change in the political situation and the situation of the Church in Lithuania, which occurred after the collapse of the USSR. Rebuilding initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev changed not only the Soviet Union but also the whole world. The article primarily focuses on the new circumstances that contributed to the rebirth of Lithuanian statehood. There also appeared new conditions for religious activities of the Catholic Church. The Soviet regime ruled the private and public life over 40 years. Things that had enormous importance for Lithuania and its people were: state independence, the establishment of relations with Western Europe, the reorganization of the Church and the recognition of Lithuania as a democratic country by other states.
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- Item[Recenzja]: Tadeusz Białous, Biskup Stanisław Kostka Łukomski (1874-1948). Pasterz niezłomny, Rajgród 2010, ss. 358, il(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013) Kawecki, Roman
- ItemSkryptorium katedralne płockie do XIV wieku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013) Herod, Patrycja E.Article presents the cathedral environment of Płock from the erection of the bishopric of Płock in 1075 until the end of the fourteenth century. The author discusses the origins of the Plock Cathedral dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The paper also focuses on the rulers of the Diocese, especially Aleksander from Malonne, Werner and Jakub from Korzkiew, which constitutes the backdrop for the characterization of the local scriptorium to the fourteenth century. The whole text is crowned with a detailed discussion of works coming from Plock, both those that survived to the present day, as well as those which did not survive World War II. Thanks to arduous research into the book collection of the Cathedral Library of Płock done before the Second World War by such people as Mathias Bersohn, Bishop Antoni Julian Nowowiejski and Adam Vetulani, the author of the article managed to make an attempt to characterise the manuscripts coming from cathedral scriptorium of Płock to the fourteenth century.