Browsing by Author "Cudo, Andrzej"
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- ItemAssociation between gaming disorder, action videogames, working memory capacity and cognitive control(2024) Cudo, Andrzej; Kopiś-Posiej, NataliaDane pochodzą z próby obejmującej 527 dorosłych graczy w gry elektroniczne narodowości polskiej, uzyskane podczas badania w warunkach laboratoryjnych. Dobór osób do badań był doborem celowym. Wykorzystano następujące narzędzia badawcze: ankieta oraz kwestionariusze: Krótka Skala Zaburzenia Korzystania z Gier oraz Kwestionariusz Korzystania z Gier. Ponadto przeprowadzono procedury eksperymentalne w paradygmacie Testu Ciągłego Wykonania (AX-CPT) oraz oceniające sprawność pamięci roboczej. Badania prowadzono w latach 2020 i 2021 w ramach projektu naukowego "Wpływ problematycznego korzystania z gier komputerowych, grania w komputerowe gry akcji i kontekstu związanego z grą na kontrole poznawczą" finansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki. Objaśnienie zmiennych: zobacz plik ReadMe.txt The data came from a sample of 527 adult gamers of Polish nationality, obtained during a study in a laboratory setting. The selection of participants for the study was a targeted selection. The following research tools were used: a survey and questionnaires: Internet Gaming Disorder Scale Short-Form and Video Game Questionnaire. In addition, experimental procedures were carried out in the paradigm of the Continuous Performance Test (AX-CPT) and assessing working memory capacity. The research was conducted in 2020 and 2021 within the framework of the scientific project "The impact of problematic gaming, action computer games and game context on cognitive control." funded by the National Science Center. Explanation of variables: see ReadMe.txt file
- ItemData: Relationship between problematic Facebook use, problematic video gaming, life satisfaction and dimensions of impulsivity trait among male and female gamers(2020-04-09) Cudo, Andrzej; Wojatasiński, Marcin; Griffiths, Mark; Tużnik, Przemysław; Zabielska-Mendyk, Emilia
- ItemOutlining Theoretical Underpinnings of Game Transfer Phenomena(Interactive Media Institute, 2024) Ortiz de Gortari, Angelica B.; Cudo, Andrzej; Llamas-Alonso, Julio César; Lerner, ArturoResearch has investigated the impact of video game play on cognitive processes and perceptions during and after gaming. These studies have primarily focused on cognitive functions such as perception, attention, working memory, and skill transfer. However, little attention has been paid to the short-term effects of gaming. Research on Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP) has emerged as a comprehensive, multi-modal approach to examining the temporary changes in sensory perception, cognition, and self-agency directly linked to video game experiences. GTP manifestations involve suddenly re-experiencing images, sounds, haptics, and perceptual distortions of surroundings, objects, and the body perception after gaming. These experiences typically happen while being awake and are triggered by internal (thoughts) or external stimuli associated with the game. The prevalence of GTP ranges from 74.8% to 96% (in a 12-month period). However, GTP occurrences are mostly infrequent. Most GTP cases are reported by gamers without a history of substance use or mental disorders. After reviewing the literature on GTP (32 studies, N>8,000) and related phenomena, seven theories were formulated, partially supported by the current knowledge about GTP. The postulated theories were categorized into three groups: 1) Vulnerability factors include susceptibility to cognitive and sensory phenomena, hypersensitivity, low working memory capacity, and tendency to experience mind-wandering. 2) Mechanisms underlying GTP involving priming mechanisms, associative learning, selective attention to game-related cues, predicting errors, disinhibition of visual processors, neurotransmission dysregulations, sensory sensitivity, and neural adaptations. 3) Risk involving GTP due to their potential disruptive nature and its contribution to the symptomatology of gaming disorder.
- ItemPolish adaptation of the Flow Short Scale for board game players: a model based on the 3-faced construct validation method(2023-03-01) Wojtasiński, Marcin; Tużnik, Przemysław; Cudo, AndrzejParticipants were randomly divided into three subsamples (N1 = 115; N2 = 213; N3 = 200). Exploratory analyses were conducted on the first subsample (file: FSS_subsample_1) to examine the quality of test items. Then, in the second subsample (file: FSS_subsample_2), a total of 36 models were verified for the goodness-of-fit criteria. The CFA model with two factors, fluency and absorption - but without test items 1 and 5 - has been found to have an optimal goodness-of-fit in the third subsample (file: FSS_subsample_3). The gender measurement invariance was then cross-validated on the entire sample, indicating homogeneity of the FSS at the strict invariance level. The convergent validity of both FSS subscales with the Immersion Questionnaire, tested on the entire sample, was also confirmed.
- ItemRelationship between self-control, impulsivity, reinforcement sensitivity, shopping characteristics and problematic shopping among female and male emerging adult(2025-02-27) Cudo, Andrzej; Kopiś-Posiej, Natalia; Fudali-Czyż, AgnieszkaIntroduction. Problematic shopping, also known as compulsive buying or shopping addiction, is a growing concern in modern consumer behavior. This study examines the relationships between self-control, impulsivity, reinforcement sensitivity, shopping characteristics, and problematic shopping among emerging adult females and males. Methods. A sample of 1,075 Polish participants (835 females, 240 males), aged 18–30, was analyzed using self-report questionnaires. The Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale (BSAS) assessed problematic shopping, while impulsivity, self-control, and reinforcement sensitivity were assessed with validated psychological instruments. Paths model was applied to evaluate the relationships among variables and gender differences. Results. Problematic shopping was positively associated with motor and attentional impulsivity among female shoppers, while goal maintenance deficits correlated with problematic shopping in male shoppers. Among female shoppers, paying attention to product brands and credit/loan use was significantly associated with problematic shopping, while price showed a negative association. In both groups, problematic shopping correlated with increased online and offline shopping time. The study also found that reinforcement sensitivity (BAS – Reward Interest) negatively correlated with problematic shopping in female shoppers. The results suggest that motor impulsivity is more crucial in problematic shopping among female than male shoppers. Conclusion. This study highlights the importance of impulsivity, self-control deficits, and shopping characteristics in developing problematic shopping behaviors. Gender differences indicate distinct mechanisms underlying compulsive buying tendencies. These findings contribute to a better understanding of problematic shopping and offer insights for targeted prevention and intervention strategies.
- ItemThe development of the Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire (HCTQ) – study 1.(2024) Błachnio, Agata; Przepiórka, Aneta; Kot, Paweł; Cudo, Andrzej; Sobol, MałgorzataThe main aim of the data is to present a new measure: the Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire (HCTQ), assessing the patterns of helping by clicking. The study included data from sample of n = 349 participants took part in the study. The study 1 was conducted to determine the psychometric properties of the questionnaire. All factors of the HCTQ have good Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients. The Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire consists of 19 items making up three subscales: People, Environment, and Animals.
- ItemThe development of the Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire (HCTQ) – study 2.(2024) Błachnio, Agata; Przepiórka, Aneta; Kot, Paweł; Cudo, Andrzej; Sobol, MałgorzataThe study 2 was conducted to verify the previous results and to test the usefulness of the questionnaire in distinguishing individuals with different patterns of helping by clicking. The study included sample of n = 1,006 participants took part in the study. The Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire was used in the study.
- ItemWpływ afektu, trudności zadania i sprawności pamięci roboczej na kontrolę poznawczą(2019-03-27) Cudo, AndrzejNiniejsza rozprawa prezentuje wyniki badań własnych dotyczących wpływu afektu, sprawności pamięci roboczej i trudności wykonywanego zadania poznawczego na kontrolę poznawczą. W celu weryfikacji postawionych hipotez zaprojektowano dwa eksperymenty. W pierwszym analizowano wpływ pobudzenia i motywacji do zbliżania się do obiektu na kontrolę poznawczą. Wykorzystano w nim metodę elektrofizjologiczną (zob. Lamm, Pine, Fox, 2013; van Wouwe i in., 2011) oraz zastosowano, podobnie jak w poprzednich badaniach (Dreisbach, 2006; Dreisbach, Goschke, 2004; Fröber, Dreisbach, 2014; Liu, Xu, 2016), paradygmat AX-CPT (ang. AX-Continuous Performance Task; AX - Test Ciągłego Wykonania). Drugi eksperyment miał na celu rozstrzygnięcie dotychczasowych niejednoznacznych wyników badań nad wpływem afektu, sprawności pamięci roboczej i trudności zadania na kontrolę poznawczą, na gruncie teorii podwójnego mechanizmu kontroli (Braver, 2012; Chiew, Braver, 2017). Zaprojektowano go, bazując na wcześniejszych behawioralnych paradygmatach badawczych testu ciągłego wykonania (zob. Dreisbach, 2006; Dreisbach, Goschke, 2004; Fröber, Dreisbach, 2014; Liu, Xu, 2016).