LingBaW. Linguistics Beyond and Within, 2018, Vol. 4
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- ItemThe use of abbreviations by superscript letter in an early fifteenth-century manuscript of the Wycliffite Bible(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2018) Grzybowska, JoannaThe use of scribal abbreviations in medieval manuscripts was mainly dictated by the need to save space and time as the creation of a medieval book was both extremely costly and time-consuming. One of the types of scribal abbreviations used in medieval manuscripts is abbreviation by superscript letter. In this type of abbreviations one superscript letter indicates the ending of a given word, or, in some cases, a medial position. Both vowels and consonants were used as abbreviations by superscript. They usually denoted, apart from the actual letter written in superscript, the preceding vowel or the letter . According to Cappelli (1929/1982), superscript letters in Latin were used mainly in word-final positions; however, it was not uncommon for a superscript vowel to appear word-medially. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the use of superscript letters in an early fifteenth-century manuscript of the Wycliffite Bible (Mscr.Dresd.Od.83) on the basis of the Gospel of Matthew. Within the manuscript there are both superscript consonants and vowels. However, in some cases these abbreviations seem to appear in very specific contexts, whereas in other cases the contexts allowing the abbreviations to appear are much broader. The possible reasons behind this situation will be discussed within this paper along with the correspondence between the superscript letter and the spelling conventions used within the manuscript.
- ItemAuxiliary clitics in Polish(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2018) Jagódzka, DorotaPolish auxiliary clitics constitute an interesting set of data which draws attention to cross-linguistic differences among Slavic languages. A general principle for clitic placement in Indo-European languages is the one described by Jacob Wackernagel in his 1892 work. He concluded that clitics appeared in the second position in the clause, after the first word in a sentence. This pattern was true to some degree in Old Church Slavonic and still holds for a number of contemporary Slavic languages e.g. Serbo-Croatian, Slovene, Czech and Slovak which have second position clitics. Bulgarian and Macedonian have verb adjacent pronominal clitics and Polish has auxiliary clitics (Migdalski 2007, 2010, Pancheva 2005). Also in the older versions of Polish language the above mentioned tendency was strong. In Modern Polish auxiliary clitics attach to the l-participle most frequently. However, one of the unusual properties they possess is the ability to choose almost every clausal element for their host. Polish auxiliary clitics can trigger morphophonological alternations on their hosts, which is an affix-like property; however, at the same time they display clearly clitic-like behaviour when they attach freely to words of any lexical class. The aim of this paper is to present and analyze the morpho-syntactic properties of two kinds of auxiliary clitics: bound and free. The bound clitics carry person-number agreement markers for past tense (the so called ‘floating’ or ‘mobile’ inflections). The free clitic is the morpheme by used for conditional and subjunctive mood.
- ItemThe interaction between relevant-set based operators and a topic–predicate dimension(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2018) Savoia, Leonardo M.; Baldi, Benedetta; Manzini, M. RitaIn Sardinian, Friulian, Rhaeto-Romance, Occitan (not considered in this work) and Franco-Provençal varieties spoken in peripheral Italian areas, the -i inflection is not totally eradicated but interacts with plural -s. The coexistence of -s and -i reflects syntactic constraints. Specifically, -i is in complementary distribution with -s or it combines with –s, giving rise to a duplicated lexicalization of plurality. In any event, it is specialized for a subset of the morpho-syntactic contexts. The distribution of -i generally involves the D domain, i.e. determiners and clitics. In some cases, -i is limited to the D elements. Different agreement systems on D and on N emerge, recalling partial or asymmetric agreement phenomena known in literature. Moreover, in the relevant varieties (-)i is in turn the inflection of the dative clitic; this suggests that (-)i is endowed with a slightly different content from plural -s, that, on the contrary, shows no connection with dative.
- ItemThe concept of ‘touch’ in the formation of the Croatian and Turkish lexicon: The example of tactile verbs(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2018) Raffaelli, Ida; Kerovec, BarbaraThis paper explores the importance of the concept of ‘touch’ in the formation of the Croatian and Turkish lexicon. The main goals of the paper are 1) to investigate differences and similarities in conceptual mappings based on the concept of ‘touch’ in two typologically different and genetically unrelated languages by analyzing verbs referring to touch in Croatian and Turkish 2) to see to what extent the formation of tactile verbs differs with respect to lexicalization patterns in the two languages.
- ItemThe interaction between relevant-set based operators and a topic–predicate dimension(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2018) Szeteli, Anna; Alberti, GáborHungarian relevant-set based operators, such as universally quantified noun-phrases and the also-quantifier, signal a logico-pragmatic relation between their explicit meaning and a broader implicit set of relevant participants which property can be mentioned as “double referentiality” of the operator. Furthermore, they indicate the new or correcting information in a topic–predicate dimension which belongs to the broader world of the discourse. Our research aims to identify the differences by investigating the suprasegmental features of each-quantifiers and also-quantifiers on the Hungarian left-periphery indicating the two functions in the topic–predicate dimension. Short sentences in which quantifiers functioning either as the main (new/correcting) information or as a topic (anchor of relevant information) were read by 41 non-linguist native Hungarian subjects. The pitch, intensity and duration properties were analyzed by Praat. On the basis of paired t‑tests of the data, it can be stated that a two-dimension model of information structure is required to capture the phenomenon.
- ItemCognitive mechanisms and emergent grammatical features in Internet memes(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2018) Diedrichsen, ElkeInternet memes of the type composed of an image macro and text, have a strong form-meaning correlation that is shared among users of social media. Their frequency of usage and the immediacy of their broad reach around the world make them an interesting field of investigation for linguistic studies. I will argue in this article that Internet memes resemble linguistic signs. Users develop a literacy, i.e. a command of their usage through convention and shared usage history. Popular Internet memes can be found in a multiplicity of variations, where details of the shown picture are changed, while the general mood or topic of the meme, mostly expressed in the caption, remains broadly the same. This article will discuss cases where the development of meme variations works along the lines of known cognitive mechanisms like metaphor and metonymy, and their prerequisites, like abstraction. Some meme variations can be represented as grammaticalisation paths that lead to the emergence of grammatical features like morphemes.
- ItemPatterns of phonosemantic reduplication in Kartvelian (South Caucasian) languages(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2018) Kikvidze, Zaal; Gersamia, Rusudan; Lomia, MaiaIn terms of phonosemantic doubling, root reduplication (in combination with affixation) is the most productive technique in Kartvelian languages (Georgian, Megrelian, Laz, Svan). The paper is a description of patterns of Kartvelian phonosemantic reduplication with respect to their both morphological and phonological parameters. The following types have been identified: 1. Root reduplication; 2. Syllable reduplication; 3. Redupluication with affixation. Each type has its respective sub-types. Based on abounding empirical data, the paper is an attempt to scrutinize and detect whether and how the above mentioned patterns are valid for all the four Kartvelian languages and to draw inferences about occurring formal and/or functional regularities associated with phonosemantic reduplication.
- ItemCode switching and the so-called “assimilation narrative”(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2018) Vraukó, TamásIn literary theory, the works of (ethnic) minority authors–and similarly, the works of authors dealing with minorities–are often referred to as “assimilation narrative.” This term tends to suggest that minority authors, who write in the language of their country, seek a place in society through assimilation. Assimilation, however, means melting up in the majority nation by adopting all the values, customs and way of life characteristic of the majority, and abandoning, leaving behind, giving up the original traditional values, ethics, lifestyle, religion etc. of the minority. Assimilation means disappearing without a trace, continuing life as a new person, with new values, language, a whole set of new cultural assets. In this paper an effort is made to show that this is in fact not what many of the ethnic minority writers look for, so the term assimilation narrative is in many, although certainly not all, the cases, erroneuosly applied. It is justified to make a distinction between assimilation and integration narratives, as the two are not the same. In the paper examples are provided from Hispanic-American literature (Mexican-American, Puerto Rican and Dominican), across a range of genres from prose through drama to poetry, and also, examples are discussed when the author does in fact seek assimilation, as well as stories in which neither assimilation, nor integration is successful.
- ItemGrammatical underpinnings of lexicalization patterns in Croatian, English and French: The case of [N PP] constructions(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2018) Katunar, Daniela; Raffaelli, IdaThis paper deals with the noun-preposition [N PP] construction in Croatian and compares the construction to its counterparts in English and French. Noun – preposition relations are analyzed as grammatical relations which participate in the formation of the lexicon, i.e. as grammatical devices which are productively used as lexicalization patterns. Based on the corpus analysis, [N PP] constructions in Croatian are identified and contrasted to English and French data. Lexical status of multi-word units in Croatian is discussed, as well as the level of idiomaticity of these constructions as compared to English and French. Whereas French and Croatian employ a similar lexicalization pattern, English uses compounding. The lexicon – grammar continuum is thus observed from the perspective of syntactic structures participating in word-formation.
- ItemPre-D non-possessor positions in Hungarian(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2018) Farkas, Judit; Karácsonyi, KrisztinaThe paper investigates pre-D non-possessor positions in Hungarian. In Hungarian, non-deverbal nominal constructions containing pre-D non-possessor positions are acceptable only if they contain a demonstrative pronoun and also an adjective, and the appearance of a pre-D possessor does not impact the acceptability of the sentence. The paper also gives a brief discussion of similar constructions with pre-D non-possessors in German, mainly to shed light on the Hungarian data. Although German also allows for pre-D non-possessors, it does so under different conditions. A short topicalized element can readily appear in German sentences as a non-possessor dependent, but in this language a possessor can never appear in the same noun phrase. The paper also discusses deverbal nominal constructions with pre-D non-possessor dependents in Hungarian. In these constructions the presence of a possessor argument is indispensable. This is due to the fact that the placement of the non-possessor argument in a position preceding the possessor is legitimized by the fact that the former takes scope over the latter within the internal information structure of the matrix noun phrase. The paper also deals with the syntactic structure of said deverbal nominals.
- ItemAcoustic analysis of monophthongs, diphthongs, and triphthongs in Mandarin for 3- to 5-year-old children with articulatory phonological disorders(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2018) Chu, Man-ni; Syu, Jia-lingTen 3- to 5-year old children (5M, 5F) who were diagnosed as children with articulatory phonological disorders (CWAPD) and attending a therapy program were recruited to participate in a ‘repeat-after-her’ experiment. They were asked to produce a total of 85 real Mandarin words, including 28 monophthongs, 41 diphthongs, and 16 triphthongs. The results indicated that CWAPD have no problem producing monophthongs. However, attempts to articulate diphthongs and triphthongs induced more errors. CWAPD showed more errors when producing words with 1st sonorant diphthongs than words with 2nd sonorant diphthongs—this is because the least sonorant segment in the last position is prone to distortion. Similar phenomena were found in other triphthongs, except with /iai/ and /iou/, which did not see deviant pronunciation. Comparing our study to the information provided by two therapists showed that the participating CWAPD encountered difficulties in producing multi-vowel syllables, where the position and sonorant matters. In addition, our results also reveal a similar vowel acquisition order among CWAPD as among normal children.
- ItemLaying the foundations: A bibliometric analysis of L2 vocabulary research in 1982-1986(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2018) Meara, PaulThis paper uses a co-citation analysis to examine the research on L2 vocabulary acquisition that was published in 1986. This year seems to mark a serious consolidation of L2 vocabulary research, with the main themes of future research appearing. The paper also reports a larger analysis of all the work that appeared in a five-year window from 1982-1986. This analysis clearly shows the beginnings of a recognisable research focus on L2 vocabulary acquisition, though this work is influenced by some surprising sources, who do not figure in more recent work in the field.