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Browsing Artykuły naukowe (WNPiT) by Author "Krawczyk, Grzegorz"
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- ItemPotencjał gmin województwa lubelskiego w świetle wybranych kategorii rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego w latach 1995–2021(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2023) Krawczyk, GrzegorzCelem artykułu jest analiza poziomu rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego gmin województwa lubelskiego w latach 1995–2021. Przedmiotem badań uczyniono 213 gmin województwa. Źródłem danych do przeprowadzonej analizy był Bank Danych Lokalnych Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego. Do badania użyto analizy taksonomicznej, metody bez wzorca. Przeanalizowano 19 zmiennych w badanym okresie. Podzielono je na zmienne dotyczące rozwoju: ekonomicznego (7 zmiennych), społecznego (8 zmiennych) i technicznego (4 zmienne). W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy stwierdzono wzrost poziomu rozwoju w badanym okresie. Zaobserwowano, że zróżnicowanie poziomu rozwoju gmin w układzie przestrzennym zmniejsza się. Stwierdzono również, że z uwagi na przyjęte cechy akcesja Polski do Unii Europejskiej miała wpływ na spadek indeksów dynamiki przemian w badanych gminach. The aim of the article is to analyze the level of socio-economic development of the communes of the Lubelskie Voivodeship in the years 1995–2021. The subject of the study involved 213 communes of the Lubelskie Voivodeship. The source of data for the conducted analysis was the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office. Taxonomic analysis, method without pattern was used for the research. 19 different variables were examined in the analyzed period. They were divided into variables concerning development: economic (7 variables), social (8 variables) and technical (4 variables). It has been proven in the article that the level of development of the Lubelskie Voivodeship communes in the analyzed period of 1995–2021 increased. Decrease in this development could only be observed in the case of 12 communes. The development processes of communes lead to equalization of their development levels due to the adopted features in the spatial arrangement at a higher level. Poland’s accession to the European Union changed tendencies in terms of the size of dynamics of communes due to the adopted features. After joining the European Union, the average annual growth rate decreased. The COVID-19 pandemic has not changed the trends in the size of the dynamics of cities and towns due to the adopted features. Communes with a similar index of dynamics of the level of development are located in the same territorial systems due to the adopted features. Communes displaying a similar level of development, due to the adopted features, are located in the same territorial systems. The size of the cities and towns shows a relationship with the index of the dynamics of the level of development due to the adopted features. There is a negative correlation between the dynamics index in 1995–2003, 2019–2021 and 1995–2021 and the size of the commune, which means that the smaller the commune, the higher the change dynamics index. The size of cities and towns shows a relationship with the level of urban development due to the adopted features. The analysis of the size of the commune measured by the number of population and the level of socio-economic development in the presented years: 1995, 2003, 2019 and 2021 are significantly correlated showing positive values according to statistics.
- ItemZróżnicowanie sytuacji demograficznej miast województwa wielkopolskiego a zróżnicowanie dynamiki przemian tej sytuacji w latach 1995-2023(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2024) Krawczyk, GrzegorzCelem artykułu jest analiza sytuacji demograficznej miast (gmin miejskich) województwa wielkopolskiego w latach 1995-2023. Źródłem danych wykorzystanych do przeprowadzonej analizy jest Bank Danych Lokalnych Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego. Do badania użyto analizy taksonomicznej, metody bez wzorca. Przeanalizowano 5 zmiennych w badanym okresie dla 19 miast i 29 lat. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy stwierdzono spadek poziomu rozwoju demograficznego w badanym okresie w badanych miastach. Stwierdzono również rozwarstwianie się poziomu rozwoju demograficznego miast. Udowodniono, że wstąpienie w struktury Unii Europejskiej oraz pandemia COVID-19 zmieniły tendencje w zakresie wielkości dynamiki poziomu rozwoju demograficznego miast. Udowodniono również, że ich poziom rozwoju wykazuje zależność z indeksem dynamiki przemian rozwoju demograficznego z uwagi na przyjęte cechy. The aim of the article is to analyze the demographic situation of cities and towns (urban communes) in Wielkopolskie Voivodship from 1995 to 2023. The source of data for the conducted analysis is Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office (GUS). Taxonomic analysis without a pattern was used for the study. Five variables were analyzed in the studied period of 29 years in the study of 19 cities and towns. As a result of the analysis, a decline in the level of demographic development was observed in the examined period in the studied cities and towns. It was also found that the processes of the development of the cities and towns lead to stratification of their levels of demographic development according to the adopted features. It has been proven that the level of diversity of economic development of cities and towns of the eastern region was growing, despite the declared and pursued policy of equalizing development differences. Poland’s accession to the European Union has changed the trends in terms of the dynamics of the level of demographic development of cities and towns due to the adopted characteristics. There is a relation between Poland’s accession to the European Union and the decline in dynamics of changes in the level of demographic development. The COVID-19 pandemic changed trends in the magnitude of the dynamics of the level of demographic development of cities and towns due to the adopted features. There is a correlation between the pandemic and the decline in the dynamics of changes in the level of demographic development. The size of cities and towns shows a relationship with the index of dynamics of changes in demographic development due to the adopted features. It has been proven that the size of the city or town is statistically significantly correlated with the dynamics index from 2020 to 2021, during the pandemic. It means that as the size of the city or town increases, the dynamics index is growing. The level of demographic development of cities and towns shows a relationship with the dynamics of changes index in demographic development due to the adopted features.