Vox Patrum, 2023, Vol. 85: Tractatus populares: Homiletic forms as an effective communication means from Christian Antiquity to the Humanist era
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- ItemLetter or Sermon? The Analysis of Augustine’s "De Bono Viduitatis"(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Katreničová, AnabelaSt. Augustine’s work "De bono viduitatis" written in 414 is not a treatise but a letter addressed to widow issued from a noble Roman family named Juliana. She with her daughter and mother-in-law attempts to live the consecrated way of life. Under the strong influence of the ascetism and moralism of Pelagius, she begs Augustine to acquire the essential instructions for their devotion. Augustine in his answer proposes the original teaching on the widowhood based on the Holy Scripture, especially on the letters of apostle Paul, and encourages the women in their consecration to observe the goods of the widowhood. Nevertheless, St. Augustine does not write this letter only to Juliana. He desires that this letter will be spread to the other widows as well. The aim of our paper is to analyse the Augustine’s letter to Juliana and focus our interest on the homiletical forms used by St. Augustine. Our argumentation is based on the analyse of this letter and on its comparison with Augustine’s style of preaching. Examining the rhetoric elements used and known by St. Augustine as they are summarized in the Book Four of his treatise "On Christian Doctrine" it enables us to present the style of Augustine – preacher and consequently to find some similarity and differences.
- ItemL’esegesi di Cant 1,5-6 e il tema dell’epektasis in Gregorio di Nissa, con specifico riferimento al ruolo della grazia e del libero arbitrio(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Marone, PaolaCome giustamente ha rilevato Moreschini (Gregorio di Nissa, "Omelie sul Cantico dei Cantici", a cura di C. Moreschini, Roma 1996, Intr. p. 9), tutto il complesso delle "Homiliae in Canticum Canticorum" di Gregorio «è costruito sullo schema dell’epektasis» e non è esagerato affermare che «esse vogliono rappresentare una serie di esperienze successive dell’anima la quale, dopo avere avuto un contatto, sia pure parziale, con lo sposo divino, approfondisce sempre di più il suo rapporto spirituale con lui». Ma soprattutto a proposito dell'esegesi di Cant. 1, 5-6 (Sono nera e bella, o figlie di Gerusalemme, come le tende di Kedar, come le pelli di Salomone. Non guardatemi perché sono stata fatta nera, se il sole mi guardò di traverso...) l’epéktasis è inserita in un contesto di ampio respiro e assume un significato compiuto in una prospettiva soteriologica. Dunque, con il nostro intervento, si vuole portare l’attenzione specificatamente sulle Homiliae 2 e 4 che sono dedicate all’interpretazione di Cant. 1, 5-6 e si vogliono mettere a fuoco le varie argomentazioni con le quali il Nisseno, ormai alla fine della vita, attribuì il progresso spirituale dell’anima all’azione salvifica di Dio, in linea con quanto aveva sostenuto molti anni prima nel De virginitate 12,2 («non è opera nostra… divenire simili alla Divinità, ma è il risultato della munificenza di Dio, che fin dalla sua prima origine ha fatto grazia della somiglianza con Lui alla nostra natura»).
- ItemLa emoción de la alegría en los Escolios a los salmos de Evagrio Póntico(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Peretó-RivasEn este artículo se propone analizar el tratamiento que otorga Evagrio Póntico a las emociones, especialmente la alegría, en sus "Escolios a los salmos". En primer lugar, se contextualizará la obra de Evagrio, que acaba de ser publicada, con sus características propias, tanto de género literario cuanto a lo concerniente al tipo de exégesis evagriana. Luego, se abordarán el lugar que ocupan en el texto las emociones, haciendo particular hincapié en una de ellas, la alegría, a partir del análisis de todas las ocurrencias del concepto en los Escolios. Como resultado, se observa que la hermenéutica evagriana de los salmos, al menos para el caso de la alegría, es fundamentalmente alegórica lo cual imposibilitaría o negaría la existencia de la alegría en el hombre según su sentido clásico, ya que sólo puede experimentarse como la reacción ante la posesión de un bien espiritual, que es la gnosis o conocimiento de Dios. De esta manera, los "Escolios a los salmos" apoyan la interpretación fundamentalmente espiritualista de la doctrina de Evagrio Póntico.
- ItemMarcela Andoková, Čierna som a predsa krásna. Tyconiov výklad Piesne piesní 1, 5, Iris, Bratislava 2020, ss. 226(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Wysocki, MarcinRecenzja książki: Marcela Andaková, Čierna som a predsa krásna. Tyconiov výklad Piesne piesní 1, 5, Iris, Bratislava 2020.
- ItemBeatitudes in Juvencus’ Epic "Evangeliorum libri quattuor" – Philologically Analyzed and Poetically Translated(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Wintner, ViktorGaius Vettius Aquilinus Iuvencus is the author of the first biblical epic which is known as "Evangeliorum libri quattuor". It retells the Gospel story in classical hexameter in order to adapt its form to the literary aesthetics of the 4th century pagan society. Through the analysis of his poetic version of the beatitudes, this study aims to uncover and appraise the basic principles of his periphrastic technique, whether they apply to the form or content of the Matthean original. It shows that the author constantly tries to vary its syntax with the intention to disturb its monotonous regularity. He also promotes the value of heavenly rewards promised to Christians, providing them with sympathetic epithets and embellishes the original with stylistic figures such as alliteration or contrast. As for the content, the most significant change is the occasional insertion of author’s comments, the purpose of which is to provide the Matthean text with additional theological information that he might find missing. The study concludes with our free translation of this passage into iambic heptameter or fourteener.
- ItemJohn Chrysostom 'On the Incomprehensible Nature of God' – The Simpler Way of Presenting Complex Theological and Philosophical Issues(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Kochańczyk-Bonińska, KarolinaThe purpose of this paper is to indicate how, that is, with the help of which means, Chrysostom in his five homilies “On the Incomprehensible Nature of God” introduces his community in Antioch to the intricacies of the dispute with the Anomoeans, as far as the possibility of knowing God and his essence are concerned. The main differences between those texts and other fundamental polemical sources with Eunomius will also be taken under consideration. John uses both biblical and philosophical terms to underline the negative aspect of theology and his five homilies are not so theologically and philosophically sophisticated as Basil’s or Gregory’s texts, unlike even Gregory of Nazianzus, whose Orations, have a similar overall message. John uses methods adequate to accomplish his goal, which is to preserve the orthodox concept and unify the Antiochian Church.
- ItemKevin G. Grove, "Augustine on Memory, Oxford Studies in Historical Theology", Oxford University Press, New York 2021, pp. 266(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) López-Arias, FernandoReview of the book Kevin G. Grove, "Augustine on Memory, Oxford Studies in Historical Theology", New York 2021.
- ItemGnomes of Gregory of Nazianzus as Part of Didactic Literature – an Inspirational Source of Homilies?(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Koželová, Adriána Ingrid; Drengubiak, JánThe term "didaktikos", first used by the ancient Greeks, referred to someone who was able to teach. However, not only in the sense of providing information and knowledge, but effectively conveying them so that they serve practical purposes. The aim of the contribution is to find out whether the gnomes of Gregory of Nazianzus formally meet the basic standards of didactic literature and thus to point out whether it is appropriate to use them as an inspirational source for writing sermons. By means of analytical and comparative method, we assess the presence of the basic features of homilies as well as whether they can be identified in the gnomes of Gregory of Nazianzus. The analysis confirms that homiletic texts are compatible with the gnomes by Gregory of Nazianzus and can be thus used as an inspirational source for writing sermons. Nazianzus’ gnomes – the subject of our research – are also interesting for the readers today and have a lot to offer. Even if it is unlikely that the poetry of Gregory of Nazianzus attracts broad readership, the sermon can be the tool that conveys the author’s moral legacy.
- ItemOn Christian Asylum in Augustine’s Sermones(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Hrnčiarová, DanielaIn the late 4th century, bishops utilized the so-called ius intercessionis right to intervene in order to help those in need, be they the persecuted, the accused or the convicted. These actions of a bishop were rooted foremost in the idea of mercy and it was also due to this right that a bishop became the one to decide about the granting of the right to asylum – a right which was gradually extended to Christian churches at the time. St. Augustine encounters the issue of Christian asylum as the bishop of Hippo Regius in Africa mainly in his preserved correspondence, but he talks about seeking sanctuary in Christian churches also in one of his sermons, specifically in Sermo 302 delivered on the feast of St. Lawrence. This paper focuses on presenting the circumstances of a violent act in Hippo Regius and its implications to potentially sanctuary seeking in local Christian church, particularly on the ground of analysis of post sermonem to Sermo 302.
- ItemKasjodor, Pisma wybrane (Studia o Kasjodorze), przekład z języka łacińskiego Dominika Budzanowska-Weglenda, ks. Krzysztof Burczak, ks. Jarosław Januszewski, ks. Lucjan Dyka, opracowanie ks. Marek Starowieyski, ks. Mikołaj Lohr, Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki, Kęty 2022, ss. 362(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Szram, MariuszRecenzja książki: Kasjodor, Pisma wybrane (Studia o Kasjodorze), przekład z języka łacińskiego Dominika Budzanowska-Weglenda, ks. Krzysztof Burczak, ks. Jarosław Januszewski, ks. Lucjan Dyka, opracowanie ks. Marek Starowieyski, ks. Mikołaj Lohr, Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki, Kęty 2022, ss. 362.
- ItemSermons as a Formation of Ethical Behavior of Man in the Second Half of the 18th Century, Based on the Example of Sermons by Dominik Mokoš OFM (1718-1776)(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Škovierová, AngelaDominik Mokoš (1718–22.XII.1776) was a Franciscan monk and religious writer who also acted as preacher, vicar, teacher and chronicler in the second half of the 18th century in various regions of Slovakia (such as Nižná Šebastová, Stropkov, Kremnica, Pruské, Okoličné, Beckov) or as a missionary in various areas of Šariš, Spiš, Orava and Poland. He was one of the most prolific authors of homiletic literature in the second half of the 18th century in Slovakia. In his Marian, Christmas and lenten preaching, we can identify intertextual references to the Bible, patristic, medieval and humanist religious literature. This study focuses on how these sources were used by Mokoš to draft his sermons and how he applied their moral tidings to the particular situations that the believers in the 18th century were facing.
- ItemClement of Alexandria’s Homily "Quis Dives Salvetur?" and Its Pastoral Challenges for Alexandrian Christians(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Plátová, JanaThe article reconsiders the structure of Clement’s writing "Quis dives salvetur?" and as a consequence questions the traditional designation of this text as a homily. In the first part, the article focuses on the Gospel text quoted by Clement and attempts to explain some of the unusual choices of the text. In the second part, it highlights some pastorally interesting or, on the contrary, controversial aspects of Clement’s interpretation: (a) the use of the Stoic concept of indifferent things, which makes it possible to give emphasis to the freedom of human decision; (b) the thorough justification of the allegorical interpretation of Mk 10, 21; (c) the pastoral project of the “divine business” based on Lk 16, 9 and finally (d) the possibility of a second repentance after baptism justified by the story of the Apostle John.
- Item„Najbardziej elokwentni z Ojców” a metoda przepowiadania w Kościele przełomu IV i V wieku(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Nowaszczuk, JarosławGrzegorz z Nazjanzu i Jan Chryzostom na przestrzeni czasu zostali uznani za najwybitniejszych kaznodziejów Kościoła na Wschodzie. Celem obecnego artykułu jest wykazanie, że różnili się w sposobie opracowania tekstów publicznych wystąpień, co implikuje potrzebę odrębnego podejścia do ich dorobku. Obaj Ojcowie tworzyli w okresie, gdy retorykę wykorzystywano bardziej na potrzeby rozrywki niż przekazu wiedzy, a znani z biegłości krasomówczej sofiści uchodzili za przekupnych i zdeprawowanych. Na przestrzeni kilkudziesięciu lat doprowadziło to w Kościele do odrzucenia warsztatu retorycznego na rzecz bardziej przystępnego co do formy i języka gatunku – homilii.
- ItemPharisaicus hydrops. Łk 14,2-4 w przepowiadaniu Piotra Chryzologa(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Paczkowski, MieczysławTekst biblijny niewątpliwie ukształtował treść kazań Piotra Chryzologa. Wygłaszał on homilie także o Ewangelii św. Łukasza. Refleksja na temat uzdrowienia człowieka chorego na wodną puchlinę (Łk 14,2-4) pojawia się w Sermo 99 bis. Kazanie ma wydźwięk polemiczny, lecz dotyczy sytuacji opisanej w tekście ewangelicznym. Jest dopracowane pod względem oratorskim i teologicznym. Chryzolog podkreślał moralne i symboliczne znaczenie choroby. Mówca zastosował odpowiednie środki, by wywołać właściwą reakcję słuchaczy i przekazać naukę moralno-duchową. Jego homilia, podobnie jak inne mowy, obfitowały w figury stylistyczne i realistyczne porównania.
- ItemTatiana Krynicka, Święty Mikołaj z Myr Licyjskich w świetle greckich i łacińskich źródeł starożytnych i średniowiecznych, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2022, ss. 210(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Budzanowska-Weglenda, Dominika ŁucjaRecenzja książki: Tatiana Krynicka, Święty Mikołaj z Myr Licyjskich w świetle greckich i łacińskich źródeł starożytnych i średniowiecznych, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2022.
- ItemPersuasive Function of Sound Figures in Augustine’s Homilies on the Psalms of Ascents and Their Translation into Modern Languages(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Andoková, Marcela; Horka, RobertAugustine’s sermons and exegetical homilies have been recently studied by modern scholars not only from the point of view of their contents but also their rhetorical form. This is true especially in those cases where we deal with authentic speeches reflecting the language culture of his audience. One of the most characteristic features of Augustine’s homiletic style is antithetic parallelism which occurs frequently in his homilies on Psalms and results from the author’s own way of thinking. Here we do not deal that much with the biblical parallelism of thought, present in the Hebrew poetry, particularly in Psalms, prophetic speeches, etc., but rather with that which was introduced in Greek by Gorgias, i.e., parallelism of words and sentence structure (parallelismus membrorum). Antithetic parallelism is often accompanied by rhyme (Gr. homoioteleuton) or by assonance. This phenomenon might be observed already in Indo-European poetics but in the rhetorical context of Augustine’s anti-Donatist preaching it serves quite different purposes. By using these and other sound figures (like alliteration, repetition, anaphora, epiphora, etc.) the bishop of Hippo wants not only to please his audience but also to instruct them and, first and foremost, persuade them to return to the Catholic church. Does he use these figures spontaneously imitating the folk culture of his audience, or is he constantly aware of their persuasive force? These and other related questions have already captured attention of several Augustinian scholars of the last decades, so in the present paper we would like to contribute to this foregoing discussion focusing mostly on the persuasive aspect of selected sound figures occurring in Augustine’s Enarrationes in Psalmos 119-133. Moreover, our aim is to show to which extent they were a part of bishop’s thoroughly considered plan of his homilies, and finally we would like to point out the importance of preserving at least some of these figures in modern translations of Augustine’s homilies.